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Everything posted by DanaBrooke

  1. Joan S Wallach (Joanie55)
  2. DanaBrooke


    I am SO sorry!
  3. crazy how one year ago yesterday oct 22 06 my mom was at my wedding dancing away. Looked absolutely beautiful as you can see in the picture I have up of her. Crazy how time flys and how the pain just stays with you. I am thankful for the wonderful memories I have of my beautiful mom. But I truly feel I was robbed. I should of had many more wonderful times with this person. Mom- I love you and miss you so much! Just had to get this off my chest- thanks for listening.
  4. No words can desciribe how much this sucks! We will be thinking of you on your birthday. try to make the best of it as I am sure that's what your paensts would want for you. We all move forward but the pain never goes away!
  5. FIND ANOTHER DOCTOR for sure! That's crazy how they treated you - RUN from them fast!!
  6. I feel your pain! Sorry you have to deal with this! LC SUCKS!!!!!!!
  7. My thoughts are with you today! Happy Birthday to your very special mom!
  8. sorry you have to deal with this! It sucks for sure. I can relate to a lot of things you're saying! My thoughts are with you and your fam!
  9. Thoughts are with you and your mom and dad- BEST wishes too!!
  10. Best of luck linzy- just keep positive no matter what! Positive attitude made my mom live alot longer than any dr said she would!
  11. Kasey- we have to have a drink to celebrate your birthday too- which is coming up very soon (Monday) Happy early birthday to Kasey a very special lady!!
  12. Thanks Kasey for opening the pub this weekend!
  13. Thank you all for your wonderful thoughts and birthday wishes for my mom. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM- YOU WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN!!
  14. congratulations! For my wedding that's what I did. Call LUNGevity...you can tell them this is what you want to do- they are so nice- any amount you donate is fine- tell them what you want your card to say and they will print out as many as you want and send them to you. This is the best favor you can have at your wedding and I am sure your mom will be looking over you with a huge smile. If you need any help with this pm me. Good luck!!
  15. DanaBrooke

    My mother Randa

    Sorry you have to deal with this!
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