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Everything posted by norme

  1. norme

    I'm running away

    I don't know where you are running off to but i have unlocked my door just in case you are coming for a visit. If I don't see you in 48 hrs will know it wasn't my house but have a good time anyway....
  2. Cheryl, HOpe your tests today kill that monster...I say, get Jack, your horse and you and head for the boat. Take along a fifth, maybe one for each of you and have a heck of an adventure on the river...I bet that monster won't follow with the horse on board.....I would say take Becky and Fay along but on second thought Fay's shoes may put a hole in the boat and Becky's bat won't be big enough to plug it with...on third thought, that sure would be a sight to behold on the river. I may tag along in a dingy(sp) that you hook to the back of the boat just in case of an emergency I can go for help or put a note in one of the empty fifth's to let everyone where we sailed off to...fourth thought, we won't tell, that way the monster won't follow. A good time was had by all.......will pray real hard for you tonight, with a little one right now.
  3. There is whole head radiation, there is Gamma Knife for brain mets. Both are very good at getting rid of the prob in the brain. Buddy's dr did whole head first then was going to do Gamma after if they ever came back. Unfortunately, they never came back in the brain but did everywhere else...
  4. norme


    T-Bone, Well, call those sisters of yours and head for the nearest fishing pond. You will need more fish when we all show up for the big fry.....
  5. norme


    Donna, I am truely sorry for the loss of your husband, lover and best friend. I know how it feels so if you need to talk you can pm me your phone number and I will call you or you can call me or pm me anytime. The next few months will be extremely painful and I will be praying for you.
  6. norme

    An Update

    Dean, so glad you took time to post. I was thinking about you yesterday and praying that you were doing okay with the path you chose. It is a shame that none of us notices the beautiful things around us until something like lc hits home then our lives change and we see all the beauty that sounds of each and every day. The creatures God created to keep life enjoyable. I miss your postings for they are so full of wisdom and love for nature. Give Gay a hug from me for I know she needs one all the time. This is extremely hard on her too.....Much love my friend....
  7. TAlk all you want for everyone on here knows what you are going through and how you feel. We have been there and done that at one time or another. When I found this sight it was a God send to me. I found a place to vent and people who truely care. Does your daughter live close? I sure hope so for she will need you too. I am sure her husband could use some help and your daughter would love to have you near her. There is nothing like motherly love....
  8. Phyllis, when are you suppose to have the RFA? I would call the onc and try and get it now. It can't do any worse to you but could save you time. I hear it is a good thing. Wish I lived close to you, I would be your support, the shoulder you need.....
  9. Let's pray for a little torn blood vessel....sure hope he is feeling better as the day goes on.
  10. Ditto me to for Jane. That was a lovely jester..
  11. Becky, only kidding.lolololol Got your e-mail address. thanks,....
  12. You got it, will be praying real hard for your mom and you to...
  13. The last prob I had with the medical profession dealt with medication and I asked for the name and phone number of the president of the company. Well, he heard from me and the problem was solved....no more supervisors or anyone under the president. Go right to the source of who has the authority to get the job done....
  14. Oh Ginny, give Earl a big hug from me. I am praying that the WHR works fine for it did for Buddy. That is the one thing that worked. Also, what about the liver and Gamma Knife or anything else that they explode the tumors with....I am a great believer in these new treatments of exploding the tumors individually....
  15. Well Snowflake, I never got an e-mail??????? I just thought to myself, better take some lessons in how to fix my computer to get the sight back on line. I always figure I do something wrong when it isn't up....wouldn't be the first time.... I almost put out an APB to two of my neighbors to come and fix my puter....then I saw an e-mail from Connie. It was a love e-mail, not a hate one.
  16. Ry, you all could have headed down my way. I would have put you up for the weekend with pleasure. We could have done Kings Island, the Zoo, and a cookout at Norme's.... As for Igor, my floors need it to so head him south when he is finished...
  17. I did give the iressa to the onc and hopefully he was able to give it to someone who needed it. As for the other meds, we have an orig called St Vincent De Paul and they accepted some other meds for their pharmacy of free meds to the underprivileged.
  18. Ginny, From what you are discribing about Earl's alertness, I am torn between what you should do. One hand says you probably need a lot more help then you have and hospice is good for that but the other says he is alert and walking, (i suppose he is walking) and his mind is very clear plus you say he is eating. Buddy was no where anything like the above. He was in another world in his mind toward the end and could not walk or eat before I called in hospice. What about WHR, has Earl had this. I can't remember. What about Gamma Knife on the liver? Can you take off a little and get things going again for him. Don't give up if he is alert, eating and walking....or two out of three....unless Earl wants to stop.....
  19. Karen, Mrs Nerves of Steel, take a rest now. YOu are some lady. Prayers for all your family members and you to....
  20. norme

    Lets be nice

    Lets just hope that the people who are sending "hate mail" don't come back on or their computers fail on this sight. that is totally uncalled for.... HI David A and Bobmc. Two of my 50 favorite men.....haha...
  21. Ginny, I just read your posts and I know how you feel. Completely helpless. I know when I went through some of this I didn't want to give up hope but each day was getting worse and worse. Finally I called hospice, that was the last thing I wanted to do but am so very glad I did for I could not handle Buddy anymore. His weight, even though I am sure was little, it was dead weight and one person cannot move that. The hospital bed from hospice placed in the family room was a God send. I got a blowup mattress at K-Mart for $20 and that to was a God send. I put my recliner right next to Buddy's hospital bed during the day and we lived like this for his last 10 days. But Ginny, you and I know that calling hospise does not always mean the end. Oh God, I pray that maybe all Earl's prob is is the tumor in the brain and maybe they can do Gamma Knife on it and he will return his old twinkle in his eyes. Oh I really pray for this.... then you can stop hospice and the two of you can once again be lovers.....
  22. Jane, I am so very sorry for the loss you are going through with the death of your brother. I know you loved him very much as he did you to.
  23. Have a great time at the wedding and if you hook up with I-75 and head south you can come visit me. I am exit 189, just across the bridge frm Cinti. Hope hubby's back gets better for the trip and hope you are doing well.
  24. Karen, I just e-mailed you before I found this message. I sure hope and pray the toys are causing all the problems. Sure hope your mom and dad come through in flying colors too. Take care of yourself also. much love
  25. norme


    Francine, I hope and pray that the tumor is not there. This all sounds like the ride they took my Buddy on. All this college knowledge and they still can't read the test results....I sure don't understand this. HOpe and pray for you each night....
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