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Everything posted by beatlemike

  1. Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good Night! (click).
  2. Hi Janet, Wow such a inspirational story you have. There is probably someone reading it right now who is also terrified,confused and did I mention terrified the same as you me and all the others were when we joined this club. After reading your story, I hope they are filled with hope and are able to enjoy the holidays. I also wish you and your family the same.
  3. Its 11:50 here in Nebraska. I dont think anyone else will be here in the room tonight so I will dump out the coffee and turn out the light. Goodnight all! (click).
  4. Judy,Judy,Steph and Ann, I hope you all had a good day. Dec. 22 just about here! We start gaining a minute of daylight each day. I know its not much but it makes me feel like we turned the corner on old man winter. If Im not back in the next couple days, I just wanna wish you all a Happy Christmas. And for those of you who are in pain,fear,treatment or chemo,my prayers are with you. Your all a wonderful bunch.
  5. Goodnight everyone! (click)
  6. Sorry,I quess its not going to work.
  7. Thought some of you might enjoy this.
  8. Goodnight everyone! Sweet dreams! (click).
  9. Hi Folks, Just a quick update. I haven posted for some time and I most likely wont be posting much for awhile. This last year has been kind of overwhelming for me. My sister passed away about a year ago from COPD and my 38 year old son passed away unexpected 5 months ago from heart disease. Also my wife is now unemployed and filing for disablity because it seems she has so many complications from her type 1 diabetes including low kidney function. We are in the process of selling our home and taking the equity and buying a much smaller home. At least we wont have a mortgage payment to worry about. We have lived here 20 years and dont really want to move but sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do. I wanna get moved before we have snow blowing up our butts. I keep a pretty close watch on my wife but cant seem to keep her out of the hospital. I dont know if I could handle losing another loved one. Sometimes life is hard but it beats the alternative. My ct scan is in Dec. and I am praying for good results. I may not be posting much for awhile until all the dust settles but want you all to know you are in my thoughts and prayers even if I am absent. May God bless you all.
  10. Goodnight everyone! I will turn the light off. (click).
  11. I just wanted to say Happy Mothers Day to all the ladies here! Hope your feeling well enough and are able to spend some time with your familys today.
  12. Just saw this post Kasey. Sounds like great news!
  13. Hi everyone, I havent posted for quite awhile so I just wanted to pop in and say hi. Has anyone heard any updates on Ned? I was sorry to read the latest. Is my understanding correct that his real first name is Leon. I never knew that before. Leon spelled backwards is Noel. Noel stands for Christmas and somehow that seems fitting for Ned. Anyway I hope you all have a Happy Easter and those of you who are having a hard go of it,your in my thoughts and prayers.
  14. Father Kelly was walking down the sidewalk when he saw Timothy O'Brien approaching the other way. It was obvious Timothy was very intoxicated and he hadnt been to church for a number of weeks. Father walked up to him and said"Shame on you Timothy,you are (spelling outloud) D-R-U-N-K while tapping Timothy on the nose. Yes I am Father and I am sorry but you should be ashamed also. Father Kelly was puzzeled and ask Timothy what he meant. Timothy responded by saying (Because I smell P-U-S-S-Y on your finger I hope no one is offended. Happy Saint Pats Day.(ps) Im Irish and Catholic so its ok for me to tell jokes like this.
  15. You have all answered so well that there isnt much I can add. Cindy,what you said about time just blowing by is so true. I remember when I would leave the oncologist with a good report I would think now if I could only stop time and keep it this way. When I was first dxed I always thought if I could only have a few more years I would be happy. Now I dont know that even if I was 85 that I would be ready. Im sure I would want to hit 86.
  16. Guns are dangerous. When I was younger I had one and it was always going off in my hand. Oops,Now that I think about it,that wasnt a gun. Have a nice weekend everyone.
  17. I clicked the new posts and 3 pages came up since my last log in so I am not even going to try to read or respond to them all. Just want you all to know your in my thoughts and prayers. We have a shi-pot full of snow here in Nebraska and the low tonight is supposed to be 15 below and thats not counting the windchill. Went outside for awhile today when I started hearing a funny noise. Finally realized it was my nuts chattering. Went back into the house and stayed the rest of the day.
  18. Judy,Im sorry to hear about your sister. Sometimes all the health problems just seem overwhelming. And Eric,I am also sorry you are dealing with your wifes problem,life is hard enough without adding to it. I had a drink problem for many years before I quit. I truly didnt think it effected anyone but myself. What a fool I was. Maybe something good will come out of this month off. On a more cheerful side,I looked out my kitchen window this morning and told my wife that there is a squirrel in the back yard playing with his nuts. My wife replied "Yea its that goofy guy who lives next door".
  19. beatlemike

    3 Years

    I just saw this Bud. Congradulations! My onc told me that after 2 years NED that the chances of recurrence are reduced tremendously. Heres to many more birthdays and years of bike riding and crappie fishing.
  20. Hi Fred. I had no feeder pair available at the time so I had no choice but to handfeed. I just used small grain like milo and wheat and would give her a little regular milk out of a dropper. My birds are homers but I think they would do horrible in a race. If I was younger and circumstances were differant I would love to built a new loft and get some good quality racing homers. But I get a lot of enjoyment just loft flying them. The hawks are horrible here in Nebraska right now and Im about half afraid to even let them out for their daily fly. I hope your health problems have resolved and you and Kasey had a Happy Christmas.
  21. The first picture is one my birds at 4 months old. It should have been fully grown,feathered and flying. The parents had abandoned it. I was going to put it out of its misery because I thought it would never survive or develop normally. My wife persuaded me to handfeed it and see what happens. Today it is fully grown,feathered and flys like a normal pigeon. The only problem is, it would rather be with my wife and dog than with the other pigeons. That is her with my wife and dog in the 2nd picture. Needless to say,she is our favorite bird.
  22. Annette,You crack me up.Taking credit for Bud's exercize. I hope you all had a nice Christmas.
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