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Everything posted by beatlemike

  1. Chilly and windy here in Nebraska but its a piece of cake compared to yours Bruce. Ever since I had my lung removed I am very sensitive to smells and certain odors. Woodburning stoves are one of them. Bruce does the cold temps you have up there effect your breathing. I would be afraid to venture out in some of the extreme cold you have up there. I hope you all have a good Sunday. To all of the new people reading, I do hope you will free to post your questions or experience. New people are more than welcome. You may not think you do but you have a lot to offer here. We are all on the same boat here. There is no such thing as a stupid question.
  2. Hi Amy and welcome. I hope you can find some support and comfort here. Feel free to read my story at the bottom of my post. Like Bruce said what you are going thru is completely normal. How could you not worry about recurrence. It was a constant thought of mine for about 5 years. Now it kind of scares me that I forget I even had it somedays. It sounds like they caught yours early and hopefully you are going to be around for many many years. Prayers and best wishes. Mike
  3. Hi Bruce and Diane. Hope you both had a nice Sunday. Bruce, We moved into a smaller home about a year ago and we needed to downsize a lot of stuff. I had about one hundred old albums from the sixties and early seventys that I hadn't played for years. Everything from neil young, bob Dylan, beatles to stones that I never played since cds came out. I thought it was time to get rid of them so I took them to Goodwill. About a month later I told my sister and she said WHAT? Those are worth a lot of money now because her son collects vinyl. Myself I don't think they were valuable but wish I would have held on to them a little longer to give to her son. Diane, your the only person I have ever talked to that has been to a beatles concert. I have only been to 4 or 5 because not to many big names come to Nebraska. I have seen Gordon Lightfoot, Doctor Hook, the Eagles, John Fogerty of CCR and Ricky Nelson shortly before his death. I hope the wind settles down a little here so I can get out and clean up the garden and other yard work before the snow starts flying. Something tells me its gonna be a long snowy winter. I hear that is what the farmers almanac is predicting. Have a nice week everyone.
  4. beatlemike

    Good news!

