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Posts posted by Pstar

  1. Hi Lily. I was diagnosed with LS SCLC. I had a brain mri with contrast before I started 30 days of radiation. I then had a chest ct with contrast one month after completing chemo and radiation. I am scheduled for chest ct with contrast every 3 months. I also enrolled in a study where I get brain mri with contrast and chest/ abdomenial ct with contrast every 3 months for year one then mri, chest/ ab scans with contrast every 6 months.

  2. Hi Mike. I am so sorry to hear about these reactions that you had. What 8 drugs are you receiving? I have limited stage small cell lung cancer ( one nodule and hilar lymph node in the right upper lobe). I received radiation and chemo. My chemo was carboplatin and etoposide along with aprepitant(civanti) by iv, ondansetron(zofran) and dexamethasone(decadron) by mouth on the first day. Then etoposide along with zofran and decadron by mouth on days two and three. My only side effect was hair loss. I hope that the new drug will not cause another bad reaction. I would speak with your oncologist or another member of your team about your steroid crash. Praying that things get better for you.


  3. I am enrolled in a study to see if MRI of the brain alone is as effective as standard PCI of the brain x 10 and then MRI. I will be checked at 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months, 18 months and 24 months. I just had my 3 month MRI today which shows normal brain so I am happy and relieved that there are no metastasis. I will go next week for blood work, cognitive testing and meeting with radiologist which is also part of the study.


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