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Everything posted by Ry

  1. I am grateful I made some progress on my garage cleaning.
  2. Ry

    Raney Fleck

    I am so sorry for your loss. My sympathy to you and your children. Rochelle
  3. Ry

    My uncle..

    Oh Christy...how horrible. What a devastating thing for your family. I am so sorry.
  4. What about sending in lunch for everyone one day? Call his office and ask what would be a good day to send in lunch for the staff. Or you could take in breakfast stuff...bagels, fruit etc. that everyone could munch on all day.
  5. Sometimes the only thing John could handle were Popsicles. Try to buy the good ones that actually have some real fruit juice. It will keep him hydrated and help until he gets an appetite. You could also try telling him to think of eating like taking medicine-- it doesn't taste good, you don't want to take it but you do it because it will make you feel better. Good luck. Rochelle
  6. Ry

    6 years and counting :)

    Hey Tiny! Thanks for checking in before the the trip. Have a wonderful time. I am glad you had a good scan-- drink some Ouzo and celebrate when you get to Greece.
  7. Ry

    cindi o'h

    I am sorry to hear that Cindi lost her battle. Thanks for checking on her and letting us know. Rochelle
  8. Dr. Bernie Siegel's books are great too-- very positive and informative.
  9. Ry


    Ok, no fine but really scaring us all to death should be a whopper. Come on Bruce, don't make us dust off the bus and come up there.
  10. Call and see if the doctor has the results or if he can see her. They usually have the results fairly quickly-- it just takes awhile to get an appointment to go over them with the doctor.
  11. Ry

    You know...

    I know. That isn't going to change, it's just going to get where it doesn't hurt so much.
  12. That's very funny Ann-- I live in Michigan where last week it was in the 60's and now it may snow this weekend. I have some things coming up, tulips and hyacinths but they haven't bloomed. I am so ready for flowers.
  13. Dianne Sawyer did an hour long special on him last night. His lecture is now a book that came on the market yesterday. Rochelle
  14. I am assuming from reading your other post that they tested the fluid or did a biopsy? I would think they would not have given her a stage without knowing for sure.
  15. Gracie- I am so sorry to hear about your sister. Once she starts treatment the "inoperable" part may change as the tumor shrinks. You will feel better as you get a treatment plan and more information about what they can offer her. I hope you will send her here so she can see there are many survivors. Welcome. Rochelle
  16. I am no expert but I believe this varies somewhat by state. John switched medical insurance approximately 4 times during his illness and never did pre-existing conditions come up. I specifically asked about it when my company switched insurances and it was not a problem for any condition, not just cancer.
  17. I'm grateful that Jillian is doing well in school. I just came from her meeting and they said nice things about her helping other kids, and being kind.
  18. Ry

    Medical Marijuana

    My cousin used it for ovarian cancer and it helped her. No harm in trying it.
  19. I am sorry to hear about your mom. Once you get the results and know what you are dealing with let us know. I hope there is no need for you to be here. Rochelle
  20. I am grateful I work only 5 minutes from home. As soon as I inhale my lunch I am taking a nap before I go back. I am so tired today
  21. Ry

    Letting Go

    I am so sorry for your loss. Your mom was so young. My sympathy to you and your family. Rochelle
  22. I hope the NP is helpful. If not-- see if there is a patient advocate. I think most accredited hospitals must have one on staff. Good luck!
  23. The hospital should have a patient advocate on staff. Call and speak to that person and explain your situation. You need to be seen immediately-- it's been too long. Every day they wait your cancer is growing. Do you have a GP? He or she may also be able to help you. The ER is a good suggestion, but if it's like our hospital it may not get you anywhere. Good luck-- keep us posted.
  24. I am grateful for getting a couple of things crossed off my very very long "to do" list. We still have great weather but tomorrow the cold returns.
  25. Chris- We had the biopsy results right away. We were lucky that we had our GP advocating for us and pushing everyone to move him along through all the tests. I hope you get answers quickly. Rochelle
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