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Posts posted by Pstar

  1. Hi Justin….so glad you have a care nurse now, that should help a lot. Sorry that you are feeling so lousy and I do hope the symptoms from treatment will calm down soon. Hang in there. Your hair will grow back!…maybe a different color and texture but it will come.


  2. Lou,

    When I had my original pet scan in Nov 2021, the adrenal mass was labeled as a myelolipoma. It has been stable since then until the Jan scan. If the pet scan I have on Feb 7 shows avidity, then I will have a biopsy. My previous ct and brain mri were in Oct. which showed stability in the lung but the metastasis in the brain for which I had gamma knife. I didn’t have any scans in Dec.

  3. Well I had brain mri and ct scans on Jan 20.  The brain scan showed that the gamma knife did its job and the metastasis is gone with no new lesions but there is faint enhancement along my optical and auditory canals. I am having a repeat mri on Feb 10. The ct scan showed that my lung nodule had grown slightly from 1.8cm to 2 cm. The mass on my right adrenal gland that has been stable all along has now grown from 2.5 cm to 3.5 cm. I am having a pet scan on Feb 7 to address those issues. 

  4. Losing anyone so close and always there for you is a very hard thing. You just put one foot in front of the other and plod thru your days until the grief starts to ease. I was devastated when my mother passed as she was my rock. My friends, coworkers and family helped me to cope. The first year was the hardest but things are better. I still miss her every day but life does go on, just in a different way. Hang in there. Sorry for your loss.

  5. Good bro,

    So sorry to hear that your brother passed. I hear you with it being the hardest thing you ever had to do. I was there when my mother passed. Although it was hard on you, rest assured that he was glad you were there with him til the end. 
    Sending thoughts and prayers to you and your family.


  6. Are they molding the mask to your face Justin? I had that done for my gamma knife radiosurgery. It was a little strange but not that bad. The unknown always is. I wasn’t able to open my eyes and a little hard to open my mouth but I got thru it. My treatment was about 20 minutes long.I lost my hair when I had chemo but it started to grow back really quick.Wishing you the best and sending prayers and positive thoughts your way.


  7. I am hoping for good news on Thursday for you Justin. I go on Jan 20 for brain mri and ct scan of lungs/abdomen/pelvis. I understand your sleep issues..I wake up multiple times during the night. You need to only focus on yourself at this time. Praying for you.


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