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Everything posted by carolhg

  1. I certainly am praying that your PET scan resuts are good.
  2. I am so very, very sorry for your loss. I HATE THIS DISEASE!!! Prayers
  3. Congratulations Mary!!! You just keep on keepin' on! Prayers & Joy
  4. carolhg

    One year

  5. My very best to you Larry. May God Bless you.
  6. Great news Fred. You and Kasey celebrate.
  7. carolhg

    I got a new floor!

    That sounds so very nice. Enjoy your new floor.
  8. carolhg

    5 years!

  9. Thanks Rich, I sure do appreciate all of the good information that you pass on to us. Thank You!
  10. Teri, It is good to see you posting. Please know that I am praying for the best for you.
  11. Jim, Praying that the Tarceva works for you. Prayers
  12. Don and Lucie, You are both in my prayers. I pray that the oncologist has a treatment plan that will be successful. Prayers
  13. Both you and your mother are in my prayers.
  14. I am so very happy to hear that good news for you and your mom.
  15. carolhg


  16. I am so very saddened to read this news. My prayers are with you and your family.
  17. I am so happy for you that you were near to hear what he wanted to say to you.
  18. I certainly do get scared. Everything seems magnified now that I have had cancer. I had a cough and I came to this website to see if anyone else had had a cough. Well I thought they are okay so I will be too. I was. This website is great for the anxiety attacks that I have from time to time. People understand here and do not tell you to forget about it or that you are nuts.
  19. carolhg

    Needing prayers

    Nancy, Both you and your father are in my prayers.
  20. Maryanne, Just wanted to let you know that I have a 12mm nodule in my clear lung. It has been there since the beginning and it was never of any concern on any of my CT scans or PET scans. Then just before surgery it decided to light up when it had never lit up before. My surgeon insisted on a biopsy before he would do surgery. I had the biopsy and found out that it was scar tissue. If mine was nothing, Joel's could be also.
  21. Welcome Christy, I know your concern and your worry very well. I don't think anyone could have been more afraid than I was. In January of 2005 I also was diagnosed Stage 3A with two affected lymph nodes in my chest and a tumor in my upper right lobe. I had daily radiation for 6 weeks with weekly chemo (carbo/taxol). At the end of the 6 weeks the CT scan showed that the tumor had all but disappeared. I had surgery and had my upper right lobe removed, 20 lymph nodes and one rib bone. After surgery on July 1, 2005 I had two more chemo sessions. At the end of August I was back at work teaching high school. I just had got the results of my last CT chest and brain scan today. They show NED=No Sign of Disease. God Is Good!!!
  22. I did and and I would have adjuvant chemo all over again. Like Connie said, there is no guarantee that it got all of it, but why not give yourself the best odds available? Today I just got my latest CT scan results for brain and chest and they are showing NO EVIDENCE OF CANCER (NED. When I have scans again in 3 months it will be one year since my surgery. Prayers
  23. Welcome Tracy, I have been praying for your ever since Kasey first told us about you. I will continue to keep you in my prayers that you overcome this disease. Prayers
  24. Peggy, I am so very sorry for your heartache. You certainly are in my prayers.
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