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Everything posted by Jyoung20

  1. Aladdin 1001 Dalmatians Fantasia Pocohontas Mulan Name 5 composers from the classical period of music.
  2. Scott Baio was the "BOMB" My fav's Happy Days Alice Laverne and Shirley Gilligan's Island Bewitched I Dream of Jeanie Jamie
  3. What about: parachute pants, MC Hammer pants, Tight-rolling jeans, Really tight jeans--(the tighter the better), you could buy Charles chips from the truck. BIG hair( the bigger the better). (The eighties were a big influence obviously)
  4. Along with what Ry said---you may want to check with your doc. on this one. If my tube ever got clogged--I would pour coca cola in it and it would unclog it. It did make the tube look brown (which was not very attractive) but it did work. I used sodas on a regular basis to keep it unclogged.
  5. Jyoung20


    WE LOVE YOU PAT!!!!!!!
  6. Hey Trish, It seems our staging and treatment is very similar. I have had very good success with my treatment. If you have any questions, I will do my best to help!!!! I am so glad you are holding up so well. Welcome and God Bless!! Jamie
  7. Prayers for Sue and Mike!!! GOD BLESS! Jamie
  8. (((((KAREN)))))) I am so, so sorry for what you are going through!! GOD BLESS YOU and you and Ken are in my prayers. Jamie
  9. Prayers for MEA and her hubby!!! GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  10. Hey Holly, I really don't know how to answer that except that I would probably invite my dad to come and visit for a while. But, knowing him he would probably say he wanted to stay home. I am so sorry for everything you and your family are going through. Please know that you are in my daily prayers.!!! GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  11. I love to hear good news!!!!! WOW---75% reduction GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  12. No, never--sounds very interesting though. Have you ever played hookie from school?
  13. So Sorry Cindy!!!!! GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  14. I pray for you everyday Fay!!!! GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  15. I had a feeding tube for about three months after radiation for basically the same reason. It was an out patient procedure and I felt no pain at all. Make sure it is kept clean watch for any infection. My nutritionist said that I could be the poster child for feeding tubes (cause mine was so clean). From what I understand they can get pretty yucky. It was a pain in the butt sometimes but it saved my life. I had it removed once I could start eating again. I have a little hole in my tummy. I thought about getting the feeding tube hole and my belly button pierced and connecting the two holes with a silver chain. Let me know when it's time for it to be removed---I have some helpful tips. GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  16. Jyoung20

    Guess what!!

