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Posts posted by Pstar

  1. Hi Lily. So sorry that the chemo is hitting you so hard. I was supposed to start with cisplatin but was switched to carboplatin  because my kidney values were slightly increased. My only side effect with the carbo was hair loss like Susan. My white count did decrease but I think all chemo drugs will do that. Praying that this second round goes smoothly for you.

  2. Hi Shauna,

    Sorry to learn of your Mom’s diagnosis. I was diagnosed with limited stage Sclc in November 2021. I had 4 rounds of carboplatin/etoposide and concurrent radiation of 30 daily treatments. I have had clear brain mri’s and am currently in a clinical study of mri alone vs pci with mri’s. I am currently stable with my cancer. As Lou said, no one can predict “how long” we have as each patient responds differently to treatment. I am praying that the treatments work for your Mom and arrest the progression of disease and give her many more months. Stay strong.


  3. Hi Justin,

    I also had difficulty swallowing after my 30 radiation treatments. My radiation oncologist prescribed BMX ( benadryl/Mallox/xylocaine) or as some people call it magic mouthwash only I was told to swish it in my mouth and gargle then swallow it as it was only a tablespoon. This numbed my throat so it was easier to eat or swallow for about 30 minutes. I also had the acid reflux so took famotidine 20 mg twice a day. Both helped immensely. I finished radiation in beginning of Feb and stopped the bmx the end of March. I still take the famotidine as I still get the acid reflux. I have CT scan next week so will see where I am at. Hope your symptoms resolve soon.


  4. Phil,

    I agree with everything Karen said about receiving chemo. My experience was basically the same. As far as the MRI, I was really nervous but it wasn’t that bad. The noises can be a little unsettling but I just closed my eyes. Hopefully you are not claustrophobic and the entire procedure was over with in about 20 minutes for me. Best of luck and keep us posted.

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