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  1. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from LouT in Clear scan   
    @RJN How did I miss this amazing news! I'm so happy for you. It's funny how feelings before scans can vary, from "ho-hum" to "I'm terrified about progression...." I'm just thrilled for you. 
  2. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from TJM in Metastasis to skin   
    @TJM That was one helluvan ice storm. We fared well, as did our family members. Many others were not as lucky. I had a brain MRI the Thursday after everything started (I was able to change the test from Wednesday, when it was still sleeting but forecast to warm up.) Things were starting to be manageable Wednesday night, but on Thurs., we still got up way earlier than necessary, packed our micro-spikes, and immediately skidded to our butts on the icy sidewalk. My husband started spreading kitty litter like crazy on our (downhill) driveway. We figured if we could get onto a main thoroughfare, we're be reasonably OK. We got to the cancer center early! I wasn't sure the technologists would show up, but they were there. Hooray! (Except for the MRI part haha.) We parked on the street when we got home. That driveway was still bonkers....
    I've not heard of LC metastasizing to the skin, but hey, who knows.
    I saw a dermatologist for my skin cancer because that's what my PCP said would be best. A little MOHS procedure and I was done. 
    Lou's got great coping advice, as always. Please keep us posted.
  3. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from LouT in Scan results   
    @Pstar  This sounds perfect. I know you will enjoy!
  4. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from RJN in Clear scan   
    @RJN How did I miss this amazing news! I'm so happy for you. It's funny how feelings before scans can vary, from "ho-hum" to "I'm terrified about progression...." I'm just thrilled for you. 
  5. Thanks
    Karen_L got a reaction from Pstar in Scan results   
    We were on Hawaii island at the same time you wrote this. I felt so grateful and enjoyed it so much. I hope you do too. 
  6. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from LouT in Challenges on my ROS1 journey   
    @edivebuddy, thank you for posting this. I'm saving it for future reference. 
  7. Thanks
    Karen_L got a reaction from C2Morrow in Though to find   
    @edivebuddy I think you raise a topic of real concern. I suggest you contact Lungevity directly and share this with them. You can call or email https://www.lungevity.org/about-us/contact-us
  8. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from JuneK in Challenges on my ROS1 journey   
    @JuneK That radiation necrosis around a treated brain lesion is a pain. But it sounds like the lesion itself has been fried? Hang in. Steroids can be awful, but they are miraculous if you need them. 
  9. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Tom Galli in Scan results   
    We were on Hawaii island at the same time you wrote this. I felt so grateful and enjoyed it so much. I hope you do too. 
  10. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Livin Life in Anyone have a metastasis to the scalp   
    NED on your chest and abdomen-- WOW! What a wonderful result.
    I don't have experience with a sore that doesn't heal. It reminds me of old TV commercials about when to check with your doctor, which you're doing. May I, with a little gentle humor, remind you of your last foray into self-diagnosis? Not a fun time. 
    I'm selfishly glad you told us about this-- I've had a weird thing on my arm that I really should get checked out. Ugh. Maybe I need to make an appointment with the dude who did the MOHS surgery on my nose (for some skin cancer.) So, thanks. I hate calling more doctors, really hate. But ya gotta do what you gotta do. So, thanks. And I'll be thinking of you. Please keep us posted. 
  11. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Tom Galli in Breast cancer survivor w/8 mm upper nodule seeking info after 2 CT scans   
    Welcome aboard, @allicat1214. Sorry you need to be here, but it's a great place to land. I'm glad to hear how confident you are about your ability to advocate for yourself. I'll join in on the chorus supporting a biopsy down the road. Tissue biopsy is considered the gold standard, although liquid (blood) biopsies are often a place docs start if they want a relatively faster result (days instead of weeks.) 
    Totally agree with the value of the NCCN site. 
    Good luck, and keep us posted.
  12. Like
    Karen_L reacted to Kamoto in I know I'm not alone but dang....   
    45 below zero for five days straight.  Power bill was still only 230 for the month.  I love hydroelectric power
  13. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from LouT in Metastasis to skin   
    @TJM That was one helluvan ice storm. We fared well, as did our family members. Many others were not as lucky. I had a brain MRI the Thursday after everything started (I was able to change the test from Wednesday, when it was still sleeting but forecast to warm up.) Things were starting to be manageable Wednesday night, but on Thurs., we still got up way earlier than necessary, packed our micro-spikes, and immediately skidded to our butts on the icy sidewalk. My husband started spreading kitty litter like crazy on our (downhill) driveway. We figured if we could get onto a main thoroughfare, we're be reasonably OK. We got to the cancer center early! I wasn't sure the technologists would show up, but they were there. Hooray! (Except for the MRI part haha.) We parked on the street when we got home. That driveway was still bonkers....
