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Everything posted by carolhg

  1. carolhg

    Too much pain

    ((((((((((Carleen)))))))))))) I am so very sorry for your pain. I HATE THIS DISEASE! Prayers
  2. carolhg

    Saying goodbye

    I am so sorry that you have lost your father. I will be praying for both you and your mother.
  3. carolhg

    Big Dummy

    Eppie, You keep both of your feet on the ground, or on a pillow on the bed or couch and you take care of yourself.
  4. Thank God! I am so very happy for her. That is truly wonderful, wonderful news!
  5. I am so very sorry for your loss.
  6. Prayers for a successful surgery and a full and cpmplete recovery.
  7. Max, I would most definitely get another opinion!
  9. carolhg

    My sob is gone!

    Great! That is such wonderful news.
  10. Rich, You mentioned arthritis in your spine. Could that same arthristis have something to do with the restriction that you are feeling in your chest? I had a rib bone removed during surgery and I definitely feel some restriction due to that.
  11. The only exercise info that I got was to walk. I guess they were pretty serious about it because they had me up walking the hallway in the hospital the very next morning after surgery. The other thing was that little plastic thing they give you to breathe into. I was told that it was very important to use it. I still pull it out and use it every now and then.
  12. One year ago today I reported to the hospital to hopefully have an upper right lobectomy. I say hopefully because my surgeon told me that he was going to go into my mediastinum and check my lymph nodes for cancer. He explained that if he found cancer in any of them that he would not proceed with the surgery. After sampling 20 lymph nodes. He found no cancer and I had a successful surgery. He also removed one rib bone. All margins and paths were clear. I am grateful for God to be able to look back upon that day and I am grateful to all of you for your encouragement and support. I am so happy that those of you at the bash in Texas are celebrating on my surgery anniversary date.
  13. Welcome Eileen, I know the anxiety that you are feeling and the fear. Like Connie B said, "this surgery is doable". It ain't no picnic, but it is doable. I had surgery one year ago today. I was stage 3A. Today I am cancer free. The people on this board gave me such wonderful support and encouragement. It truly helped me and it will also help you. Carol
  14. I am so very sorry for your loss. My condolences to you and your family.
  15. Carleen, I am so sorry for your loss. I am so sorry for the heartache and pain that this awful disease has caused you and so many of us. I pray that you will find comfort in your many memories and your love. I HATE THIS DISEASE
  16. Please know that you MIL you and your family are in my prayers.
  17. I certainly do understand your fear. I think all of us here initially went through that fear stage. I sure know that I did. You said that your dad was Stage 2 NSCLC. That is a relatively early stage. Please talk with your doctor, oncologist, surgeon, radiologist and find out if he can have treatment followed by surgery. Lung cancer does not have to be a death sentence. Many people here including myself are in remission after treatment and/or surgery.
  19. carolhg


    I am so very sorry to hear this news. My prayers and condolences to the family.
  20. Ginnie, I know all to well the anxiety of waiting for scan results. I pray that you have a great scan report!
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