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Everything posted by dchurchi

  1. (((Grace))) continuing prayers for you and your girls
  2. Oh the water goes on BEFORE I get in. I need the water good and Hot.
  3. Wow great question Ann, if I could only pick one it would have to be Janice Joplin.
  4. Orchids, these were the flowers of mine and Alan's wedding Candy, Snickers
  5. I do not mind my name as long as I was called Debbie or Deb. I hated being called Deborah. Maybe because everytime my mom called me that it meant I was in trouble
  6. (((Grace))) I have no words to ease the pain in your heart, but I am praying that Carlton is comfortable. Your family will be in my constant thoughts and prayers.
  7. It depends, 50/50 for me whether or not I pick up a coin. However, I will NEVER pick up a penny if it is Tail side up
  8. my husand Alan has been on it since his diagnosis. His Dr. perscibed it right from the beginning and Alan has not had any bouts of depression. I believe his Dr. was very smart to start Alan on it from day 1
  9. 0 I can not keep them alive. If Alan had more energy we would have a few, he is the geen thumb in this family.
  10. Alan is cold all the time. He is under blankets and I still need to have the hearter on for him.
  11. Grace, I am sorry to hear about Carlton. I can not imagine what you must be going through. The beast has no care for human dignity. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
  12. I can't begin to say how much I will miss Frank. He was one of the very special ones. May God wrap his loving arms around Connie and the rest of Frank's family during this time. Rest in peace dear Frank, I will miss you.
  13. Alan has had short term memory and recall issues since his WBR in addition to issues with his hearing The radiation completely zapped his tumor and has had clear MRI's since Sept 2005. we are able to manage and will take these "issues" now that his tumor is gone from his brain. Prayers for your family
  14. Bobby, you can read in Alan's profile that he has been treated with radiation on 3 different occassions. Alan did start with chemo, however, he could not handle the treatments so it has been only radiation since. His latest occurance was in the lymph node above his collar bone and once again Alan has responded very well. The only draw back to radiation is it is a local treatment and will kill the cancer cells only where treated. prayers for your sister.
  15. Pattie, thank you for taking the time to update us. I feel so close to Frank and Connie and have never met them past cyberspace. We become very attatched to each other on this board. My continued prayers go to your entire family.
  16. Thank you Randy, I will pray for all those lost and for those who have lost.
  17. (((Frank and Connie))) Love and prayers to you both.
  18. Hi, I am Debbie and my wonderful husband Alan was DX with SCLC on Jan 10th 2005. We have been married for 14 years with number 15 just around the corner. Alan and I have no children together, but Alan has 3 grown children. 1 Daughter and 2 sons and Alan has 5 Grandchildren. I have a younger sister and younger brother, 3 nieces and 1 nephew. Alan and I live in Southern Californina about 20 minutes south of Disneyland. I love to play and compete in many sports. I play Ice Hockey, softball and golf. Before Alan was diagnosed I competed in sprint triathlons (those have been put on hold for now). Alan and I are both college football junkies. I have worked in the mortgage business as a loan processor for 12 years. Since Alan's diagnosis I have become very involved at St. Joseph's hospital in Orange Ca. where Alan has been treated. I volunteer once a week and sit on 2 fundraising committees which raise money for the new 87,000 square foot cancer center, which is due to open in spring 2008. So that's a snap shot of Alan and I.
  19. It seems as if my heater is on all the time. My poor man can not stay warm at all. Need to fatten him up. Under "normal" circumstances it is usually between 68 and 70.
  20. More prayers coming your way, lots of positive energy.
  21. Jen, I understand the axiety, I live it everytime Alan has his scans. 2005 was a terrible year, his diagnosis in Jan then brain mets in July. Alan did enjoy 1yr 3 month remission before cancer returned this past Jan so our stress and axiety are again at new heights. The one thing Alan and I have learned to do is live this very day and only this day. Now I will admit to having this crushing fear in my heart that the beast will some day take Alan away from me, but dwelling on that in some way gives the beast the upper hand and I will not let that happen. So I defeat the beast by living and not dwelling, by taking back my emotional well being allows me to be in control not the cancer. I pray all continues to go well with your Dad and I hope you can find peace.
  22. I live in Southern California, I think it rained 3 days in a row once I was horrible, I just had my car washed
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