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Everything posted by carolhg

  1. carolhg

    Morning Cough

    Does anyone besides me have a cough in the morning when you first get up. It seems I have this cough every single morning and by the time I dress and leave the house for work it goes away.
  2. Yes indeed Malou, God is truly Good. Congratulations on your first year anniversary.
  3. Hello Tom and Welcome, Sorry that you have to be here, but happy that you have found a very caring and supportive place to be. When you logged into this site, I logged you into my prayers. Prayers
  4. I am so very happy that you had great scan results. I celebrate everyone's scan results because they show that there is progrress in fighting this disease and that there is hope and they/you/me, we are all hope ambassadors. It is so very important that people especially new people to this awful disease know that we are here. Prayers
  5. I am so very sorry about your friend. Prayers
  6. Wonderful, Wonderful news. I will continue to keep you in my prayers. Prayers and Praise
  7. I pray that all works out well for your father. Prayers
  8. I am so grateful for the hope that you have received. Your father is in my prayers. Prayers
  9. carolhg


    Mary, I am so sorry to hear about the brain met. I am praying that you get the best treatment to get rid of the met. Prayers
  10. Hi Pam and welcome. Sorry that you have to be here, but you have come to a wonderful, safe and very supportive place. All these good people were here when I needed them and now I want to join them in being there for anyone who comes here. Prayers
  12. I am so very sorry for your loss. I know that your mother and all of you did all that you possibly could do. I HATE THIS DISEASE with a passion. I am so very, very sorry. My prayers and condolences are with you and for you. Prayers
  13. carolhg

    Steady decline

    I am so very sorry. I am praying for you all during this very difficult time. Prayers
  14. Congratulations on your ten years of survial and I wish you many more decades to come. It certainly does give me hope to see your post. What stage were you? I had surgery in July, I was sorry to hear that you are still having surgical pain after all of that time. It is great to have you here at this site. Welcome
  15. I am so sorry about your pet. They are indeed special.
  17. I am so sorry to hear about your mother and your father's illness also. Please know that I have included you and your parents in my prayers. Prayers
  18. I am so very happy that your mother handled the chemo so well. You both are in my prayers. Prayers
  19. You both are in my prayers. Prayers
  20. That is so great that you could meet and spend some time together. Prayers and Praise
  21. Prayers that all is well Cindi.
  22. Well that is definitely good news. It also goes to prove the point that Connie B made-that nodules do not always mean cancer. Great news. Prayers and Praise
  23. Wonderful, wonderful news Nina! Congratulations on your three years since surgery and your upcoming three years since your last treatment. I am looking forward to my first year since surgery in July.
  24. Great!!! Heather does a great job in getting the point across that funding is needed for lung cancer research.
  25. Thank you. It is great to see that the media is paying attention.
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