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Everything posted by fillise

  1. Cafe, Welcome to the LCSC! This is a great place for information. I'm sorry about your BIL's Dx. If you can tell is a little about the type and stage of the cancer and the treatment they are recommending, there are lots of folks here who can and will share their experiences and answer questions. There is also a great resource called GRACE www.cancergrace.org. GRACE is a physician mediated site that provides information on treatments, research and other information related to LC. Registration is free and the docs over there are super about answering questions in a timely manner. Susan
  2. I'm glad you found us. The fact that surgery is an option is good news. We have many folks who have had surgery and can offer advice. A second opinion is always a good idea. Susan
  3. I'm glad you found us. I think most of us felt a good bit of shock right after Dx. I can remember feeling as though I were just going through the motions for months after my mom's dx. It is every bit as emotional as physical--probably more so for the caregivers such as yourself. We have many long term survivors on this board who will be happy to provide information and share experiences. IF you can tell us more about your husband's diagnoses--stage, what type of chemo, etc. we can help you with information that will help you both cope better. In the meantime, just try to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Somedays that's the victory! Susan
  4. On Friday, November 12 Governor Bob Riley will sign a proclimation declaring November Lung Cancer Awareness Month in Alabama. I am looking for 10-12 survivors/caregivers/family members to attend the ceremony at the State Capitol in Montgomery. If you live in Alabama and would like to attend, please PM me and I will send you the information. Susan
  5. Mariola, Welcome to the Lung Cancer Support Community. I'm sorry to hear that the treatments have been so hard on your father. This is an awful disease and there simply isn't anything good about it. For some treatment offers a meaningful way to extend both the quality ad quantity of life. For others it seems to do more harm that good. I'm sorry that your father seems to be falling into the latter category. There are some on this board who have chosed to forego treatment in order to perserve quality of life for as long as possible. The thread "The Path Less Travelled" contains discussions about this option. There are also many tips and tricks that can be shared for dealing with the side effects of treatments. If you will share some of the specifics about your father's treatment someone might be able to offer some helpful information. For now, just know that we are here to help in any way we can. Susan
  6. ((((Tova)))) I don't know what to say other than I can see where you get your strength and your humor. Your mom sounds like one special lady--the best way to tell is by her very special daughter. At this point, all you can do is all you can do. Keep coming here to vent when you need to. We'll be here for you. In the meantime your mom and you will remain in my prayers. Susan
  7. What a great idea Judy--one place where newcomers can read stories of hope! Susan
  8. Welcome Debbie! There are many folks here who have successfully fought brain mets. When you get soem time read through the stories on this board and you will find much hope and inspiration. In the meantime, feel free to ask questions. It is very likely that someone here and knwoledge and/or experience they can share. Susan
  9. My mom was diagnosed with stage IV NSCLC on January 5, 2007. In a couple of weeks she will hit the 34 month survivor mark. It's been a long road but talking with her last night she is still full of fight. Susan
  10. Katy, It is good to hear from you. I hope the scan shows some progress and your husband gets that break. It sounds like you both really need it! Susan
  11. Michelle, As if it's not hard enough. Sigh. I'm so sorry you are having to deal with all this bulls*^t, especially now. Hang in there sweetie. I'll be praying for you. Susan
  12. ((((Michelle)))) I'm so sorry. I'm glad you got to share some warm memories with him over these last few days. I'm sure he knew you were by his side and he was grateful for it. Now it is our turn to be by your side. We are here for you. Susan
  13. Kim, I'm sorry your mom is not doing well. I'll be keeping her and you in m prayers. Susan
  14. fillise


    I hope you experienced much JOY as you celebrated another birthday! They are truly a gift. Susan
  15. fillise

    I need

    ((((lilly)))) Follow your heart and your instincts. Gossips are busybodies who compensate for no life of their own by speculating about others. Susan
  16. Tova, I'm sorry to hear your mom is going through this. I will pray that it is temporary and will resolve soon. It sounds so scary. I'm seding ((((hugs)))) for you. Susan
  17. fillise

    Sandra L.

    Thanks for posting this. Sandra's absence will be keenly felt for a long time on these boards. I pray her family will be strengthened by her love for them and the courage with which she fought to stay with them. Susan
  18. Ah yes--pink month again. All I think we are asking is to spread the love! One of my problems with all of the pink stuff is it is hard to be sure how much of the proceeds are going to BC research. We have wondered if my mom's LC is related to her BC. Her primary tumor is in her right lung behind where she got her radiation treatments. I guess we'll never know for sure, but I'm sure getting sick of pink and its only the 5th day of the month. Susan
  19. Ah yes--pink month again. All I think we are asking is to spread the love! One of my problems with all of the pink stuff is it is hard to be sure how much of the proceeds are going to BC research. We have wondered if my mom's LC is related to her BC. Her primary tumor is in her right lung behind where she got her radiation treatments. I guess we'll never know for sure, but I'm sure getting sick of pink and its only the 5th day of the month. Susan
  20. Hi Meeko, My mom was 76 when she was diagnosed. She is now 79 and looking forward to tunring 80 in February. It is normal for your dad to be fatigued with the treatments. It is important that he eat and that he stay hydrated. I hope he has a good response to his treatments. We are here to answer any questions or to simply offer support when you need it. Susan
  21. fillise


    No, no, no, no NO! I know Sandra is out of pain and at peace, but she wanted so much to be here for her children and husband. I am praying for their strength and for their peace as they come to terms with the loss of Sandra. As for those of us here, my friends we have lost another shining light. Sandra was always quick with an encouraging word and to share her experiences. She will be dearly missed. Susan
  22. Great job Nick!!!! Your mom would be so proud of you, I don't think she could ask for a better brrthday present. Susan
  23. Thank you Patti. My prayers for Sandra and her family continue. I appreciate you making that call. Susan
  24. fillise

    A new job

    Congrats! It sounds like fun. Susan
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