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Everything posted by EastCoastLadi

  1. Jen, My husbands' onc. didn't run a bone scan, when he went to his new onc. I asked and he said yes, fortunately it was good. The one thing I will tell you, and everyone else, is that you are only as good as the day you take any test. Meaning that maybe on the day of whatever test you're ok, but who is to say the next day something occurs. But ask for the test. In fact, insist upon it. I wish you all the best.... Grace
  2. EastCoastLadi


    My prayers go out to Jimbens' family. Grace
  3. Don, My heart is broken, I don't know what to say, please know my prayers go out to you and your family today. Grace
  4. Don, I am so happy about the encouraging news!!!!! Tell Lucie I'm sending more positive thoughts her way! Grace
  5. Don, I am so very happy for you, I knew Lucie is going to make it, she's a tough gal!, like I said before, slow and steady.....tell her I said hi! Grace
  6. My youngest sister Jeanne, who was pregnant, was expecting the birth of her second son, Christopher Louis, around the 8th of December. Yesterday she couldn't feel him moving, she went to the emergency room. It was too late, the baby was already gone. She had a c-section, they held their son, he looked like his older brother, who is 3, except he had dark hair and dark eyes. It is not fair, my sister and her husband are devistated. How do you bury such a small, innocent soul. My family has suffered some much, one tragic loss after another. My girls will be home in less then 1/2 hour. How do I tell them their aunties baby, their cousin has died? Please pray for my sister, she is in so, so much pain. I don't understand this..... Grace
  7. First, the time frame thing, no one knows how long, the drs. can give you and your family a "guestimate", based on their experiences and knowledge. But they can not give you any certainities. My husband cancer has metasized to his liver, brain, right lung and adrenal gland. and he and we are still fighting, no one here is given up yet. ..Which hospital is she at. I'm suprised that at the least they are offering her whole brain radiation to try to reduce the tumors. I would definitely get a second opinion!!! and small cell lc isn't curable, so any treatment is viewed as pallative. You and your family need to ask any and all questions, why not chemo? .....chemo responds well to sclc...and there are many different options of chemo, some more harsh than others..... Grace
  8. Rochelle, I know how difficult it is to see your mom going thru all of this. As I told you before, please push for the MRI of the brain. It may or may not be mets/ and if that is the case, then she will hopefully get WBR(whole brain radiation), my husband went thru this a few months ago, now he unfortunately has to go back for more. If it isn't tumors or mets, they may want to do PCI ( profilactic cranial irriation) on her brain. Also she may be given some anti-seuzure medication. You also want to find out is there any swelling on her brain, if that is the case, what happens sometimes is that they would give the person steroids to reduce any swelling. I know you're in a very rough position. I just wanted to tell you these are some of the things my husband went and is going thru and some options. Please let us know.......... ...I'm here for you if you need me... Grace
  9. Bellard, Please forgive me, but I would want to know the exact circumstances, is this you or someone close to you? Can you give a little more information. Because look at my profile, my husband has had the same happen to him and that was about 1 year ago.... Small Cell cancer is moves very quick, but it is also receptive to chemo and radiation. So please if you would like to share more, I can give you some more info. Grace
  10. I'm an so sorry about your loss. My prayers go out to your family at this most difficult time. Grace
  11. Laurie, You mom can definitely benefit from checking us out. You can see the number of people either dealing with or suporting those w/ sclc. As you can see by my husbands' profile all he has been through. I haven't even put in the new things happening in the past month. but I welcome you and your mom here! Grace
  12. Betty, another suggestion is you may want to ask your radiologist to give you a script for "silverdeem"?/"silverdeen" - my husband had a very bad burn on the back of his head due to wbr and it worked great for him... Grace
  13. Don, Sending more prayers Lucies' way. With all the battles she and you have been through with stability there is hope. Grace
  14. Rochelle, I see that it has been a while since your mom finished w/ PCI. You all may want to ask her onc. or if you get a new onc. if it is possible to run an MRI w/ and w/out contrast of her brain. My husband had WBR back in Apr/May, he has an MRI in June it was clear, but he just had one Fri. before Labor day and brain mets were back. My opinion, especially w/ sclc is that since it is an incredibly rapid moving cancer, it's not at all wrong to ask to be tested sooner than later. My husbands' onc. has asked me to watch him, his neuro. functions, he has slurred speech every once and a while, but we know about the brain mets, but I don't want to assume that is what has caused it. Definitely, discuss it w/ moms' dr. Wish you the best... Grace
  15. Randy, I think it would be great, especially since Nov. is lc awareness month. I think more of us need to write to Oprah and tell her our personal stories, and frustrations. Grace
  16. Tina, It's wonderful that you are doing some of the things that Charlie loved! I know that you are still hurting, but I truly admire you for what you are doing in memory of Charlie.... Grace
  17. (((Carleen))), thank you for sharing such wonderful memories of Keith...... Grace
  18. (((Joanie))) I know you're probably sick and tired of being sick and tired. Not to mention all the meds you are on! My husband is so exhausted as well. I tell him don't apologize about it. Your body is telling you to rest and you're doing exactly what you need to do. When my husband has his "bursts" of energy, however little or much they may be, I just let him do his own thing. Then I know and expect he'll conk out soon afterwards. But don't ever feel guilty of bad about the way you feel. You've been though so much. When you feel like you have a "burst" of energy, just take it easy and don't over extend yourself. Grace
  19. Don, It breaks my heart to know that you are in such pain. Please know I'm praying for you and Lucie. Grace
  20. Melinda, I'm very sad to hear about your moms' passing. Please know my heart and prayers go out to you and your family at this most difficult time. Grace
  21. Linda, Welcome! you will find so many nice people here!!!!!! Grace
  22. Tracy, It sounds like you may be having some sort of reaction to your chemo. I know when my husband had Taxol, after 3 rounds, he had a very bad reaction, where he couldn't breath, so it was stopped. Definitely tell your dr. because he/she may want to make some changes or monitor you closely. I know that my husband has taken benadryl for his "itching" reactions to his meds. The tingling does sound like a neuropathy, I see that your taking carboplatium it is platium based chemo and can cause neuropathy, my husband when he took cisplatium neuopathy happened. Unfortunately, he still has it, even though he has been off that chemo for months. Once again discuss it with your dr. My husband was told by his NP for neuropathy, to take supplements like b-6 and also magnesium. ......but let your dr. know. Grace
  23. Sounds like a wonderful organization... http://www.comedycures.org/ Grace
  24. Don, Thank you so much for the update, I'm glad there is some improvement in Lucies' health. Remember that old saying "slow and steady......" I'm still saying my prayers for the both of you! Grace
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