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Everything posted by LolasDaughter

  1. Hi Teri, Welcome! My mom (61) has SCLC too and after her initial treatment it spread to one met in the brain. So our order is different, but stories are similar. Please see my mom's info below - we just got the great news that the intensive treatments worked and the tumors show no life. Praying for the same for your mom. Keep us posted. Love, Nicole
  2. Hello everyone! Well, some time has passed since I last posted. We were on a bit of a 'coast' after Mom completed her treatment (see below). But on May 2 Mom had her CT and MRI to check on the effect the treatment had on her lung tumor and brain tumor. Mom heard that sweet, sweet word - STABLE! The tumors both show NO LIFE and are turning to scar tissue. Mom now gets the summer off to rest, recoup and grow her hair back! No visits to the Clinic until August, in three months. We are PRAISING GOD and I wanted to share the good news! And I hope this helps bring some light to those just starting down the SCLC journey. Nicole
  3. Hi Patty, To echo what Connie said, so sorry you had a need to find us, but glad you're here. My mom, too, has LC (see her profile below - if you could complete one with your mom's history as well that is helpful for those replying to your posts. Just go under My Profile and scroll down). She has been suffering with a harsh cough so I have done some research just on coughing in general. Much of it I did on www.onctalk.com - where our 'resident oncologist' Dr. West hosts an excellent resource site. It's a great place to search and also post questions of a more medical nature. When reading your post, I recalled reading information about something similar at onctalk.com - here's the link: http://onctalk.com/bbPress/topic.php?id ... 0#post-881. I agree with Connie that a call or chat with her doc is in order, but thought you might find that info interesting in the meantime. Warm cyber hugs, Nicole
  4. Hi Roberta - Welcome to the best resource (I believe!) for your lung cancer journey. Please let us know how we can help. As others have said, you may want to check out the SCLC board. The 'Search' function is also valuable in getting info on specific items you may have questions about. My Mom is currently wrapping up treatment - you can see her treatment plan in my profile below. Best wishes to you and your brother. Nicole
  5. Hi Bruce, I don't have any additional information for you but just wanted to say hello. I hope you're able to get this 'fixed' and your treatments continue on smoothly. Nicole
  6. Ken, Congrats on the decision being made and best wishes for smooth sailing. My mom also experienced minimal side effects when she was just doing chemo (fatigue only). She is doing concurrent chemo/rad now and continues with no additional side affects - the fatigue is just more pronounced, but she is still keeping up many of her normal activities. Best, Nicole
  7. (((Stephanie & Jackie))) Prayers for you both and your meeting next week. Love, Nicole
  8. Sending hugs and prayers in your journey!
  9. (((Cori))) - hugs to you as you start this journey. I am not an LC survivor but a caregiver and I remember those first weeks of early stages of diagnosis where it felt like the wind had been knocked out of me. This is a superb group that will exceed your expectations for support and compassion. Please come back and let us know how it goes and how we can help. Love, Nicole
  10. Hi Connie, My mom, too, has SCLC (with NSCLC too, but that's a whole other story!) and appears to be on a similar treatment plan to your mom. You can read below in my signature. When I took her to chemo last week, her onc gave her the fyi on PCI. Mom was surprised as this was the first she'd heard of it (I'd read about it on this board and had discussed the possibility with my Dad. We've learned Mom is more of a 'tell me on a need-to-know basis' type of patient, so we hadn't discussed it). Anyhow, she will find out more tomorrow but has been told she'll receive 3 weeks of PCI (15 sessions - close to your mom's 20). My understanding of 'low dose' is not the frequency but the strength of the radiation. If there are already mets present they are working to irradicate, I believe the 'dose' of the radiation per each treatment is much higher. I understand your feeling of your Mom being a lab rat, but let me share a different word picture, if I might. Mom identifies each level of treatment as 'God's Army'. It was hard for her to realize the onc nurses wear protective garb when hanging the chemo because it's toxic, but those toxins are GOD's ARMY against the CANCER. And she feels the same about the radiation, and the PCI and whatever else may come. That's mom's way (and mine) of embracing the treatment for this disease that can seem downright archaic at times. Anyhow, on a lighter note, if you've read some of my previous posts you'll see Mom tries to bring a bit of 'light' to what can be a dark world of cancer. So when the onc told her she would be having 'prophylactic brain radiation' she called my Dad later in the day and told him 'they want to put a condom on my brain!'. Hugs and prayers to you and your mom in this fight. I know what it feels like to be the daughter of an LC patient and researching every step of her treatment. Your mom is so blessed to have you. Love, Nicole
  11. LolasDaughter

