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Everything posted by carolhg

  1. So happy to hear that Angela's surgery went well. Tell her to take care and use that spirometer.
  2. Welcome! I am happy to hear that your mom is doing better.
  3. Rich is certainly in my prayers.
  4. carolhg

    Scan results!!!!

    Great and Wonderful news!!!
  5. I am so very sorry that you have to experience the negative while you work so hard at the positive. I pray that God be with you and give you strength. You, your husband and family are in my prayers.
  6. I am so sorry for the loss of your father. I also am sorry that you had a negative experience with hospice. You and your mother are included in my prayers. Prayers
  7. Good to hear that your husband is doing better. Prayers continue for you both. Prayers
  8. carolhg

    Bad LC day

    I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. Prayers
  9. God be with you Fay. Prayers
  10. Thank you so very much for the info Stacey. it certainly does answer my question.
  11. That is truly good news and very worthy of a shopping trip plus a double or triple scoop of ice cream.
  12. I know that non cancerous nodules can light up on a PET scan-mine did. I have been told that if a nodule is non cancerous that it does not become cancerous. My question is when the doctor does not know and they are doing a watch and wait procedure to see if the nodule grows. If it is cancer can it spread or mestastisize while it is growing before the doctor finds out it is cancer?
  13. carolhg

    To Fay A

    Fay, My prayers for you peace and comfort. Prayers
  14. Great that you are back home. Do take care of yourself. Your dad, you and your family are in my prayers. Prayers
  15. Both you and Ken are in my thoughts and prayers. Prayers
  16. carolhg

    My Sister SharKats

    Please accept my condolences for the loss of your sister. My prayers are with you and your family. Prayers
  17. My condolences and prayers are with you and your family. Prayers
  18. I am saying prayers and sending positive thoughts your way. Prayers
  19. The day after your surgery the hospital will have you up out of bed walking. It is important to build your lung capacity. I bought a wonderful recliner that has massage and heat and all that good stuff. I think I spend to much time in it thought cause my butt is getting to be mighty large. It was suggested to me to try PRANAYAMA. Pranayama is Yogic breathing exercise. I have been doing that since I found out about it which was three weeks after my surgery. I had a rib bone removed during my surgery and I have soreness and numbness. As far as my lung capacity. I feel 100% of course that is impossible with the top of my right lobe removed, but I feel great. Getting that tumor out of my body gave me energy even though a my upper right lobe was removed with the tumor. I will pray that your surgery and recovery go as well as mine did. Prayers
  20. Wow just reading that raised my anxiety. Good news you got out safely. Whew!!! Kinda makes me want to use the stairs-you know for the exercise thing.
  21. I am so sorry Mark. Leslie was so full of life and now she is not here, unreal and unfair!!! I HATE THIS DISEASE WITH A PASSION. It is just so cruel and unfair. There must be a cure very soon. Prayers
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