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Everything posted by carolhg

  1. So good to hear from you. I will be praying that you regain your strength so that you can return home. Prayer
  2. I sure hope that your sister has a little boy. I think she/you will see a remarkable resemblance in many to your father in the baby. Prayers for a healthy baby.
  3. Welcome to this site. Sorry that you have to be here, but this is the place to be for the support that you will need to fight the battle against lung cancer. My prayers for you and your wife. Prayers
  4. Prayers that all is well with TAnn. Prayers
  5. I will be praying for you and your family. I am so sorry that you are having these problems. Prayers
  6. Both hands up here, and they both hold chocolate.
  7. Wow, what a jewel. I keep Fay in my prayers. I do hope that she will be able to go to her own house very soon. Prayers
  8. I will keep your dad in my prayers and pray that the radiation treatment is very helpful to him. Prayers
  9. I will definitely pray that your aunt's health will improve with the treatment. Prayers
  10. I am so very sorry for your loss. I am sorry that Joel experienced such pain. My prayers are with you and your family. Prayers
  11. Welcome Adela, I will include you and your husband in my prayers.
  12. carolhg

    A Big Loss!

    I am so very sorry for your loss of your father. I will be praying for you, your mother and your entire family. Prayers
  13. I had an upper right lobectomy in July. My tumor was 2.7 when it first showed up on the xray. It was 3.4 by the time I started my treatment. I had 6 weeks of chemo and radiation. My tumor had all but disappeared. I had surgery, followed by two sessions of adjuvant chemo. I was told from the beginning that this was to be my treatment plan and I accepted it because I did not know what else to do. After talking to other people about it, I feel that it was the best thing for me to do. The doctor told me that there could be microscopic cancer cells that do not show up on the scans and that is why they wanted me to have the adjuvant chemo. I know three other people who were staged the same as me (3A). One had chemo before surgery to shrink the tumor but no chemo after. They all have had recurrences. I cannot say that it was because they did not have adjuvant chemo or not, but give yourself the best advantage that you can. Prayers
  14. Thank you so very much Mike. Please let Faye know that she had been dearly missed on this board. She is 'family' hear also. Prayers
  15. I hope this info might be helpful to someone. Detection of growth Malignant nodules usually grow at a constant exponential rate, which can be expressed as the tumor's doubling time (ie, the interval required for it to double in size). An increase of 28% in nodule diameter indicates doubling . In malignant lesions, the doubling time is between 25 and 450 days in most cases, with a median of 120 days. Benign lesions are usually stable (ie, show no growth). Sometimes they grow slowly (ie, doubling time exceeds 500 days), but occasionally their doubling time falls within the time frame typical of a malignant tumor . A long-standing surgical dictum states that a solitary pulmonary nodule is almost certainly benign if it is stable over a 2-year period (which implies a doubling time exceeding 730 days) . Stability is determined by retrospective analysis of one or more chest films. A doubling time of less than 20 days usually signifies that the nodule represents a nonmalignant, acute inflammatory process. http://www.postgradmed.com/issues/1997/03_97/lilling.htm
  16. Thank you very much for the update Connie. I feel heartbroken. I HATE THIS DISEASE.
  17. Congratulations! I am going to put on my big girl panties, plus get me a flashlight and a baseball bat for the monsters. God Bless and many, many more annniversaries to come.
  18. You can also check the American Medical Association for your state (AMA). There should be a place on the website to enter the name of the doctor that you have questions about. It will give you his/her name, type of license, where he went to school, specialties, any complaints or offenses against him/her.
  19. Please know that I am praying for your father. Prayers
  20. You are in my prayers. I think that it is important and healthy to go through the grieving process so that you can move on. May God be with you and your family. Prayers
  21. I coughed up a bit of blood and went to the doctor the very next day. I had an xray and it was determined that I had pneumonia. I was given antibiotics and went back to the doctor two weeks later. The pneumonia had cleared up but there was a tumor on my upper right lung. (I later found our that recurring bouts of pneumonia are a symptom of lung cancer). Next I had a CT scan, then a lung biopsy then a PET scan. Long story short=Yes I did have lung cancer. I had surgery and I do not have cancer today. RUN DO NOT WALK TO YOUR DOCTOR. Tell him what you have told us here. Cancer does not have to be a death sentence. If you wait, that is what will hurt you. If I had waited the cancer in my lung would have surely spread and I would not have been able to have surgery. My stage was 3A. That is most times the last stage that you can have surgery.I truly understand your fear.I had it also, but please see your doctor as soon as possible. Prayers
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