    Hi Carol and thanks for the update! I bet that was a long six months waiting for the next follow up. I'm so happy the results were good. I always remember you because we were both dxed about the same time and about the same stage. Here's to many more good scans for many years to come!
  5. Hi young lady and thanks for the update! It was nice to see your avatar and post again. I also have gotten away from posting for quite a spell but remembered how grateful I was to find this site. Seven years is terrific. I wish you and your family all the best.
  6. Donna and Bruce, A big applause goes out for your terrific news. Sometimes when I get into my worry mode of making mountains out over molehills I remember back when I was dxed with LC and none of them other problems never seemed quite so important. Eric I wish you the very best with your diet, In my younger years I had a drink problem and a smoking problem that I struggled with for years but I have been fortunately blessed with genes that allow me to eat as much as I want and not gain weight. Bruce I think the old jukeboxes are awesome and bring back some wonderful memories of youth. Diane, I have always been a Beatle, Rolling Stones kind of music lover but secretly I was also a Peter Paul and Mary fan. I always thought they would be great to see in concert. Have a nice weekend everyone. Goodnight (click).
  7. My memory is the same as yours Bruce. Seems like his first name was Will. I think it was Judy in KW that really got it to fly tho. Nice day here in Nebraska,the wind finally let up a little. Im thinking about getting a part-time job somewhere and see how that goes. If I can keep my oxygen levels up I feel I am healthy enough of doing something. To be honest Im ashamed to tell people Im on disability. Its not that I feel I don't qualify and I do believe its a great program but their are so many out there who have figured out how to hustle the system and there is nothing wrong with them. It irks me when I see all the lawyers on tv encouraging people to sign up so they can make some bucks off it also. Anyway I quess that's my peeve for the day. I hope you all have a nice Sunday! Im gonna try to mow my yard and Im hoping that will be all it needs it for the season. Goodnight all (click).
  8. Goodnight everyone! (click).
  9. Hi Bruce and Diane. I notice you don't see the tricks to much on Halloween. I remember as a teenager there would be groups of teens roaming the streets loaded with tomatoes and eggs to throw. And everyone carried a bar of soap to soap car windows. I don't remember a window being soaped for the last 15 years or any acts of vandalism. That's a good thing I quess. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays now. I love watching the little ones come to the door all dressed up. I remember my grandson would wear his Spiderman costume a week before and a week after Halloween. Have a good weekend everyone.
  10. Two thumbs up on your 5 years Eric, that's fantastic. I hope your new living arrangements work out well for the both of you. I know I used to have a major drinking problem for about 15 years and I really didn't think it effected anyone but myself. It wasn't until a few years of sobriety that I realized all the worry and concern I caused others. Diane, I hope you have a great time salmon fishing even if you don't fish. Sometimes I think a good day out in the sun makes me feel better mentally and physically than anything. I just happen to read your story at the bottom of your post Diane. Very inspiring to me. I always just figured after having my lung removed that if I were to have a recurrence that there really wouldn't be much they could do but your story proves otherwise. Very inspiring indeed! I know I don't stop and post much anymore and it makes me feel guilty because I remember how valuable this site was to me when I was diagnosed. There have been so many losses the last few years and a lot of the older members don't post anymore. I hope this site survives and will be there for the newly diagnosed. Eric and Diane and any who may be lurking I hope you have a wonderful week.
  11. Thanks for posting this Cindy. I am not really a garlic person but willing to give it a try. Anyone have any ideas on a good way to eat raw garlic? Also it doesn't say how much at a sitting.
  12. Earl, So sorry about your dx but there are many here who understand what your going thru. You are not alone. You will find many uplifting stories here and always someone here that may be able to answer questions you may have. Prayer said for you for a successful treatment.
  13. Prayer said for good treatment results for you Don!
  14. Hello and welcome. What is your first name so that we may come to know you better. I hope you have a good visit with the pulmo in the morning. You may find it helpful to write all of your questions down to take with you. If your like me you forget half the things that you were going to ask. Please feel free to come back here and post any questions you may have. There is a wealth of first hand information here and you may very well make some friends in the process. I wish and pray the best for you.
  15. You girls are all talking about dog training. Our dog trained the wife and I very well, it seems he gets us to do whatever he wants without saying a word. I think we got things backwards. Janet, Im so happy you are getting a bird but just a note of caution, most birds have a lot of dander and powder like stuff on their wings which arent a healthy combination for people like you and me with one lung or breathing problems. Hopefully your bird will enjoy taking a small bird bath a couple times a week in a large bowl. We had a little hand raised white homing pigeon that used to stay in the house with us and followed us everywhere we went. When we moved he got out of the house and Im sure he got lost. I hope it found a wild flock to fit in with. Have a nice weekend everyone.
  16. Hi Jody and welcome, I agree with with Carol on getting a 2nd opinion and hope you are being treated at a cancer center. Any more there are alot of small town hospitals who think they can treat cancer and in my opinion they are not qualified. I wish you the very best and please post any questions you may have.
  17. Welcome aboard Bob! Sorry about your cancer dx but glad you found this place to share your story. If you have any questions there is usually someone here who can answer it.
  18. I hope you have a wonderful Birthday Janet!!!! . Lilly you mention church and now that I and my wife dont work we usually attend daily mass about 3 or 4 times aweek. I remember back in my 20s and 30s I never attended church. I found it boring and wasnt worth my time. Funny how age and illness bring change over us. Now I actully enjoy going and sometimes it is the only thing in life that makes any sense. Snowed about 10 inches here and still snowing so my day has been scooping snow. When you only have 1 lung you take 2 scoops and rest 2 minutes and then take 2 more scoops.
  19. Hi all, beautiful day here in Nebraska. They are predicting a major winter storm here for mid week, the last two both missed us so I quess we will just wait and see. I hope you all had a nice weekend and never got hit by any flying metorite pieces. Goodnight everyone. Ill turn the light out. (click).
  20. I never had a port for my four rounds of chemo but by time they were over I was wishing I had decided for one. The chemo or to many needles dried my veins up badly and it was always a headache trying to get the iv started. Sorry about your Dads infection but I dont think that happens in most cases.
  21. Wow Janet, 18-24 inches of snow is alot. Hope you have some tv watching to catch up on. Northern Nebraska is suppossed to get 10-12 inches tonight but nothing for my area. It has been so dry here the last few years that even a heavy snow would be welcome. I bet you do miss your California weather Michelle. Im not a big city person myself. I see where Reg Presley passed away from lung cancer.How many of you remember the Troggs?(Wild Thing and Love is all around.) Another bit of my youth gone. I wonder if by losing people a little at a time helps us deal with it when our own time comes. I dont post much anymore and it makes me feel guilty. This site was so very very helpful to me when I was diagnosed.You all have a nice weekend!
  22. Im glad your getting a second opinion Rick! Sounds like you have good attiude and that always helps. I was always a very unhealthy eater before cancer and I quess I still am but I eat my spinach and drink my green tea and pomegranate juice faithfully every day now. I dont know if they help but it sure doesnt hurt anything.
  23. So sorry about your loss. My prayers are with you and family at this difficult time.
  24. Welcome Back Janet!!!!!!!!! I know many here have been thinking about you. I hope things start going better for you. Wow, Diane I dont wouldnt know where to start to get a pee sample off a dog. I hope he doesnt have bashful kidneys. Seems like dogs pee everywhere except where you want them to. I know I also dont post or come here as much as I used to and I always say I will do better but then I dont. No excuse. I hope you all have a nice week and May God bless Susan,Ned,Judy and all the other beautiful children he shared with us.
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