    Missing Him

    So sorry today is one of those hard days for you. Prayers for comfort and peace. And I love the Ode to Joe (and know the song). Peace to you.
  12. Ha - Ned, great point about that medical team. 12 hours - wow, and I think I get stressed at work!! Thanking God for the answered prayer and sending more up for continued progress and recovery for our dear Connie B!
  13. Thank you for the update, Donna & Katie. So glad to hear the docs feel the procedures were successful. Continuing to pray for Connie...
  14. Hi Mommadukes, I'm sorry I don't have an answer or even any helpful quips. Just wanted to let you know I'm praying for and thinking of you and hubby during this time. Nicole
  15. Cheerful prayers for a successful surgery and speedy recovery!
  16. Hi Connie, Best wishes and many prayers for a successful surgery and event-less recovery. You are such an inspiration - thank you for being so giving of yourself. Earlier today you posted to me that this 'cancer crud can be beat!'. Well, girlfriend, so can this! Go get 'em!! ((((Connie)))) If I knew how, I would post you pix of my babies (now 4 and 9!) for your baby wall. What a great idea! Nicole
  17. Hi Peggy, I do not have an answer to your question but just wanted to send prayers and wishes for a successful third round. You've gotten good info here already and I'm sure more will be posting. Nicole
  18. Welcome! And thank you for taking the time to introduce yourself and provide the background of your story. Best wishes for positive scan results and successful treatment. Nicole
  19. ... he's loaded lots of toys and goodies on his sleigh...
  20. Kyle, Thank you so much for your post and the picture of your dear friend. My condolences to his family, his friends and his special 'brothers' like you in the police department. Saying a special prayer for his young wife and sweet baby, Nicole
  21. Hi AndyT, I find your reaction completely normal - as I'm sure you can tell from the above posts. I feel the same way (I can feel my face turn red and my heart rate go up when people ask - it's a full body experience!) I've never had the guts to say 'Why do you ask' but I LOVE it. And it may open the door to educate some folks. In fact, just last week I was shocked when 'the question' was asked of my mom at chemo last week, by another LC fighter. (She had not been a smoker.) I'd read 'Help Me Live - 20 things people with cancer want you to know' (highly recommend it) and she makes the great point that if you meet someone with LC and they didn't smoke, you will probably hear about it without asking. So just don't ask!!
  22. Hi jmills, I'm so happy for you that you can be there with your mom right now. I'm sure that feels good for both of you. As far as how chemo will affect your mom - everyone is different. However, I can say my mom has finished round 2 and has had no nausea. A few days of diarhea and fatigue have been her main side effects. Her hair did start to fall out on week 3 (she chose to shave it) which is exactly when the onc's said it would, based on her treatment. But again, everyone is different. I've also read staying hydrated during chemo is very important. Please keep us posted on how things are going for you and your mom. Nicole
  23. Karen, So sorry to hear about your mom's dx. It can be so scary - especially in the beginning with all the tests and scans and unknowns. Sending prayers for you and your mom - please let us know how we can help. From one Daughter to Another - Nicole
  24. Hi Agent, I'd like to say welcome - so sorry you have a need for the board but I think you'll find much support here as you try to help your mom, as I have. I can't add much more to what you already have received from all the great posts above. Just stand by your mom and love her. Nicole
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