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    AleHondaa reacted to LouT in My updates (22 Years old, NSCLC)   
    Agreed, immobilizing body parts can create all kinds of discomfort.
  2. Like
    AleHondaa reacted to LouT in My updates (22 Years old, NSCLC)   
    Good to hear that you are improving.  You may go through this again so please remember the options your doctor gave you and any suggestions that helped you out.  Nausea is one thing I find super hard to tolerate, even more than pain.  Fingers are crossed for you that this next infusion isn't as taxing.
  3. Like
    AleHondaa got a reaction from LouT in My updates (22 Years old, NSCLC)   
    Hey all,
    it’s been a minute so I figured I’d give a small update. I’ve gotten through the main course of that virus besides the mucus. It’s gonna stick around for a while longer I know for sure as my pops still coughing it up too. 
    I got my 2nd dose of the Covid vaccine and it’s been kicking my butt for the last day. Constant nausea and fatigue all day, it’ll pass I know for sure but the nausea mixes with the mucus and next thing you know my lunch is in the trash.
    Next infusion is next week along with my port placement. I’ll give an update along with those two things. Stay strong y’all ❤️
  4. Like
    AleHondaa got a reaction from Sandy N in My updates (22 Years old, NSCLC)   
    Hey all,
    I've been feeling much better thankfully. All side effects from the vaccine have subsided. Mucus is still a pain in the rear but I can manage, plus I spoke to my doctor about managing it and she gave me options. Today is my second infusion so wish me luck! I have scans soon to check on the status of everything so hopefully they’ll be good. 
  5. Like
    AleHondaa got a reaction from DMiller in My updates (22 Years old, NSCLC)   
    Hey all,
    I've been feeling much better thankfully. All side effects from the vaccine have subsided. Mucus is still a pain in the rear but I can manage, plus I spoke to my doctor about managing it and she gave me options. Today is my second infusion so wish me luck! I have scans soon to check on the status of everything so hopefully they’ll be good. 
  6. Like
    AleHondaa got a reaction from Rower Michelle in My updates (22 Years old, NSCLC)   
    Hey all,
    I've been feeling much better thankfully. All side effects from the vaccine have subsided. Mucus is still a pain in the rear but I can manage, plus I spoke to my doctor about managing it and she gave me options. Today is my second infusion so wish me luck! I have scans soon to check on the status of everything so hopefully they’ll be good. 
  7. Like
    AleHondaa got a reaction from Tom Galli in My updates (22 Years old, NSCLC)   
    Hey all,
    I've been feeling much better thankfully. All side effects from the vaccine have subsided. Mucus is still a pain in the rear but I can manage, plus I spoke to my doctor about managing it and she gave me options. Today is my second infusion so wish me luck! I have scans soon to check on the status of everything so hopefully they’ll be good. 
  8. Like
    AleHondaa reacted to LexieCat in My updates (22 Years old, NSCLC)   
    Everyone's different in terms of side effects--which ones, when, how long they last. It's certainly worth trying to see if relieving the mucous helps. I remember when I was pregnant, the only time I vomited from morning sickness was when I gagged while brushing my teeth, so you might be onto something there. Palliative care might be able to help, too. Be sure to run any OTC meds by your medical team before you take them, just to be on the safe side. Hope you get some relief soon.
  9. Like
    AleHondaa got a reaction from LexieCat in My updates (22 Years old, NSCLC)   
    Had a quick question, how long does side effects such as nausea and vomiting last after the initial infusion date? I got my Covid vaccine 4 days ago and I’m still getting hit with nausea and vomiting. Today was only once which is better than the last few days. I kinda blame the mucus as it’s making me gag and I constantly keep spitting it out. 
  10. Like
    AleHondaa reacted to Judy M2 in My updates (22 Years old, NSCLC)   
    Ale, have you mentioned these side effects to your oncologist? Mucinex should thin the mucous but they may have something better. Drinking lots of water is helpful too. I'm wondering whether the mucous is actually post-nasal drip. An ENT can look at your throat and determine if it is. Claritin (loratadine) really helps with mine. 
    Hope you feel better very soon. You are a real trooper. 
  11. Like
    AleHondaa got a reaction from LexieCat in My updates (22 Years old, NSCLC)   
    @LexieCatim glad to hear everything is going good for you. I really hope that trial ends up working out so you can kick that baddie out. 
    I do have both Zofran and Compazine which I have taken. Zofran doesn’t seem to work as well since everytime I throw up, I have taken the Zofran and it never works. I woke up today better, still a little bit of nausea from the phlegm being stuck in my throat but that’s it. Hopefully the day will be easier to get through today. 
  12. Like
    AleHondaa reacted to LexieCat in My updates (22 Years old, NSCLC)   
    Hey, kiddo,
    I was just thinking about you and wondering how you were doing! The side effects from the vaccine should last only a day or so. My aches and chills were just the day after, and the following day it was all gone except for a sore arm (that lasted a couple more). Do you have any anti-nausea meds? (Compazine, Zofran?) Might be worth asking for some--you need to keep your food down. 
    I got through the surgery for my trial (piece of cake--I went home the same day with one tiny incision at the base of my neck). They had to get the tissue samples from the lymph nodes--too tricky to get it from the lung tumor. In a couple more weeks (June 2), I go into the hospital for the 2-week process of depleting my immune system and then re-infusing the lymphocytes that will hopefully kick my cancer's butt.
    Good to hear from you--keep hangin' in there!
