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Everything posted by carolhg

  1. Prayers for your mother and prayers for you also. It is obvious that you also are going through a very difficult time.
  2. Welcome Agnes, I am so happy to hear that you remain cancer free since your surgery three years ago. I also had an upper right lobectomy and I have been Blessed to remain cancer free for almost one year now. Again, Welcome!
  3. I am so very happy for you and for your mother. It sounds to me like she is coming home to a house full of love.
  4. carolhg

    Readers Digest

    Very good article. Do not be concerned where they put or do not put the spin. The attention is needed on lung cancer. You did a wonderful job bringing that to the forefront.
  5. carolhg

    Darwin Morris

    My prayers and condolences to your family.
  6. WONDERFUL, FANTASTIC NEWS!!! I AM SO VERY HAPPY FOR YOU. I received the same news also.
  7. carolhg

    Three Years

    Thank you for your post. I am just approaching my first year since surgery. Scans have all been great, but I know what you mean about the fear. I too am very grateful as I am about to start my second year. Thank you for your post it was a great eye opener and inspiration for me. I pray that God continues to Bless you.
  8. I am so very sorry for your loss. Please accept my condolences.
  9. I just got the results of my xray exam. All of my exams prior to this one were CT Scans. Long story short. No cancer! I am so grateful as I approach my first year with NED. Thank you my LCSC family, words cannot express my gratitude to you for the encouragement, patience and support that you have given to me.
  10. We have all lost it at some point. Please know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
  11. carolhg


  12. carolhg

    TAnn at Peace

    Thank you very much for the post Don. I am very saddened to hear that TAnn has passed. My condolences to her family. She was always very supportive to me, and I know to many others also.
  13. I would wait a while. I had weekly chemo concurrent with daily radiation for six weeks. I was told that the chemo was not as stong because I was recieving the radiation. My hair did not fall out at all. After surgery I had two treatments of adjuvant chemo with no radiation. The chemo was much stronger and my hair came out right away.
  14. It is good to hear from you. I pray that God Bless you and Faith.
  15. I am so very sorry for your pain. I pray that God will grant your (our) prayers for Keith.
  16. Nina, THAT IS SO WONDERFUL! FANTASTIC! UPLIFTING! You go girl! What a BLESSING!!! I am so very, very happy for you.
  17. carolhg

    Don & Lucie

    You two are absolutely beautiful! Thank you for all of your kindness and thoughtfulness.
  18. Thank you for the update. Sounds great. Enjoy Texas!
  19. I also have a cyst on my liver. It has always been there since I started having scans and the doctor said that it is not a concern. CONGRATULATIONS on your GREAT and WONDERFUL NEWS!!!
  20. carolhg


    Oh my, what wonderful dreams of long ago. I am fighting to lose some of this big ole butt that keeps following me around.
  21. Malou his obituary is a wonderfult testament to his life. My prayers and condolences to you and your family.
  22. Thank you for the update Don. Prayers are inded being prayed here.
  23. carolhg

    Joe B 10 k Results

    Fantastic Joe!!! Congratulations!
  24. Sorry you are having suc pain. I tried Alleve. It worked well for me.
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