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Everything posted by Ry

  1. Someone upstairs must like you. I am glad you are hanging in there. Rochelle
  2. Ry


    I am glad things are going your way. Keep the fluids going-- we don't need you back in there with a bowel obstruction. I am an anxious to see the new Mitchell in 6 months! hang in there big (soon to be small) guy. Rochelle
  3. Ry

    Prayers for Heather

    I am so sorry to hear Heather is having a hard time. I was hoping she was home and doing well by now. Maryanne please let us know how she is.
  4. Ry

    My journey with Dad

    I am so sorry for your loss. My sympathy. Rochelle
  5. Just one? I don't know if I can narrow it down to just one. My favorite old movie is Rear Window-- I could watch it over and over. My other favorites are -- Julia, Fried Green Tomatoes, Steel Magnolias, and Sleepless in Seattle. If I can only choose one of those -- it has to be Sleepless in Seattle.
  6. Ry

    mums gone

    I am so very sorry. My condolences to you and your family. Rochelle
  7. I don't think I've read of anyone else here ever being on Gemzar that long. This is a new one for me. My husband was on it and it worked well but he was switched to something else after a few cycles (can't remember exactly how many he had). Rochelle
  8. Woooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooo!!! I had a good feeling -- congratulations!
  9. Barb- welcome to our board. I hope you get a good report on your husband today-- let us know. I am also organizing a walk for LUNGevity -- Walk the Walk, in Grand Blanc, MI. Good luck with your event. Rochelle
  10. Yeah, I would love to do this.
  11. We had the same thing here. We did have a couple of "what if it doesn't go well" conversations but there was so much left unsaid. Men don't understand that they aren't talking. I remember one day I told John he had to talk to me and he was surprised-- he thought he had been. They are just wired differently (sorry guys).
  12. Oh this is sooooo easy. My age. I do not tell people my age.
  13. Ry

    E-Mail Buddy

    I am so sorry -- I know it's hard to watch someone you care about go through a hard time. Rochelle
  14. Welcome to our board. I am glad you found us. Rochelle
  15. Ry

    I'm new

    Welcome to the board. You are very fortunate that your cancer was found early and removed. I am glad you found us. Rochelle
  16. Rochelle, Some great advice already from people that have been there. If you think you want to see a therapist try to get a name from someone you trust. Right after John passed away, a friend of mine gave me the name of a woman that had helped her. So I already knew who I would go to if I wanted to see someone (and I may go to her yet). Good luck. Rochelle
  17. Ry

    My Father

    Christine, I am so sorry you have lost your wonderful dad-- my condolences.
  18. Ry

    3 Years!

    Congratulations! Good luck on your event and on the new company.
  19. Ry


    I don't think there is a person here who hasn't second guessed themselves or wished they could take something back. I know I have lots of guilt and regrets about certain things. I am sure Rod understood.
  20. Ry

    What # Are You???

    # 3 - THE LIFE OF THE PARTY - 3's are idealists. They are very creative, social, charming, romantic, and easygoing. They start many things but don't always see them through. They like others to be happy and go to great lengths to achieve it. They are very popular and idealistic. They should learn to see the world from a more realistic point of view. Famous 3's - Alan Alda, Ann Landers, Bill Cosby, Melanie Griffith, Salvador Dali, and Jodi Foster
  21. Welcome~ Have they mentioned doing radiation at all? Please tell us a little more about your type of cancer and treatments -- maybe we have some suggestions. Rochelle
  22. There's no place like home. I'm glad he's sprung.
  23. Ry

    Update - LarryH

    Oh how sad for you...I am so sorry for your loss.
  24. _X__catch it in a glass and set it free outside I like to call it relocation.
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