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Everything posted by ernrol

  1. ernrol

    Food for Thought

    Kasey, You may have answered part of your own question, "FOOD FOR THOUGHT". Dogs consume some of the same food additives that we do. They drink the same chlorinated water and many other things. These have all changed greatly over the last 75 years. I think they make a difference. Stay positive, Ernie
  2. Jamie, I don’t know if we talked about this in Chicago or not. I had not been taking Milk thistle till I heard about it from you. I started taking Gaia Herbs Milk Thistle and then did some research. I picked the Ultra Thistle because of its purported highly absorbed and its potency. I just recently posted my report on Milk Thistle. Check it out. I think any Milk thistle is good to take. To get the high potency in a single capsule is better for me, because I take so many other things. Stay positive, Ernie
  3. Sue, That’s great news. For what it is worth the one thing that I take that I think really helped with the Tarceva side effects is the AHCC. I take 6 grams a day. I take 2 grams three times a day. I think this made a difference. Stay positive, Ernie
  4. ernrol

    great news

    Bucky, That’s great, I will pray that God continues to bless you and heal you. Stay positive, Ernie
  5. ernrol


    Eileen, That's great. I quit servile times the last time was 35 years ago. Here is something that may help. Every time you see a person smoking or smell smoke, think bout getting sick to your stomach. When you think about cigarettes, think about how lousy they taste when you are sick or have a bad cold. When you light one up put it out and light another. I got to the point where now when I smell smoke I will get nauseas. It worked for me and made me not even to desire one. Stay positive, Ernie
  6. Welcome to the site. It sounds like you have the right attitude to beat this. I would not think about having a bad time with the chemo. Chemo has changed a lot in the last few years. I went through all my chemo and I am starting again after two years of remission. I have never had a sick day. I take supplements and do what ever I can to keep from getting side effects. So far something is working. I would think positive and believe that this time you will not get sick and then you may not. Try to fill in your profile so that the others here can help you more. You came to the right site for good support. Keep us posted. Stay positive, Ernie
  7. Rhonda, That's great news it all about attitude. Stay positive, Ernie
  8. Milk Thistle REPORT By Ernie Puckett This is a report on one of many supplements that I take. Each report will contain: What it is, How I think it helped me. Dosage I take, with links to info on dosage if available. What I would recommend to my children to take as a supplement A link to The Sloan Kettering site if the supplement is listed there. You may have to agree to the conditions then click on the first letter of supplement, and scroll down to the supplement. If you have already been to this web site before it will take you right to the supplement. Some supplements may interfere with chemotherapy or radiation. This site is a good source for that information Other interesting web sites where I found valuable information, with links to research Brand name and manufacture and link to where I purchase the product. This is the best price I have found. Most of the web sites are also selling a product and may be bias, but they still contain good information. The Sloan Kettering site has no interest in selling products and I consider this unbiased. By reviewing this report and the clicking links you should be able to make an intelligent decision whether this is something you want to take. For additional information you can Google the supplement in your browser. ALL SUPPLEMENTS/HERBS SHOULD BE CHECKED WITH YOU DOCTORS BEFORE YOU START TO TAKE THEM. I showed all of mine to my oncologist. Don’t forget to add the most important item_ PRAYER Milk Thistle, Milk thistle is an ancient medicinal plant used to purify and protect the liver How I think it helped me, I think it may help prevent damage to liver that may be caused by the Tarceva. It also may help prevent cancer. What I take today, I take Ultra Thistle 1080mg Silybin Phytosome a day. I have just recently started taking this supplement. It sounds like a good one for cancer patients to take so I have added it to my supplements. What I would suggest that my children take as a supplement, It would not need to be taken unless there is a good reason. like a weakened immune system. I don’t think that it would hurt to take it either. What is Milk Thistle http://www.nwcb.wa.gov/weed_info/Silybum_marianum.html http://www.salamresearch.com/html/milk_ ... oduct.html Dosage Scroll down to “What is the dosage recommendation for UltraThistle?” http://www.ultrathistle.com Sloan Kettering http://www.mskcc.org/mskcc/html/69303.cfm Other web sites of interest http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/silyma ... ilkthistle http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/pdq/ ... #Section_7 http://www.aafp.org/afp/20051001/1285.html http://www.drugdigest.org/DD/DVH/HerbsW ... le,00.html Brand name and lowest price that I have found Milk thistle varies in price. I chose the one that I take because its potency and formula. The brand that I take is Natural Wellness Ultra Thistle http://shop.naturalwellnessonline.com/p ... umber=N200 Questions and comments appreciated erniepuckett@comcast.net If you would like to be removed from these report mailings, e-mail your request to the above address.
  9. Jenifer, Welcome to the site. You will get plenty of support here. I know the anger and the feeling that some one is to blame, but now is the time to turn positive for today and tomorrow and to do all you can to help your mom beat the cancer. You and your mom have to get over the anger. It causes stress. You do not need stress. Each day your mom has to do all she can to help beat this. Try to turn your energy into positive things for your mom. Stay positive, Ernie.
  10. John, I know that it is disappointing to have to start treatment again. My oncologist told me in the beginning that treating cancer may become like treating a chronic disease. I was cancer free for almost two years and now I have started chemo again for a couple of new spots that just showed up. We beat it once and we can beat it again. We know for sure that it is possible to knock it down. Don’t let it get you down. I have to start each day making sure that I stay in a positive mode and some days it is easier than others. I will pray that you beat it again. Stay positive, Ernie
  11. Suebee, I have Adenocarcinoma and they did not wait. The idea that they would not give you chemo because you are healthy does not make any since to me. I was healthy with no symptoms of cancer and they started the chemo. At the end of three months my tumors were in remission. I think I would want a second opinion. Stay positive, Ernie
  12. After learning of my new nodules and the proposed treatment I started thinking about a second opinion and if I could get the best treatment in Naples. My first thought was how this place in Naples could be able to satisfy me on knowing if this is the best radiation. Well my dear wife did a little research on this place. It's called 21st Century Oncology. They have over 70 locations throughout the country. This is not what I expected. The doctor that I am to see comes from M D Anderson in Houston. What I would like to know is there anyone that has any experience or know anything about this group? Stay positive, Ernie
  13. THAT'S REALLY GOOD NEWS! Stay positive, Ernie
  14. ernrol