    I've not heard of LC metastasizing to the skin, but hey, who knows.
    I saw a dermatologist for my skin cancer because that's what my PCP said would be best. A little MOHS procedure and I was done. 
    Lou's got great coping advice, as always. Please keep us posted.
  14. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from TJM in Anyone have a metastasis to the scalp   
    @Kamoto I'm shaking my head over your multiple cancers. I hope you're managing all that may be going with it, i.e., emotions. 
  15. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Tom Galli in Challenges on my ROS1 journey   
    @JuneK That radiation necrosis around a treated brain lesion is a pain. But it sounds like the lesion itself has been fried? Hang in. Steroids can be awful, but they are miraculous if you need them. 
  16. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from LouT in Scan results   
    We were on Hawaii island at the same time you wrote this. I felt so grateful and enjoyed it so much. I hope you do too. 
  17. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from LouT in Though to find   
    @edivebuddy I think you raise a topic of real concern. I suggest you contact Lungevity directly and share this with them. You can call or email https://www.lungevity.org/about-us/contact-us
  18. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from LouT in Breast cancer survivor w/8 mm upper nodule seeking info after 2 CT scans   
    Welcome aboard, @allicat1214. Sorry you need to be here, but it's a great place to land. I'm glad to hear how confident you are about your ability to advocate for yourself. I'll join in on the chorus supporting a biopsy down the road. Tissue biopsy is considered the gold standard, although liquid (blood) biopsies are often a place docs start if they want a relatively faster result (days instead of weeks.) 
    Totally agree with the value of the NCCN site. 
    Good luck, and keep us posted.
  19. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from laurie2020 in Stage 4 Metastisized Lung Cancer   
    I so understand! I have been saying I'm not sure whether I'm tired or tired of. Pretty sure it's the latter. LOL. 
    I pulled back from work when I was diagnosed and that was really, really hard for me. But I feel at peace with it now. And, I've started volunteering at a very special site where I can really make a difference, using my professional background. I'm grateful for my life. 
    I wish the same for you.
  20. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from LouT in I know I'm not alone but dang....   
    Hey, Tom, 
    It looks like an ice skating rink over here in PDX. Luckily we didn't lose power, but so many have been without it since Saturday. We're all in this together-- and won't it be great when we get back to our regular winter rain?
  21. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from LouT in I don’t know what to do or what comes next   
    Sending prayers and courage....
  22. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from TJM in Stage 4 Metastisized Lung Cancer   
    I so understand! I have been saying I'm not sure whether I'm tired or tired of. Pretty sure it's the latter. LOL. 
    I pulled back from work when I was diagnosed and that was really, really hard for me. But I feel at peace with it now. And, I've started volunteering at a very special site where I can really make a difference, using my professional background. I'm grateful for my life. 
    I wish the same for you.
  23. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from TJM in I know I'm not alone but dang....   
    Hey, Tom, 
    It looks like an ice skating rink over here in PDX. Luckily we didn't lose power, but so many have been without it since Saturday. We're all in this together-- and won't it be great when we get back to our regular winter rain?
  24. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from BridgetO in Good news sort of.   
    I was first referred to a thoracic surgeon at the cancer center near me and her office set up all the testing, etc. Then the results were brought to the center's tumor board, which determined I was not a candidate for surgery (due to tumor location). Then they passed me to the oncologist I currently have. But they are all part of the same cancer center and have a seamless way of passing us to where we need to be. 
    I would not be comfortable sitting with an unknown thing sitting in my lung. I would suggest getting to a lung cancer specialist for a consult ASAP. Lung cancer research is moving so fast that we must work with docs who keep up with the field-- no way a general oncologist can do this. 
    Fingers crossed for you.
  25. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from TJM in Is radiation really indicated, here??   
    A second opinion with a doc who specializes in lung cancer is an excellent idea. 
    I had a lime-sized tumor in my right lung, as well as some nodes, zapped. Radiation took a lot out of me, but killed everything, so that was worth it. 
    It's hard to wade through the initial period of confusion, and it takes time to understand the options. But if you can see it as a step-by-step process, it can help cope with the uncertainty. 
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