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Posts posted by Pstar

  1. Sorry you are going thru this. My PET scan lit up and I had a bronchoscopy with biopsy. The procedure it’s self was a piece of cake. I did have a sore throat for a few days and coughed up a tiny bit of blood. My doctor sent the biopsies during my procedure and had preliminary results of malignancy which he told my husband as I went to recovery. Please try not to stress but I know that is easier said than done. Wishing you an easy procedure. I also hear you about the quiting smoking…as soon as I got my diagnosis I quit.

  2. Hello Pam. I was diagnosed with limited stage SCLC in Nov 2021. I had 4 rounds of chemo and 30 radiation treatments. I was not offered immunotherapy. I have since been reclassified as extensive stage as it was detected in my right adrenal gland (which I had radiation treatment which stabilized it) and also a few lesions to my brain which I had gamma knife radiosurgery. I have CT scans of my chest/abdomen/pelvis and MRI of my brain every 3 months. As long as your Dr is going to keep a close eye on you I don’t think you have anything to worry about. If something should pop up they will address it. Stay strong and I will keep you in my prayers.

  3. Hi all…had my 3 month brain mri and ct scan of chest/abdomen/pelvis done. On the mri where I had gamma knife in November, there was a slight increase of lesion but still within the treatment area so radiologist is confident it is just some swelling. The ct showed stability, so I am good for the next 3 months I guess.

  4. Thank you Karen..I will be on Oahu in Waianae…my husband rents a beachfront house for 3 months…haven’t been able to join him the last 2 years but am so grateful also that I can this year. Will be there for the month of March and then we will both come home.


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