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Everything posted by ernrol

  1. Linda, Most of the people I know that have found modules turn out to not be cancer, but they do check them each year for change. Stay positive, Ernie
  2. Sharon, You are one of a group of us that have been on Tarceva for a while. There are a few here at around two years. I have been on Tarceva for 22 months and I think Jamie has been on Tarceva for over 2 years. They have mentioned to me about stopping it after two years. As far as I can tell they don’t know much about long term side effects. Keep us posted on how things work out. Have they mentioned any treatment for them or told you what they think they are? Stay positive, Ernie
  3. Trina, I think you are getting upset way before you know what your problem is. Your doctors may be being very cautious. As far as I know sub centimeter means smaller than a centimeter. They may or may not be cancer. If for some chance they were cancer then they may not want to operate. Then they may want to treat the cancer first. I would think that they would give you a PET scan to see if there is any uptake. If there was then they would need to do a biopsy to confirm cancer. They don't want to do the wrong thing so they are being very careful. When they get through with the entire test then you can get a second opinion. Keep us posted Stay positive, Ernie
  4. Wendy, Being strong is part of the battle. Being positive is more of the battle. Tears are common. When I was told that I had stage IV lung cancer with a pleural effusion, that there is no cure, that they could not operate or use radiation, that with no treatment I should go to Hospice and with treatment I had 18 months tops, I did have a few tears at first. After a while of feeling sorry for my self I decided to fight and decided that with the help of my God that I had a chance of beating the odds. If I had believed my prognoses I would not be here now. Being a nurse you may tend to believe what the doctors say more than my family. You and your mom need to be part of a team for your dad. You need to tell us a little more about your dad’s cancer. There is not a cancer that someone has not beaten, so why not your dad. I would always consider a second opinion no matter what. Keep us posted. Stay positive, Ernie
  5. If it were me I would be calling M.D, Anderson in Houston. I believe that you are in Canada, but here is a list of places for second opinions: http://www.blochcancer.org/articles/xtrnew.asp If somehow you can afford to consult with M.D. Anderson it would be the move that I would make. From what you have posted I would come to the conclusion that your onc is not as well informed as some others. You need more opinions from better qualified people. Stay positive, Ernie
  6. Barb, Welcome to the site. It sounds like they found your cancer early and were able to remove it. Keep us posted. Stay positive, Ernie
  7. There is not much to laugh about when it comes to cancer, but a little laughter helps heal especially if the joke is on me. Do you think I am paranoid? I was playing golf the other day and it was quite windy. After a few holes I began to get this headache. Of course you know the first thing that I think of when any thing starts to bother me. As the day went on I got more concerned and it did not help my golf game. There is not too much that could help my game, it’s beyond help. As I was walking to the car after putting up with this headache all day, I removed my hat that I had secured to my head rather tightly to keep the wind from sending it into the next county and VALA, the headache was gone. HATS OFF TO MODERN MEDICNE Stay positive, Ernie
  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATIE BROWN ! Stay positive, Ernie
  9. ernrol


    Connie, Thanks for all that you do. Stay positive, Ernie
  10. ernrol

    The Struggle

    Don, Sorry to hear that you are leaving us, but I feel that it will be for only a short time. I started training for Stephen Ministry after I was diagnosed with stage IV cancer. It is a great ministry. Here I was learning to be a caregiver and I looked more like I should have been a care receiver. I have now gone to further training to become a Steven Ministry Leader. You will find this a very rewarding endeavor. You will see how the training can be used right here on this site. As a Stephen Minister you usually only have one care receiver. I do have two at this time but that is not the norm. On this website you can have hundreds if not thousands. I expect to see you back after you complete your training. I think positively that you will be back. How else can I think? Stay positive, Ernie, a fellow Stephen Minister
  11. Sunny, Welcome to the site. I did not have Squamous Cell, but I did have stage IV. I thought it was important for me to know everything I could learn about my cancer. I would rather know all I can find out and that way I am able to plan my treatment better. I would not want to learn from another source other then the doctors that are treating me, but that is a choice that she has to make. Keep us posted. Stay positive, Ernie
  12. Raney, THAT’S GREAT NEWS! You might try a little exercise to help with the SOB. It sound crazy, but sometimes it works. Stay positive, Ernie
  13. Yirol, I just had to correct you on a couple of things. Number 4 He’s 69 that’s young I am 70. Number 7 he may have years. I was given 18 months and that was 22 months ago. Keep fighting for the proper treatment. Stay positive, Ernie
  14. yirol, If possible I would get a second opinion. This would be easy in the states, but I don't know about Canada. If it were me I would be on my way to M. D. Anderson in Houston. Stay positive, Ernie
  15. Grace, I am sending you some positive thoughts. I try to keep a lot of them on hand. Stay positive, Ernie
  16. Bobby, I think your sister needs to call the insurance company and ask them what their reason is for denying the PET scan. It might be that the request can be worded differently by her doctor to get approval. My policy is to find out what they want then give it to them. Stay positive, Ernie
  17. I had Carboplatin, Taxol, Cimetidin(Tagamet), Decadron, Benadryl, Aloxi. Taxol is the only other chemo, the others were for side effects. It took about 4 hours. I would say without the Taxol it would take about 3 hours if given the same drugs to fight the side effects. Stay positive, Ernie
  18. ernrol

    Great news

    Heidi, Glad to hear that your mom is doing so well. Will pray for good scans. Stay positive, Ernie
  19. THAT'S GREAT! I would say you are good to go for a long time, many years. Stay positive, Ernie
  20. Bucky, The fact that you know that you have to change is good. Having your doctors feel positive is a good sign. I found it hard to stay positive when I had doctors that were negative. I know that I had to be positive and one of the best verses that always helped was: MATHEW 6:27 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Stay positive, Ernie
  21. Wendy, Welcome to the site. Your dad’s cancer is very treatable. You will get a lot of support here. Please inform of more by filling out the profile on your dad and keep us posted. Stay positive, Ernie
  22. ernrol


    Yes water is a must. I tried to drink an 8oz glass of water for each hour that I am awake and I still do. Exercise can help. It sounds crazy, but a little exercise will give you more strength. Stay positive, Ernie
  23. Cheryl, Welcome to the site. You will get a lot of support here. I don't know too much about sclc but there are many that do. Stay positive, Ernie
  24. ernrol


    Welcome Richard, You will get a lot of support here. When you learn more about your cancer you will be able to fill out your profile. Stay positive, Ernie
  25. ernrol


    Marie, My answer has always been “I will have plenty of time for things like that after I beat this disease” I wanted to spend 100% of my time on beating my cancer. So forget what they said and get in a happy mood. Laughter heals Stay positive, Ernie
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