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Everything posted by carolhg

  1. I certainly hope that your doctor can remove that tumor that has caused such problems. I also hope that the new chest wall will be comfortable and pain free for you.
  2. carolhg

    5 Years

    Congratulations and May you be blessed with 5 more and 5 more and 5 more and 5 more and 5 more and.........
  3. carolhg


    My heart is just broken. I HATE THIS DISEASE!!!
  4. carolhg

    TAnn update

    You are in my prayers. I pray that the new chemo works. Prayers C
  6. My church is having its annual prayer and fast week end. I will certainly be praying for you. Prayers
  7. Hi Patty, I too know how you feel. I have been there and am still there. I just had my 2nd scan since surgery. I was told that something is always going to be there. Most likely scar tissue. I had a nodule to light up in my left lung and it was not cancer, just scar tissue. I still feel scared until I get my test results. Then in about two weeks I start to worry again. I have got to stop doing this. I want to live very badly, but living in fear of death is no way to live. This board helps me with my fears and I hope it helps you also. It is a safe and comforting place to be. Prayers
  8. carolhg

    3 Years

    Congratulations on three years and many more years to come Heather.
  9. Thank you for the update Kasey. Leslie was truly special. My prayers to her husband, family, friends and to all of us here at LCSC.
  10. It was certainly worth it for me. I also had chemo and radiation at the same time which allowed me to have surgery.
  11. Thank you. It is nice to have the pictures.
  12. Your dad is in my prayers. I pray that he is better real soon.
  13. I am so very sorry. Prayers
  14. Thank you for the update. I love Addie and her Addietude.
  15. Leslie is truly missed, she was such an upbeat person.
  16. My prayers for a successful surgery.
  17. Wondersful Jim, just wonderful.
  18. I am so very sorry for your loss. You are in my prayers.
  19. My condolences to both of these men. I am so sorry for their loss. I HATE THIS DISEASE WITH A PASSION! It is so unfair, it is an awful thief, stealing the lives of good, kind and wonderful people. I HATE THIS DISEASE?
  20. I feel shocked and sad and angry. Leslie was such a nice, outgoing and positive person. I HATE THIS DISEASE. I HATE IT!!!
  21. Larry I am so sorry. I will be praying for the both of you. Prayers of comfort and strength. Prayers
  22. I hope that she is feeling better real soon. Prayers
  23. carolhg

    MY WIFE !!

    Larry please know that my prayers are with both you and your wife. Prayers
  24. Please know that you are in my prayers. Prayers
  25. Please know that you are in my prayers. I pray that God comforts you and your family. Prayers
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