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Everything posted by Judy-OK

  1. Judy-OK


    Rich great to see a post from you no matter how brief it has to be. Prayers and best wishes.
  2. Welcome Barb and you are correct NED = no evidence of disease which we would all like to be able to place after our signature boxes. I am one year out from treatment for inoperable nsclc and at this time go for a PET scan every 3 months. I go back in about 3 weeks for my next one. As of last check they say my condition is "stable". All my friends say that definitely does NOT refer to my mind. Keep a good positive attitude and expect a miracle.
  3. Judy-OK


    Hi Alex. Welcome to a message board filled with a great group of folks that are always around to answer questions, offer support, etc.
  4. Nova ... prayers for both of you. This is not called giving up it is called gathering the troops and regrouping for a battle. The break may prove to be exactly what he needs to regain some strength.
  5. Sorry you are dealing with all the stress. Would it be less stressful if you dad could be convinced to come live with you???
  6. My main thought was already touched on by Nova. Dehydration can cause so many things to go wrong and severe confusion is definitely one of them. Give her plenty of liquids and call her doctor.
  7. Judy-OK


    Tanner, please know that many special prayers are being said for you and your family tonight and in the days to come. So sorry for your loss.
  8. I was on my own throughout my treatment and started the battle at a whooping 101 pounds. Upon completion of chemo and radiation I now sport a chubby 123 pounds. My onc told me from the get go to eat anything and everything I could. I did keep snacks by the bed 24/7 and figured out ways to make even healthy shakes taste good. Keep trying and stay positive you will find the magic mix.
  9. Going with him to appointments is a great idea if he wants you to and if you are able to take time off to do so. I travled all but a couple of appointment alone and on occasion I would take a small hand held recorder. That way if I missed anything or some well meaning friend thought I had misinperpreted something then I had the whole discussion on tape. I also have always been way to independent for my own good and absoutely could not bring myself to ask for help. Some friends just knew what needed to be done and stepped up to the plate ... the other stuff I somehow muddled through. Keep a positive attitude and Expect A Miracle.
  10. Who of us by worrying can add a single minute to our lives??? Chemo and radiation were NOT a party but they were not nearly as bad as I had been led to believe. I try to always keep one thought foremost in my mind. I believe that from the very second I was conceived in my mother's womb that GOD knew everything that would take place in my life until I am called home to be with him. He alone has the knowledge of what has been and what is yet to come and he is so fantastic that he made sure I was fully equipped to handle the journey. I may have to reach deep down within or stretch out a little further than is comfortable but I know he placed the strength in me to get through it all. Keep a positive attitude and Expect A Miracle.
  11. Welcome and don't be to quick to change her diet. Some folks tend to loose weight during treatment. My doctor told me to eat anything and everything I could stand to eat and I put 20 pounds on. My lung cancer was inoperable but I received chemo and 35 radiaition treatments. Tomorrow it will be one year since my first radiation and as of now they are saying "stable". If you mom can keep a good attitude, laugh a lot and expect a miracle then I think she will do just fine.
  12. Teri, so glad to see this post please give your Bill a big hug and tell him I also miss his posts and think of him often. I not only believe in miracles but have decided the best road is to expect a miracle. Where the mind goes, the man follows; we attract our thoughts, etc. etc. etc. Hope all continues on an uphill climb and how glorious it will be when we reach the top. Judy
  13. Hi and welcome!! Sorry you need us but know we are here when you do ..... expect a miracle!!!
  14. Judy-OK

    My Dad :(

    Tina we are all here for you. Has anyone mentioned lately how much we HATE this disease!!!???
  15. So sorry Heidi ... this disease takes a lot of strenght on the part of the patient as well as the family and friends.
  16. Thanks to each of you. Glad to hear Bill is feeling a bit better and will look forward to an update from Teri. I think that backdoor way of finding a post just might work for someone as backwards as I always seem to manage to be.
  17. I do not know the most efficient way to use the "Search" funtion on this site and after trying a few different approaches I decided I would post here. I think that I have not seen a recent post from "teriw" and of course, as often is the case, I could be wrong. Was wondering how she and Bill are doing. Thanks.
  18. Welcome twinmom ... you have found a wonderful place here with absolutely, positively the MOST fantastic folks to support you on this roller coaster journey. A positive attitude and good laugh will get you farther than you can imagine. Expect a miracle!!!
  19. Judy-OK


    Yep been there done that and now my PCP has given me a script for Levaquin because it always seems to hit me on a weekend and by Monday I am in bad shape. Just go to your doctor and get some meds because it can make you miserable and could turn into pneumonia or the like if not treated.
  20. Welcome aboard Salt. Tell your hubby he can come post as well or even utilize the Tuesday night chat.
  21. THIS KIND OF STUFF HAS GOT TO STOP IN OUR COUNTRY! We Must Stop This Immediately! Have you noticed that stairs are getting steeper . Groceries are heavier. And, everything is farther away. Yesterday I walked to the corner and I was dumbfounded to discover how long our street has become! This extension work was apparently done at night !! Very sneaky stuff.. And, you know, people are less considerate now, especially the youngsters. They speak in whispers all the time! If you ask them to speak up they just keep repeating themselves, endlessly mouthing the same silent message until they're red in the face! What do they think I am, a lip reader? I also think they are much younger than I was at the same age. On the other hand, people my own age are so much older than I am. I ran into an old friend the other day, and she has aged so much that she didn't even recognize me. I got to thinking about the poor dear while I was combing my hair this morning, and in doing so, I glanced at my own reflection ........Well, REALLY NOW- even mirrors are not made the way they used to be! Another thing, everyone drives so fast these days! You're risking life and limb if you happen to pull onto the freeway in front of them.. All I can say is, their brakes must wear out awfully fast, the way I see them screech and swerve in my rear view mirror. Clothing manufacturers are less civilized these days. Why else would they suddenly start labeling a size 32 pair of pants a 42, or medium shirt as 'extra large? Do they think no one notices that these things no longer fit around the waist, hips, thighs, and neck? The people who make bathroom scales are pulling the same prank, but in reverse.. Do they think I actually "believe" the number I see on that dial? Heck ! I would never let myself weigh that much! Just who do these people think they're fooling? I'd like to call up someone in authority to report what's going on -- but the telephone company is in on the conspiracy too: they've printed the phone books in such small type that no one could ever find a number in there! All I can do is pass along this warning: We are under attack! Unless something drastic happens, pretty soon everyone will have to suffer these awful indignities. PLEASE PASS THIS ON TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW AS SOON AS POSSIBLE SO WE CAN GET THIS CONSPIRACY STOPPED! PS: I am sending this to you in a larger font size, because something has caused my computer's regular fonts to be smaller than they once were. (They must be sneaking into my house and messing around with my computer. Probably CIA....!!!) Pretty scary stuff huh?
  22. Welcome to a great message board and a wonderful group of supportive and helpful folks. Strap yourself in and get ready to ride the roller coaster and know that many folks are here to help you or answer any questions you might have.
  23. I underwent radiation 5 days a week for 7 weeks while also receiving chemo therapy once a week. My cancer was inoperable so I am not sure if that is an extra reason for radiation but I also know a lot of folks on here that have had surgery, radiation and chemo. I guess I figured the more ammunition they put in there to kill the beast the better my chance was of being a survivor. So far, so good, 9 months out from treatment and stable at last check.
  24. NODAWGS, it was good to chat with you last night in the chat room. Even better to see you come share a success story with everyone.
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