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Everything posted by carolhg

  1. carolhg

    4 going on 5!!!!

    Congratulations Tiny, Life is indeed good!!!
  2. Thank you it was very nice to read that post and to have known the person who wrote it.
  3. My prayers are for the both of you. I pray that things do not go the way the doctor says. Prayers
  4. Gracie, I want you to know that you are in my prayers. There is hope and there is treatment. Praying for the best. Prayers
  5. It certainly is good to see you post and know that you are okay. Take care. Prayers & Praise
  6. I am missing Snowflake also. I hope and pray that all is well.
  7. carolhg

    Hi everyone

    Great to see you back-you have truly been missed.
  8. I am so sorry for the agony that you, your mother and family are going through. My prayers are with you at this difficult time. You might talk to the social worker at the hospital for some direction. Prayers
  9. That is wonderful news.
  10. I am so sorry to hear about your sister and the agony that you are all going through. You have been give some very sound advice here by Connie and others on this board. Please know that all of the advice that you are given here comes from caring and concerned hearts. My prayers will be with you and your sister and family. Prayers
  11. This is great news for all of us. Thank you.
  12. carolhg


    Of course I will include the both of you in my prayers for great results. Prayers
  13. Welcome Merrilee, You are fortunate to have found the cancer early, it is most curative at that stage. Prayers
  14. Hello Lisa and Welcome, I hope that your dad can have the chemo and radiation. I had them both at the same time and it was not as bad as I thought it was going to be. Actually I was not really thinking, I was just fearful. It is a curative procedure for many people. Prayers
  15. I certainly will pray that your mother will be okay. Prayers
  16. Beautiful!!! I know that Addie would be pleased.
  17. Welcome Fran, I will be praying that the chemo works well for your mother. Prayers P.S. What is a "dotter"?
  18. carolhg

    Round 2

    Yes indeed do FIGHT!!! Know that we are here to cheer you on and to provide support!!! Prayers
  19. Thank you Heather so very much. When you speak for yourself, you speak for so many, many of us. Prayer
  20. Just want you to know that I am on the team and have sent my emails to the media.
  21. You are so right Connie! Been There! Done That!
  22. I too am saddened by this devastating news. My condolences to her young son and family. Prayers
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