    I couldn't believe it. I went to pick some mail up from the school and received a post from my oncologist. When I opened it there was a $1000.00 check for the fundraiser. What a nice man!!! GOD BLESS Jamie
  17. I remember wonder woman under-roos. I remember when a $25 bag of chips was fulfilling. I remember when a cabbage patch kid was the best toy for a girl to have. I remember when you didn't have to wear a helmet riding three-wheelers in the mud. And, it was okay to get as muddy as you could. Jamie
  18. I have a couple; 1. Anybody ever been "stove up"? 2. Too big for their britches. 3. When I was growing up we would "go hog wild". 4. Anybody ever been "grabbling"? or "cow-tipping"? 5. Well, shut my mouth. I live in Tennessee now, but am a Mississippi gal--grew up way back in the country around the corner from the man Jeff Foxworthy is always talking 'bout!
  19. Here is the info on Mimi Baez Farina. Also, fixed the error on the update. Sorry 'bout that. Thanks and God BLess!! Jamie
  20. A husband was in big trouble because he forgot his wife's birthday. His wife said, "Tomorrow there better be something for me in the driveway that goes from zero to 200 in 2 seconds flat". The next morning the wife found a package in the driveway. She opened it, and found a brand new bathroom scale. Funeral arrangements for the husband have been set for Saturday.
  21. Thanks, I wasn't aware of that. Jamie
  22. Folksinger Mimi Farina -- Bread and Roses founder Gift of live music for thousands of shut-ins Joel Selvin, Chronicle Staff Writer Thursday, July 19, 2001 Mimi Farina, folksinger and founder of the Bread and Roses charitable organization, died of cancer yesterday morning at her Mill Valley home. She was 56. Her family, including sister Joan Baez, were at her bedside. "She finally won her battle with cancer," Baez said. Ms. Farina found out she had lung cancer in December 1998. She continued with plans for the gala 25th anniversary celebration for Bread and Roses at San Francisco's War Memorial Opera House in March 2000, where she appeared wearing a turban to hide her hair loss from chemotherapy treatments. She made jokes about not having bad hair days any longer. With her husband, Richard Farina, she recorded a pair of classic folk albums in the mid-60s. Her husband, who wrote "Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up to Me," died in a motorcycle crash on his way home from his first book- signing in 1966. It was her 21st birthday Her romance with Richard Farina was chronicled in the current best-seller, "Positively 4th Street: The Lives and Times of Joan Baez, Bob Dylan, Mimi Baez Farina, and Richard Farina" by author David Hajdu. Ms. Farina continued her career in music after her husband's death, although it was as founder of the charitable organization Bread and Roses that she found lasting rewards. The nonprofit organization in Marin County presents live music performances to shut-ins at hospitals, prisons and senior homes. Bread and Roses presented more than 500 performances at 99 institutions last year with more than 600 volunteers and a staff of only nine. Mimi Farina, the youngest of three daughters, was born while their father studied for his doctorate at Stanford. She lived with her family in Baghdad and Paris, where she met Richard Farina, a half-Irish, half-Cuban beatnik. They married and moved to the Carmel highlands and pursued a career as a folk- singing team. Richard and Mimi Farina recorded two albums, "Reflections in a Crystal Wind" and "Celebration for a Grey Day," and at least one of their songs, "Pack Up Your Sorrows," was an airplay staple in the early days of underground FM radio. His dulcimer still sits in his widow's home. After her husband's death, she continued to play music, including a brief fling with an acid-rock band, the Only Alternative and his Other Possibilities. She joined the popular San Francisco satirical theater troupe The Committee the next year. She married hippie radio entrepreneur Milan Melvin in 1968 in an improvised outdoor ceremony at the Big Sur Folk Festival, a counterculture social event prominent enough to have been chronicled in the pages of early Rolling Stone. The marriage ended in divorce two years later. She recorded an album with singer-songwriter Tom Jans in 1971, the last album she released, but at that point Ms. Farina was tiring of the music business merry-go-round. "I suffered from comparing my voice to my sister's," Ms. Farina said in February 1999. "In the end, it was a great relief to stop singing." The idea for Bread and Roses came in 1974 when she and her sister attended a moving show by bluesman B.B. King at New York's Sing Sing prison in 1974. "It was phenomenal to watch the place go silent, which doesn't happen that much in prison," she said. But it was a performance she gave a few months later at a halfway house for troubled teenagers arranged by a cousin that crystallized the idea for Bread and Roses. "It wasn't inspiring at the moment," she said. "It was hard to get their attention, this roomful of unhappy teens. But I realized I could imagine people who could be really good at this." At first, Ms. Farina financed the organization with annual benefits at the Greek Theater in Berkeley. These were all-acoustic concerts, long before anyone called it "unplugged," that featured three days of the greats and near- greats of folk, blues and rock -- Kris Kristofferson, Ry Cooder, Jackson Browne, David Crosby and Graham Nash, and, of course, her sister. She shifted her fund-raising approach to corporate and private donors after losses from the sixth annual event threatened to bankrupt the organization. The 2000 Opera House gala was the cornerstone of a campaign to raise $3 million to ensure the financial stability of the organization. Among the many name entertainers who have volunteered for Bread and Roses are Paul Simon, Joni Mitchell, Herbie Hancock, Huey Lewis, Neil Young and Van Morrison. Bread and Roses brought jazz great Jon Hendricks to sing at the Redwoods, a Mill Valley retirement home, and presented Willie Nelson to Delancey Street residents. Michael Feinstein once stayed at Laguna Honda hospital until he sang every request. At the rate of about 10 per week, Bread and Roses produces more shows than Bill Graham Presents. There are now more than 15 other community organizations modeled after Bread and Roses across the country. Ms. Farina is survived by her mother and father, Albert and Joan Baez, her two sisters, Joan Baez and Pauline Bryan. A memorial service will be held at Grace Cathedral, but a date has not been set.
  23. Paula, So sorry to hear about your mom. Please know that you will have many here praying for you. GOD BLESS!! Jamie
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