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Everything posted by ernrol

  1. I had chemo and Tarceva. I had almost two years of complete remission. I have a couple of new spots show up and have started chemo again I have had no bad side effects from any of my treatment except for a little tingling in my fingers. Maybe something like Tarceva alone would be worth trying. Stay positive, Ernie
  2. I agree. They consider anyone who ever smoked as a smoking related cancer no matter how long ago you quit. I quit 35 years ago and was labeled a heavy smoker. They say after 15 years of not smoking your lungs return to normal. Someone is lying to us. Some of the people who smoked and got cancer would have got cancer whether they smoked or not. They don’t know how many that might be. It’s like the saying of a friend of mine on the radio, 90% of the people who die have eaten carrots, so if you eat carrots it’s going to kill you. “Figures don’t lie, but liars figure.” I don't thik smoking is good for you but it's not the only reason one gets lung cancer. Stay positive, Ernie
  3. Robin, I just started on the same chemo for a second time. I have had no problem with it before or now. I drink lots of water. Stay positive, Ernie
  4. ernrol


    Leela, Welcome to the site. Your mom’s cancer is very treatable. If it has not spread to the lymph node or somewhere else, there may be a chance to operate later if the tumor shrinks enough. It already has shrunk a lot. Keep us posted. Stay positive, Ernie
  5. A few minutes to enjoy Stay positive, Ernie
  6. Christine, I think you are right to ask questions. If your dad feels the same way you may want to ask about a second opinion. Most doctors welcome a second opinion mine did. Keep us informed. Stay positive, Ernie
  7. Bucky, Happy Birthday a day late. I look at each day as a gift and I want to enjoy it. I didn’t sit and worry about having a heart attack before I had cancer so there is no sense in worrying about cancer or anything else. It’s just not productive so I ask you to join me in celebrating each day. We should be doing this cancer or no cancer. MATHEW 6:27 “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?” Stay positive, Ernie
  8. Colleen, Welcome to the site. Keep us posted on your progress and we will give you all the support we can. Stay positive, Ernie
  9. Peral, Welcome to the site. It sounds like you have your hands full. Your husband needs help. You might try to contact some of his friends and see if they can talk him into going to a doctor to get examined. You might contact the doctor that refused to treat him explain everything to him. Ask if there is a way he could be forced to get treatment. There may be a way to have him get physiological treatment by force. These may sound like some harsh things to do, but they may save his life. In the meantime he is going to be miserable and make you the same way unless something is done. I am truly sorry to be so blunt. I will pray for you and your husband. Keep us posted. Stay positive, Ernie
  10. ernrol


    Stelly, Welcome to the site. I think you can live a long time with cancer if it is treated right and you have a good attitude. Stay positive, Ernie
  11. I would not be concerned with the scar tissue. If it did not show on the PET scan then there is good reason to believe that it is scar tissue. The 2mm on the liver may be too small for a biopsy. I have a couple of new spots that they are treating with Carboplatin and Taxol. They don't know for sure if it is cancer and won't without a biopsy. You can have trust in your Docs and still question them. If you have too many questions that you don’t like the answers to, then you may want to consider a second opinion. How many more chemo treatments do they plan to do? After the chemo things may get a lot better. If you could do your profile it would help us a lot to know more about your treatment. Keep us posted. Stay positive, Ernie
  12. ernrol


    Bucky, There are probabaly a lot of people that know somthing about Ernie, but I hope you don't find them. I am here. I sent you an email the other day. I am a little back logged on my reports, but I am doing great. I have chemo again tomorrow. My biggest problem is fixing my lunch and picking out what DVDS I will watch. Thanks for asking. Stay positive, Ernie
  13. Barb, You have beaten it once and you can do it again. I too have had some spots show up after 2 years. I started chemo again and plan to put it back in remission. If you have any doubts about anything then do what Kasey says, second opinions. Stay positive, Ernie
  14. Ray, Welcome to the site. We will give you all the support we can. There are people that live with lung cancer. I would plan on your wife being one of them. I was diagnosed in July 2005. I have had a couple of spots show up and I have started chemo again. I still have not had a sick day. More information would be a help. Keep us posted. Stay positive, Ernie
  15. Mikee, Welcome to the site. It sounds like Char has a cancer similar to my own. I had good results from chemo. Had almost 2 years being cancer free and now have a couple of small spots. I have started chemo again and everything is going well. You can live very well with cancer. I will pray that Char has good results with her treatment too. You sound like that you both have a good attitude. That is part of what it takes to win. Stay positive, Ernie
  16. Barbara, I was president of my company for over 20 years. I sold it to a large manufacture giving all the employees a great opportunity. I was retired from the company and I don’t hear anything from any of them unless it business and they need my help. I don’t let it bother me. I have made many friends on this site. A group of us met for dinner in Chicago and I had a great time. Try not to let it bother you. You have many friends here and if you want to have them call you, let them know with a PM message. If you had some close friend at work, you may want to call them and ask how they are. That might shake them. Look ahead and keep a great attitude and let us fill that gap of friendship. Stay positive, Ernie
  17. Dina, It sounds like your dad’s cancer is treatable and that he could have many more happy years. There are many of us here that have survived years and plan to go many more. If you and your dad and his whole team can stay positive it helps a lot. You will find that it is a real team effort. I was blessed with a great team. My whole family believed that the good Lord would see us through. Keep us posted. Stay positive, Ernie
  18. Janice, Welcome to the site. You will get lots of support here. Back pain can be caused by the tumor. The spot on his spine could give pain to the back. It does not have to be very big to cause some pain. I did not have a lot of back pain. But it did go away as the chemo started to work. Maybe you could fill out the profile on your dad. That way we could tell more about his situation. Your dad’s cancer is very treatable and he could go into remission with the treatment that he is getting. Keep us posted. Stay positive, Ernie
  19. ernrol


    Rhonda, I was told that there is no cure, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t live a long time with it. There may be no cure today, but if you can live a few years with it there may be a cure then. Sometimes doctors don’t tell you the best news because they don’t want to get your hopes up. They think these are false hopes. There is no such thing as false hope. I would say it’s time to get your team together and plan on your mom living with this till there is a cure. That’s what I plan on doing. Stay positive, Ernie
  20. ernrol

    Pet results

    Jamie, That's really great news. I hope you enjoyed your vacation in Florida. Sorry I missed you. Stay positive, Ernie
  21. Deb, Welcome to the site. Please keep us poted. Stay positive, Ernie
  22. Welcome to the site. You will find lots of support here. Stay positive, Ernie
  23. Nina, I will pray for good scans. Stay positive, Ernie
  24. Barb, I lost weight the first week. I had to eat more than normal during chemo. I treated myself like I was stoking a furnace. I ended up gaining weight. Unfortunately every one is not able to eat like I did. You can eat a little all day. Try the things he likes. I ate a lot of organic almond butter with a little jelly on an English muffin. Find those things that he likes. I would share with him that a lot of us lost weight at first. You do have to do something about it. I am here two years later and I have started chemo once again. I do have my almond butter handy. I will not loose weight. Stay positive, Ernie
  25. LeAnn, Welcome to the site. You will find many of us here have defied all predictions. Cancer is very treatable. You have already received some very good advice. Having the right attitude is most important. Stay positive, Ernie
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