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Everything posted by LovesLife

  1. Kelly - glad the procedure is over and it went well for you. Now onto the next step, the PET scan, which is a breeze (at least it was for me). Yes, Carole is one very wise lady isn't she - I too admire her a great deal. Take care, and keep us posted please. Hugs, Linda
  2. Judy - I hope you thoroughly enjoy your vacation with the birds and the beavers! Honestly, I can just picture you sitting by a river (not sure if there is actually a river or just part of the name) with all the wild life frolicking around you (only nice wild life in my picture though - not grizzly bears or anything ). I can relate to what you are saying though - even though I was early stage I care about the people here and want to support them however I can. You have been a huge support to many and will be missed, but as you can see everyone really wants you to enjoy your vacation. Take care and have fun, Linda
  3. Gail - oh my, what a roller-coaster ride this is turning out to be. It is excellent news that they are trying a different antibiotic - praying this new one is the one that will correct his breathing issues quickly. Also, it almost sounds like they are doing the treatment (chest physiotherapy) to loosen mucus in the chest which could be helpful as well (perform this for cystic fibrosis patients). All in all, it sounds as though they are continuing to be aggressive in trying to sort out this breathing issue. I will continue to keep you both in my thoughts and prayers. Warm hugs, Linda
  4. Dar - wishing you and your mom some good memories made in the sunroom. That is the exact place my mother-in-law would be happiest too - something about sunshine through the windows and flowers all around. Will be keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs, Linda
  5. Stable - what a great reason to celebrate! Congratulations on one year and wishing you continued stability and shrinkage Michael. Thanks for the update Paul. Linda
  6. WHOO HOO!!! One great set of results in and one to go (Sandra!) I am so-o-o-o darn happy for you and know that you will have an excellent summer. Try not to get too drunk at the pub - if you do - don't drink and type Happy hugs, Linda
  7. Absolutely Sandra - I love the way your mind thinks! I was serious when I said I couldn't wait to hear the other thoughts that popped into your head. A mind like yours - deep thinker - those are the ones that pose the most interesting questions - please, keep them coming! Just going to sign off and say a special prayer for good results for you and hope they don't keep you waiting. Will be wringing my hands (just like Kasey does) until I hear all is well on your end. Hugs, Linda
  8. Right handed - left lower lobe. This is quite freaky actually Sandra...perhaps you really are onto something here. How do you come up with these questions ... what side of the brain are they coming from ? Can't wait to hear the other thoughts that popped into your head over the weekend! My thoracic surgeon said lung cancer is more predominant in the right lung. I don't know if that is correct, but that is what I was told. However, I like Ned's analogy about the plane better. Linda
  9. Kelly - good luck with your procedures tomorrow. I am so sorry about the situation with your mom. I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Linda
  10. Gail - after reading your post my husband suggested that I should at least get a referral to ensure that it is indeed a hiatal hernia. Most of the research I have done on the internet has said that you cannot see the bulge; however, my GP said that due to the fact that I was bent over the pressure could have pushed it through (he believes the hole is large enough that strangulation isn't an issue) and when I stood up and pressed on it it slid back into place. I will feel better getting the testing done to correctly diagnose what type of hernia it is as some definitely require surgery and others, such as hiatal, don't. As to the coffee - until I get rid of abit of weight I will refrain (hope I can return to my coffee someday as I will miss it!). The wine - that will be a tough one for me as I like a glass of red wine daily. Again, my thought is to drop everything right now and perhaps work back in the coffee and the wine later when things settle down. I will keep the Nexium in mind as well. Thanks for sharing your story - it made us want to investigate further with a specialist. Linda
  11. Just wanted to let you know that I went and saw my GP today. It turns out I am the proud owner of a hiatal hernia. I guess those are the symptoms I have been having over the year (pressure) and excessive heartburn. Anyhow, no tests were run, but given the symptoms he was pretty certain that is the cause. Surgery is a possibility in the future; however, I am going to lose some weight, give up my coffee, wine, citrus fruits and chocolate (boo hoo) and hopefully I can avoid that avenue. I guess I wasn't kidding about my middle residing in my chest So, the coffee withdrawal headache has already begun, but luckily that only lasts a couple of days Thanks for everyone's support and caring. I'm happy that it wasn't something cancer related . Linda
  12. Hey Cindy - I was definitely bent over and it was painful. The area has always been somewhat tender (on the left side where the lobe was removed, but more towards the centre of my chest just above abdomen) but this was something. There is, like you said, no discoloration but it is still a bit sore today. When I spoke to the surgeon before about how uncomfortable it feels sometimes - like having my stomach stuffed up into my chest - he didn't really explain anything other than things shift and move and it's nothing to worry about. I went with that explanation and figured it was a small price to pay for being fortunate enough to have surgery. This, though, worried me as I thought something was going to poke right through my skin! Anyhow, if nothing else it has totally motivated me to shed some weight as I don't think my body can tolerate any extra in the middle anymore as it appears it resides in my chest ! I will contact my GP and my surgeon's office - but it is likely that this is just part and parcel of a lobectomy and the body moving parts to compensate for what is gone. I appreciate your input though as I realize I am not the only one who goes through these unexpected aches and pains after surgery. I have learned (I am a quick learner) that I will now bend at the knees (like they always teach us to do) and not bend full over as that seemed to be the instigator in this situation. Have a great week! Linda
  13. Welcome Vickie, although I am so sorry you have to join such a forum on behalf of your husband. I haven't experienced anything like your husband, but trust me, there will be others checking in that have, and will be able to identify with your journey. I will keep your hubby in my thoughts that his breathing issues are resolved quickly. Enjoy the beach time - sounds relaxing! Linda
  14. Will - quite the story! You and I share a few things - in our 40's (yeah, yeah, I'm older), a recent baptism and journey with God and a series of events that defy explanation as to why/how I found mine. My story is the "My Story" section as well. It sounds as though you have a wonderful support system and God bless your wife who answered the way she did when they wanted to just let you fade into the night. Anyhow, you have defied the odds - congratulations! Take care, Linda
  15. Hey Patti - I'll let you know when we get this figured out. Take care and good luck on the scans tomorrow! Linda
  16. LovesLife