    Scan results

    I got my results today. A couple of nodules showed up on the right lung. One of them is 1.9cm. The spot that we were watching that was on the hip is gone. That’s a good thing. That means everything is still only in the lung. The plan is to go back to some chemo (Carboplatin and Taxol) and to see about radiation. This is a lot better than the first time when radiation was not an option. I have to meet with the radiologist next week. They may want to see what the chemo dose first. Monday I will be back watching my movies, eating my lunch and oh yes the chemo. Now for the real good news. Waiting for the results did not bother me and I was well prepared for the outcome. Praying last night like I do every night a thought came to me. I have to turn every thing over to my God and he will handle it. He still expects me to do all I can to help. That is what I plan to do. So I had a feeling somthing was going to show up and was well prepared. I thought about how getting test results are like baseball. You don’t know what the pitcher is going to throw, but your plan is to knock the ball out of the park. So it’s time to play ball. Good news is being able to do something to change a future outcome, so this is good news. Could be better but this is good. Stay positive, Ernie
  15. For what it is worth, my oncologist told me that he does not give the test that they say will determine if a cancer will react to Tarceva. He told me that he was afraid that people that it may help would not get a chance to see if it works. He just goes ahead and gives it to patients. In my case he gave it along with the first chemo. This is also not the way that some say to use it. It did work for me and I thank God each day. Maybe there a chance of a second opinion on the Tarceva. Stay positive, Ernie
  16. Sue, You have got some good replies here. Take a list of questions with you and take some one else with you to take notes also. The more ears the better. Stay positive, Ernie
  17. Welcome to the site. You will get a lot of support here. Sorry to hear about your wife. I had nsclc. There are many here that had SCLC that are way past two years. I would not give up hope for a lot longer survival time. You need to fill out the profile for your wife so that we can see what her treatment has been. There may be a more aggressive treatment. From what you have said her onc does not sound like he is headed for a cure. I would consider getting a second opinion, if you have not already done so. M. D. Anderson in Houston is a good place to start. I would search till I found a doctor who said that they thought they could cure her. You may want to read Kasey’s story in the MY STORY forum. She also had nsclc, but you can see what a little searching can do. http://lchelp.org/l_community/viewtopic.php?t=15264 She searched till she found a doctor that said yes I can help you. Keep us posted. Stay positive, Ernie
  18. Joe, That’s a great testimony. God is SOOOOOOO GOOD. Stay positive, Ernie
  19. Two years today (7/7/7) waiting for results. I have adapted the same reasoning to waiting for test results as I have done to a lot of things in my life. I just say to myself how fortunate I am to be here and be able to wait for my test results. Stay positive, Ernie
  20. Robbin, I will pray that the results of the scan are good. I have a spot that they have been watching for about 4 months. I know it may be nothing or it may be cancer. If it’s nothing, that’s great. If it’s cancer then we will take care of it. I can’t afford to worry about it. I need to do everything in my power to avoid stress. Next Wednesday I have an appointment with my oncologist. I will know more then. This is the first time that it doesn’t bother me to wait and see. It may not be near as bad as you think it could be. You have over a week till you learn more and worrying will not help. Make up your mind that you will beat what ever it is. Here is one of the verses that I think of at times like this. MATHEW 6:27 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? There will be alot of us praying for you, to help you through this. Stay positive, Ernie
  21. ernrol


    Welcome to the site. Try to fill out the profile to give us more information. You will get a lot of support here. Stay positive, Ernie
  22. ernrol

    Bill & Teri

    The power of prayer. I know that many of us believe in the power of prayer. I would suggest that if you do, that you take this coming weekend to remember Bill and Teri in prayer. Let’s make a conscious effort to pray for Bill's pain and healing. It would be nice to read Bill’s post again. July 7th & 8th, pray for Bill weekend. Stay positive, Ernie
  23. Terri, I don’t know much about pain management. I can pray that Bill’s pain goes away. Stay positive, Ernie
  24. Valadi, There are times when things seem so tough. You might try this. Sit down, forgive those that you are having problems with, and then think of ten things that you are thankful for. I have found no matter how hard things seem to be, that I can always think of some things to be thankful for. If you can’t think of ten, think of as many as you can. I will pray that your feelings improve. Stay positive, Ernie
  25. Jamie, That's great! You should have told us in Chicago and we could have celebrated there Stay positive, Ernie
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