  13. Like
    AleHondaa got a reaction from Judy M2 in My updates (22 Years old, NSCLC)   
    Hey all,
    it’s been a minute so I figured I’d give a small update. I’ve gotten through the main course of that virus besides the mucus. It’s gonna stick around for a while longer I know for sure as my pops still coughing it up too. 
    I got my 2nd dose of the Covid vaccine and it’s been kicking my butt for the last day. Constant nausea and fatigue all day, it’ll pass I know for sure but the nausea mixes with the mucus and next thing you know my lunch is in the trash.
    Next infusion is next week along with my port placement. I’ll give an update along with those two things. Stay strong y’all ❤️
  14. Like
    AleHondaa got a reaction from LexieCat in My updates (22 Years old, NSCLC)   
    Hey all,
    it’s been a minute so I figured I’d give a small update. I’ve gotten through the main course of that virus besides the mucus. It’s gonna stick around for a while longer I know for sure as my pops still coughing it up too. 
    I got my 2nd dose of the Covid vaccine and it’s been kicking my butt for the last day. Constant nausea and fatigue all day, it’ll pass I know for sure but the nausea mixes with the mucus and next thing you know my lunch is in the trash.
    Next infusion is next week along with my port placement. I’ll give an update along with those two things. Stay strong y’all ❤️
  15. Like
    AleHondaa reacted to Jesse L. in My updates (22 Years old, NSCLC)   
    Yes...believe me I know it's rough. I know because I'm going through my own trials still within the first 7 to 8 days after my second infusion on 4/28. Now I know what folks on the the forums state about it being cumulative; the side effects are manageable, but definitely worse than after the first infusion. 
    Just like me you have to play it by ear; stomach issues can be the worst. Careful about what you eat or not eat, having to balance between nausea and constipation, and just a sour stomach in general. 
    Well, two infusions down and two to go... As everyone has assured me here though, they've been through it and not only did they survive, but they are now doing well. I'm looking forward to the doing well part as I'm sure you are too. Stay committed and keep the faith...
  16. Like
    AleHondaa reacted to TJM in My updates (22 Years old, NSCLC)   
    You'll get thru this. I promise.
  17. Like
    AleHondaa reacted to Rower Michelle in My updates (22 Years old, NSCLC)   
    I remember when all of this started for me having been discharged from the hospital with broken ribs from all the coughing not having had a good nights sleep in months.  It felt like there was no light at the end of the tunnel.  We’ve all been there.  One day at a time, one step forward two steps back but eventually you will start to pull ahead...
  18. Like
    AleHondaa got a reaction from TJM in My updates (22 Years old, NSCLC)   
    I feel as the virus is really affecting my Appetite, i ate more today but still not enough. Unfortunately none of the medicinal dispensaries in my state don’t sell edible thc brownies or gummies of that sort. 
    Im pulling through as much as I can, constant dizziness, headache from coughing so much and all the mucus. But I’ll be better soon I know it. If I got through the 
    esophagitis I can get through this. Thanks for the support everyone, I’ll give another update as soon as I have one. ❤️ 
  19. Like
    AleHondaa got a reaction from Judy M2 in My updates (22 Years old, NSCLC)   
    I feel as the virus is really affecting my Appetite, i ate more today but still not enough. Unfortunately none of the medicinal dispensaries in my state don’t sell edible thc brownies or gummies of that sort. 
    Im pulling through as much as I can, constant dizziness, headache from coughing so much and all the mucus. But I’ll be better soon I know it. If I got through the 
    esophagitis I can get through this. Thanks for the support everyone, I’ll give another update as soon as I have one. ❤️ 
  20. Like
    AleHondaa reacted to TJM in My updates (22 Years old, NSCLC)   
    I lived on boost for a few days every treatment cycle. If I didn't have something more substantial than watering my stomach I would feel nauseous until I filled up. Also...THC brownies really did help my appetite.
    Best of luck
  21. Like
    AleHondaa reacted to Rower Michelle in My updates (22 Years old, NSCLC)   
    PS- I did a quick search on line & found something that could help
  22. Sad
    AleHondaa got a reaction from Tom Galli in My updates (22 Years old, NSCLC)   
    Okay, so i left the hospital at 4am. I have a viral infection pretty much, nothing to serious. They prescribed me antibiotics to take care of it. There was some virus or something my Dad brought home and he was a little messed up from it. Then it went to my sister and now to me, I’m okay other wise. Just really congested and coughing up mucus, i had really bad chills too. 
  23. Sad
    AleHondaa reacted to Jesse L. in My updates (22 Years old, NSCLC)   
    Yes, my medical team told me that with chemotherapy your defenses against infection/viruses/other nasty stuff are compromised to a degree. Basically they told me to stay away from sick people, wear a mask, wash hands, blah, blah, blah. The usual precautions... That's why my annual spring fishing trips (three of them) all got cancelled this year...the chances of getting cut, pierced, and or stabbed are very high and I couldn't take that chance while on chemotherapy. I figure there's always next year... I'm stIill upset about that though...😞😞😭 
  24. Like
    AleHondaa reacted to Judy M2 in My updates (22 Years old, NSCLC)   
    I stayed away from people when I started chemo and afterward continued to do so well before Covid hit last year. At the time, I was afraid of getting the flu, even though I had gotten a flu shot. Hope you recover soon, Ale! 
  25. Like
    AleHondaa reacted to LexieCat in My updates (22 Years old, NSCLC)   
    Glad to hear you're OK--sounds like something you just gotta ride out. Feel better soon! Try to get some soup in you.
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