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Everything posted by EastCoastLadi

  1. As you can see by the pic, we're a cat family around here!......Besides Mickey aka "Trouble" here , who has the big double-paws front and back, and when I play w/ him, we "box" - i know he's playing because he doesn't use his claws... we have Sawyer(not pic) ...our "Diva" kitty at 7 yrs old, she luvs to be brushed, but only if she is standing on her table!!! ..but now our daughters keep asking for another kitty or a dog ....well maybe sometime..not yet! Grace
  2. Congrats Ann!!!!! Like the Energizer Bunny .... you keep going and going.......it's all good!!!! Grace
  3. Hello and welcome Mindy, Mixed blessings to you, happy that you have found us, sad that you have to find us. I agree w/ Muriel, "NO ASPIRIN!!" my husband found out the wrong way, he had to wait for his initial biopsy for 2 weeks due to this lack of clotting. So definitely call the dr. Also, has he tried a heating pad, I know that it helped my husband sometimes when he has pains. I'm sure you will get others who will tell you their experiences. Grace
  4. Oh Andrea, I'm sending postive thoughts your way, I also believe that what happened w/ the dr. and your mom today was a sign of something positive and new is going to happen your way!!!!! Grace
  5. Hey Shirley, Thx. for the update on your dad. I'm so happy things are finally falling into a good place! I heard Dr. Mulveys' name mentioned today, of course u know we went to BI today. It took us 2 hrs of traffic to get there . I had mentioned cyberkn to his onc at BI, he said he would talk to Dr. Mulvey, but perhaps if things turned a certain way, he might. But for the most of it, dr. was glad to see and hear my husband doing well. He said for him to keep thru his current chemo. scan and go on from there. perhaps, a clinical trial, but there are criterias....but over all tiring day. *** I was taken aback today by something his onc. said, that he was ashamed to admit that the cancer community isn't doing enough for small cell lung cancer, most of lc trials are for lclc....I told him I wasn't suprised a bit.... Well going out to the movies w/ hubby, we'll catch up soon.... Grace
  6. Darrell, Please know I'm thinking about you. I hope you get a chance to post soon, take care. ....thank u Chris Grace
  7. Jen, I am very sorry about you dad. Praying for your family.. Grace
  8. Nancy, I know that the cisplastin can be harsh, do you think you have a sensitivity to it? because there is carboplatin, as you know. Also are you taking Kytril? that's what they give my husband, he hates it, but was told if he didn't take it, he would be very sick. My husband has compazine, but hasn't used it yet. Of course you know drink your water, and flush, flush, flush..... I think you eat whatever you can, a little bit at a time, my husbands' NP told him about the "BRAT" diet he could try -it stands for Bananas, Rice, Apples and Tea here more info on it: http://www.ccsu.edu/healthservice/Gener ... atDiet.htm Just take it easy Nancy. Grace
  9. EastCoastLadi

    Brain Tumor

    My prayers go out to her and her family tonite.. Grace
  10. (((Jen))), May God surround your dad in comfort and peace. I pray for your dad tonite. Grace
  11. I'm so happy to be reading this today!!! My husband is almost an 11 month survivor! His bone scans were clear, his brain mets are gone, he's on his 3rd wave of chemo. I call him "Chemo Man!!!!" ....he makes healthy people look bad!!!!! I want him to survive this!!! Grace
  12. Thank you Brian for the update. I'm sending my prayers Joanies' way for a successful surgery and a very quick recovery!!! Grace
  13. Yea! Happy Day to Me!!!!! so proud to be amongst a celebrated group! Grace
  14. Shirley, I think fatigue is just a regular part of your dads' life now. I know thats' the case w/ my husband, I told him, he could probably fall asleep standing up! But if you think about all that they are going thru, it's alot! so I'd rather take the fatigue rather than being really ill. Hang in there Shirley, best thing for your dad to do is sleep, let him do what his body is telling him to do..... Take care, ===try to enjoy the beautiful weather!!!! Grace
  15. Brian, Thank you for the update, please let Joanie know that she is in my prayers tonite. Grace
  16. Melinda, I know that this is not what you wanted for your mom at this point in her care. But reactions can happen, my husband has had reactions to 2 drugs, taxol and gemzar. Her dr. probably wants to make sure that the next line of treatment will be safer for her. Praying for the best. Grace
  17. Lisa, don't worry about it, as you can see transfusions are just par for the course! my husband has already had one blood and one platlet transfusion, and it wouldn't suprise me at bit if he need more..... Tell your dad that it is not ususual, and that now he knows the chemo is doing it job ( beside killing the bad cells, it takes the good as well) Grace
  18. (((Jen))) I'm crying too, cherish all the moments with your dad. I remember the talks I had with my dad in his last weeks, I'm so glad I got the chance to tell him I loved him, how I didn't want him to die, no one ever knew how strong my dads' will was. I was going thru just what you're going thru now, a year ago. Please know I'm praying for your family. Grace
  19. Char, I came across this for anyone who has lost a loved one. The Lord saw you getting tired And a cure was not to be, So He put his arms aroud you And whispered, "Come with me." With tearful eyes, we watched you suffer And saw you fade away, Although we loved you dearly, We could not make you stay. A golden heart stopped beating, A beautiful smile at rest, God broke our hearts to prove He only takes the best.
  20. Lilly, I am so glad that you have the help you needed! When my husband had his seizure in April, the drs. looked at me and said "you're driving, right"...well yes, you got to you what you got to do! It may not be all that conveinent but hey your health and safety are number one priority!!! I hope you won't have any more blackouts! Take care. Grace
  21. (((Karen))) I pray for peace for your dad. I personally know how difficult it is so see your dad this. Let us pray that he is not in pain and comfortable. Grace
  22. Elise, As you can see by my husbands' profile he has WBR in April and was extemely exhausted, just to let you know, it is normal to experience. I would ask too are you on steroids, because that would help w/ the swelling, my husband couldn't take steroids because they elevated his blood sugar so high, it was too much of a risk. Grace
  23. Mary, It could be to your body has accumulated so much treatment, and with the combo between radiation and chemo, it can do a job on you. Hey my husband, passed out about 2 weeks ago, he was fine, thank goodness, but when I talked to his onc. about it, he seemed to think it was the chemo that was the cause. Please take care of yourself.... Grace
  24. Jan, My sincerest condolences and prayers go out to you and your family. Please know we are here for you. Grace
  25. Jim, Saying my prayers for you in hopes of good findings with your plan... Grace
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