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Everything posted by carolhg

  1. I am so very sorry. Please know that your dad, you and your family are in my prayers.
  2. Tami, I am so very sorry that you lost your husband to this awful disease. I will include you in my prayers.
  3. Please do let Joanie know that she and you also are in my positive thoughts and prayers.
  4. I certainly do hope and pray for the very best for Suzanne.
  5. Connie I am so very,very happy for you. To me when one of us gets good news it gives not only joy but hope to the rest of us.
  6. My tumor was 2.7 cm on one ct scan and 3.4 on a later one. My concern was that I had two lymph nodes that lit up in the center of my chest. I had chemo and radiation before surgery. 20 nodes were removed during surgery. I was just trying to figure out if the nodes were cancerous and the chemo and radiation cleaned them up or if they were never cancerous to begin with. I did not have them checked until I was on the table for surgery, by then they were clean or they may have been clean all of the time. I was told it does not matter because all turned out well, but I just cannot help but to be curious.
  7. Does anyone know if there is a relation between the size of a tumor and whether it metastasizes of not? Does a small tumor mean that it most likely has not spread and a larger tumor mean that it has spread? Or is there no relationship at all between the size of the tumor and whether it metastasizes or not. I have heard that pancoast tumors, though they tend to be larger do not metastasize like other tumors. I was curious about andeocarcinoma tumors.
  8. Welcome, I certainly hope and pray that that nodule is not cancerous.
  9. carolhg


  10. So, so true! I hate the roller coaster! I hate the uncertaintyI I hate that I have to accept this as my new normal or go completely nuts in an insane kind of way. Seriously!
  11. A well meaning friend of mine told me that she was talking to a casual friend that we both knew. She informed me that she did not tell this person that I had lung cancer, because she did not know if I wanted other people to know. I told her that if she had told this person of my condition that that was one more person who could have been praying for me. I called her myself, told her my condition and asked her to include me in her prayers. She continues to pray for me to this day. I pray that you keep sending and that we all keep receiving. Amen.
  12. carolhg


    Jim, I certainly hope that the Duke trial has very positive results for you. I am so glad that you decided to give it a try. Prayers for your strength, courage, and health continue.
  13. Welcome to the board. I am glad to hear that your mother is doing well.
  14. Malou, So very good to hear from you. Please do keep in touch. God Bless you.
  15. I am very sad to hear that your father passed away. My prayers and condolences for you and your family. I HATE THIS DISEASE!
  16. FANTASTIC NEWS Trish!!!
  17. I certainly hope that your shortness of breath improves. I did breathing exercises (Pranayama Yogic Breathing. You can get a DVD or find information on the internet) and that helped me alot after my surgery. It sure is the pits about your second primary, but the good news is that it is not a met. Will continue to keep you in prayer.
  18. Lilly, I am so glad that you nor anyone else was hurt. Do heed your wake up call and do what is needed for you to stay safe. Remember you are only going to have this treatment for a little while. You don't want anything to stop you from getting to surgery. After surgery and rest you can go back to your routine. Take care.
  19. carolhg

    Such Happy News

    Oh Joan, That is such terrific news!!! I am so very, very happy for you!
  20. Carleen please make sure that you have someone to look out for your financial security before you make any financial decisions. I just want you to be careful not to let your grief cloud your financial decisions and that you are not taken advantage of. Prayers
  21. Praying for your mom, you and your family.
  22. Welcome Troy, I am sorry to hear about your wife. I too am a Stage IIIA lung cancer survivor. I was able to have surgery. Before I had surgery I had 6 weeks of daily radiation and weekly chemo. By the time I had surgery the chemo and radiation and killed the tumor and there was no cancer in my lymph nodes. So let your wife know that the chemo and radiation can rid her of the cancer. Prayers
  23. Rich, Saying prayers and sending positive thoughts your way.
  25. It's your time Joanie!!! Enjoy!
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