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Everything posted by DanaBrooke

  1. I am so sorry you have to deal with this. My heart goes out to you and your family!
  2. It has been 13 days since I lost my mom. The pain is getting worse. Each day is A new day I realize i can't pick up the phone to call my mom. I can't hug her. I have so many things I just need to tell her already. I need her advice. Life is just so unfair. My mom always told me mom's never really leave there daughter's! I am waiting for a sign from her. I just miss her so much. My dad walks around talking to her. He lost his love of his life! Last night my husband and I took my dad out for dinner, the first time in 31 years my dad was out on a saturday night without my mom. I am 28 years old- think I have a pretty good life- great husband- live in nyc in a great apartment- have an amazing puppy but I am missing one of the most important things in my life. MY MOM!!! As amazing as I always thought my life has been- it just will never be the same. How can it? As sick as my mom was she always had the energy to blow me a kiss. I just miss that! People say it takes time. People say she is in a better place. I know my mom wanted to be with us- that's the place she loved! She always said she will not leave this earth without kicking and screaming. Trust me she put up a fight-I know she was kicking and screaming all the way- what a strong amazing person. I just can't seem to think I will ever get over this. yes, I will move forward with my life- just like my mom would of wanted but I will never forget my mom and she will always be with me. It just hurts so bad! I love you mom and miss you so much !!
  3. DanaBrooke

    Great news

    sending lots of prayers to you! Best of luck!!
  4. amazing! Good Work!!
  5. i got this from a friend and thought it was beautiful I'm Free Don't grieve for me, for now I'm free, I'm following the path God laid for me; I took His hand when I heard Him call I turned my back and left it all. I could not stay another day to laugh, to love, to work, to play; tasks left undone must stay that way. I found that place at the close of the day. If my parting has left a void, the fill it with remembering joy, a friendship shared, a laugh a kiss; Ah, yes, these things I too will miss. Be not burdened with times of sorrow; I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow. My life's been full, I've savored much, good friends, good times, a loved ones touch. Perhaps my time seemed all too brief, Don't lengthen it now with undue grief, lift up your heart and share with me. God wanted me now- He set me free.
  6. a friend sent this to me and when i saw your subject " i'm free" that reminded me of this I'm Free Don't grieve for me, for now I'm free, I'm following the path God laid for me; I took His hand when I heard Him call I turned my back and left it all. I could not stay another day to laugh, to love, to work, to play; tasks left undone must stay that way. I found that place at the close of the day. If my parting has left a void, the fill it with remembering joy, a friendship shared, a laugh a kiss; Ah, yes, these things I too will miss. Be not burdened with times of sorrow; I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow. My life's been full, I've savored much, good friends, good times, a loved ones touch. Perhaps my time seemed all too brief, Don't lengthen it now with undue grief, lift up your heart and share with me. God wanted me now- He set me free.
  7. DanaBrooke

    She's gone

    I am so sorry!!
  8. DanaBrooke


    Thank you so much for posting this!! Last night was very tough. We are getting ready to go to her Services.
  9. DanaBrooke


    In memory of my mom Joan Wallach and in lieu of Flowers my family and friends will be making donations in my mom's name to the LUNGEVITY Foundation
  10. may 15th 5:30 am my mom Joan Wallach passed away. My dad and I watched as she opened her eyes looked at us and took her last breath. I love her so much and miss her already!!! _________________
  11. I am sorry for your pain- I also had a very hard time- my mom was with me but knowing it will be the last one- really was tough!
  12. Congratulations!! Love the name
  13. you should write a letter for sure! I agree with you on this one!!
  14. Thank you all SO much for thinking of us! Really means so much!! Mom had to have IV taken out- they can't put another one in! This is very hard for my family. How long can one live with out food and water?? This whole thing just SUCKS!!
  15. great idea!! I would love to help out if I can!!
  16. this disease sucks!! Thinking of you!!
  17. hi- Thank you so much for thinking of her (us). We are keeping her as comfortable as possible and just spending lots of time with her. She had high temperature this weekend and we are trying to keep it under control. She was diagnosed two years ago today May 7th 2007 with this horrible disease! We are still hoping for a miracle!! I will write more soon. Thinking of you all!!
  18. DanaBrooke


    So exciting!! Congratulations
  19. My mom is very weak and can't swallow. She can no longer eat any foods or even water. Since her body is not digesting it. She is hooked up to an iv. She is really not responding but sometimes she will struggle and say I love you to us. The nurse came today and said the time is near. I really don't know what to write or how to express my feelings right now.. Just wanted to update you all and thank you for everything.
  20. Thank you Dr West for taking the time to answer me. I will look into it more. Dr says he now has to make sure my mom is strong enough for it before we even think about it at this point. Another day waiting and still hoping
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