    five years

    Debi - CONGRATULATIONS on 5 years! Your words of wisdom are actually guiding me to try and just "let it be" in terms of not worrying so much. You have made such an influence on me that even my GP noticed the last visit and commented that "something was different - I was less fearful". I told him about you and how much you helped put it into perspective and that worrying about it returning wouldn't change the direction. He looked at me and said "I've been telling you this s__t for two years now and do you listen to me...NO?!?!" I just laughed and told him that he hasn't walked this journey so I pretty much ignore his opinons on the emotional level. I don't think I can put into words how much you have helped me in so many ways. You have been my life line and I hope someday I can pay it forward for someone else. You have been able to help me in a way that friends and family never could and I hope you know you will always have a special place in my heart. Celebrating with you five wonderful years Debi and wishing you many more to come!!!! Hugs, Linda
  17. I remember just like it was yesterday how both my kids were at that age - it was almost as if I tucked these precious little ones into bed one night and the next day they were monsters. It wasn't actually that quick a process - that is just how it seemed to me. By the same token the process wasn't reversed immediately either, but when they changed back to their sweet selves a peace came over the household. I was healthy when that happened to me though and I can't imagine how draining it must be when you aren't in top form. So, yes, it does end - you just need to hold on to your sanity until that day arrives. Take care. Linda
  18. Brokenarrow - welcome. It is wonderful that the treatment you are on has produced such great results. Working in the Gulf of Mexico - wow, what a nice setting - enjoy! Linda
  19. Hey Debi - I know you have better things to do with your time than searching through old posts - so thanks for doing that for me. With mine I could actually feel a bulge push out and then reduce when I put pressure on it...I could actually feel the bulge and see it sticking out...yuck! I am wondering if it could be some kind of hernia from a weakness in that particular area. Dr. West told me that it likely wouldn't be the surgical clips as it is far from the fibrosis. He wondered if it was something in the chest wall or skin - or just old scarring. Anyhow, I guess I best get on to my surgeon first thing Monday a.m. and see how many weeks it will be before they can fit me in to talk this over. Of course, this has kind of freaked me out a bit and hoping whatever it is can be fixed easily. Perhaps like you said it is the diaphram shifting and causing this and I just have to tough it out when it happens. I'll let you know when I get this figured out though (if I ever do!). Take care and thanks again - I am your #1 fan! Linda
  20. Hey Ned - thanks - I did read that before the posting; however, the problem was, as I correctly guessed - ME! I'm still not certain what I did but I know that I didn't hit the "New Post" button and when I filled out all the required information it kept saying I must have two fields before it would send. I am not used to the new system yet, but when I went back I looked under the help menu and it walked me through it. Duh! I even tried to reply to one of your posts for your help as I know you are the "computer guru/fixer upper" and knew you could send me somewhat in the right direction - but, I was doing that wrong too and couldn't ask you. I so rarely go there anymore and I am finding I am defintely a "newbie" when it comes to the new site. Oh well, they say practice makes perfect so I will just have to visit there more often and learn to navigate the new look. Thanks again for the information though - this was just human error this time though - not computer error. Take care Ned, Linda
  21. Hi there - I am almost two years past surgery. I have in the past year noticed a pressure (depending on the pants I am wearing) pushing up my insides - very uncomfortable. I mentioned it to my surgeon; however, he didn't seem too concerned and really didn't give me any explanation as to the reason for this feeling. Anyhow, today I was bending over and had a sudden pain on the left middle side and as I was standing and applying pressure I felt a very hard bulge. It reduced as I stood and applied pressure. It is still tender, but not painful. In reading my CT scan from a few weeks ago it states the following: "Metallic surgical clips are noted at the left hilum related to this surgery. The left upper lobe has expanded to fill the left hemithorax. At the base of the remaining segment of the left lung, linear fibrotic change is noted." Could this be the clips? Any ideas? I did try to post at GRACE; however, it must be something I am doing as I cannot do a new post or a reply - thus, I can't look for answers from Dr. West. Would love to hear from anyone who has any experience with this and whether this is something I need to be concerned about right this moment. Thanks in advance. Linda I am heading off to a wedding but will check back in before the reception to see if any one has any thoughts on this.
  22. Congratulations on the great scan and wishing you many, many more to come. Linda
  23. LovesLife

    My Mom

    What wonderful news! My mom-in-law is 87 and she is much tougher than me - must be something about the 80's! Congratulations to your mom. Linda
  24. LovesLife

    Scan Results

    FANTASTIC news Bruce - I will be tippin' a Kokanee on your behalf. Linda
  25. Sorry I was late in sending along my good wishes - glad to hear the procedure is over and done with and she is well on her way to recovery. Linda
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