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Everything posted by carolhg

  2. Carleen, I am so very sorrY for your pain. Please know that I am praying for you. I HATE THIS DISEASE!
  3. carolhg

    New one!

    Darrel, I was flying high right along with you on hearing your good news. I would get a second opinion and also check into cyberknife.
  4. Congratulation Kasey!!! Thank God for NED! I hope and pray that all of the other things that you are 'waiting & watching' turn out as well.
  5. Welcome to to this place of support and comfort. We are all survivors here to support one another.
  6. I will certainly pray for Barbara.
  7. I am so glad that you have gotten started with your treatment. It seems easier once you get started and not just thinking about it. I remember my first day of chemo. I went in there and once they hooked me up I just started to cry. There was a woman there who I had seen several nurses around her chair moments earlier. When the nurses left she came over to console me. She thought I was afraid because she was having a bad reaction to the chemo. I was just scared because I was having chemo. Long story short, she is a breast cancer survivor and today we are both cancer free and have become the best of friends.
  8. The effects of the chemo kicked in on me on the third day and lasted for about three days. I did not have any side effects with the pre surgery chemo just the post surgery chemo because it was much stronger and I did not receive radiation concurrently as I did with the pre surgery chemo. Have her drink lots of water. Alleve pain pills worked for me. Take them before the pain sets in.
  9. I am sorry that NED did not continue. I love your mother's determination and that is certainly what it takes to fight this disease.
  10. That is so very nice. Same here. Thank you!
  11. carolhg

    Good News!

    Fantastic!!! You are so very positive and very supportive of everyone else. You have truly been Blessed.
  12. Complain, whine or vent. I feel like I do that internally every single day. I wish I did not have to think about it. I wish I did not worry about it coming back or is it all gone. I had two lymph nodes to light up on the PET before surgery. I had 6 weeks of chemo and radiation then surgery followed by adjuvant surgery. I had 20 lymph nodes removed during surgery, plus one rib bone, all tested negative for cancer. So does that mean the chemo/radiation killed the cancer in my lymph nodes or there was no cancer there to begin with? I asked this question in our EXPERTS Forum a while back and the answer I was given was that it does not matter, it is gone and that is good. I know that the tumor shrunk to almost nothing and what was left was removed in surgery. I just want to know more about what is or was in my body that has the potential to kill me. Now I feel guilty for even talking about it because I am a year out of surgery and have had clear ct scans and xrays. I feel real good about that and then I get sooooo scared when I see that someone on the board has had a recurrence, especially if there stage is lower than mine which was 3A. I have gained 30 pounds and that is unreal for me, because I was always the skinny girl that could eat any and everything and never get fat. I at first blamed the weight on the steroids. That may have had something to do with it, but now I blame myself. During chemo they had me to sit in this nice comfy LazyBoy type recliner. I said to myself that if I live through this that I was going to buy me one of those recliners. I lived through it, I bought the recliner. I got the top of the line one with the heater and massager, the works. Well eating and getting into that wonderful chair. Watching tv and snacking while watching tv packed it onto this booty. Now I am not getting rid of the chair but I am more active now, working in the yard, housework, gardening, exercising. I will get rid of the weight. That chair is now my reward after I have done all of the things that I am supposed to do. The chair was so comforting when I was physically limited after my surgery, but now I have moved on. My biggest fear is recurrence, that is my biggest fear. I eat right, take vitamins and supplements, exercise, and that one cell from hell can still control or end your life. I get so mad when my friends tell me to stay off the internet. They have no idea how much I need to be here to be around people who know have been there done that.
  13. carolhg

    Pet results

  14. I had chemo concurrent with radiation followed by surgery. After surgery adjuvant chemo. I am doing great today and you will too. Keep drinking that water.
  15. carolhg


    I do not know what I did wrong. My post was supposed to go into the Connie'S forum LC SURVIVORS
  16. carolhg


  17. I am so very sorry for your loss. My prayers for you and your family.
  18. carolhg

    Prayers needed

    Positive thoughts and prayers for your family and for your father.
  19. Sending you positive and healing thoughts.
  20. I certainly am praying for the very best for you Nancy.
  21. Sending positive thoughts your way and praying for the best. There are just so many ups and downs with this awful disease. Please do not become discouraged.
  23. I am happy to hear that your surgery went well. I had my upper right lobe removed one year ago. I had pain from the incision area. That will be with you for a while, but pain pills will get you through that, afterwards you can take over the counter pain pills as you need them. Be sure to walk a little each day-but don't over do it. Do eat a proper diet and drink plenty of water. Talk to your surgeon or doctor about adjuvant chemo when you go back for your appointment. Today I am pain free and cancer free by the Grace of God. I pray that all continues to go well with you.
  24. I cannot find the words to express my feelings for all that you have been through. I pray that you peace and comfort will come soon. Prayers
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