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Everything posted by LovesLife

  1. Hey Kelly. I had a left lower lobectomy in June of 2006. I was up and walking about very, very soon after surgery; however, I had the surgery via VATS which is far less invasive than the thoracotomy. So, I can only give you what I experienced based on my type of surgery. I was home in less than 2 days and was on minimal pain medication for about a week - I wasn't able to drive and that increased my desire to get off of them. I also found that if I took painkillers every 6 hours then I would over do in the exercise department (as I couldn't feel I was over-doing it), so I decreased it to every 8 hours. I was out walking on Day 3, increasing my distance with each day. I was told that continuing to move and continuing to do the breathing exercises with the spirometer is crucial. They will go over all of this in the pre-op session as well. As to time off work; again, that depends on the surgery and how extensive it is. At this point, it would be hard to tell your employer how much time you need off until you get the particular's of what and how they are planning to do the surgery. I too, work from home part-time, and still managed to sit at the computer to get my work completed. Again though, hard to say at this point what to expect. I know I sound like I'm really non-commital ...until you sit down with the surgeon though and find out where he is headed it is really hard to figure out how to plan in advance. I was fortunate that I didn't have to experience a great deal of waiting time and therefore didn't get a lot of time in advance to plan anything! I did have my mom come and stay with me to help out with my kids, meals, housework (apparently you can't do this for years -that's my story and I'm sticking to it!) for a week. I also found it easier to sleep propped up by pillows. I am a side sleeper and that was really hard to sleep on my back. There was very little room in the bed for my poor husband with the mountain of pillows behind me and beside me! So, all in all, I guess I really wasn't much help in answering either of your questions. I suppose you could write these two questions down as starter questions for your surgeon and perhaps he will answer them before you even get around to asking them. My surgeon was great at drawing diagrams and even though he knew I had a medical background he spent time explaining everything to me (since I was the patient I was clueless). One other thing I did before I went to the hospital was made up a few call lists. My husband called 2 or 3 people with how the surgery went, etc and then they called from their lists. I found that it alleviated him spending hours on the phone and my friends and family all appreciated that they were involved somehow. I also made up some meals ahead of time; however, also had friends and family who surprised me by bringing meals which was greatly appreciated. If someone asks what they can do to help - don't be shy to ask; whether it is a ride somewhere, a meal that needs to be prepared - whatever...people truly want to help but they don't know how. I am not very good at asking for things for myself, but I certainly learned quickly. Trust me, it made everyone around me feel needed and wanted and that they were helping out. When is the appointment with your surgeon again? Keep me posted and if you have any other questions I can't answer feel free to let me know . Sorry I was so long winded-BruceU can attest to the fact that I do ramble on! Take care Kelly. Hugs, Linda
  2. LovesLife

    She's gone

    (((Gracie))) ... I am so very, very sorry for the loss of your beautiful sister Carol. I am glad you had time to tell her how much you loved her. I will keep you and her family in my prayers. Linda
  3. Dina - my deepest condolences on the loss of your dad. I am so happy that he is finding ways to send you signs to help you through the process. I absolutely love those words of wisdom and thank you for sharing them. I am posting them on my computer to look at daily as there are days I need to be reminded that I have a choice as to how I view things...thank you for sharing during your time of grief. You are an amazing woman and I know your dad is so very proud of you. Tiredmom-what a beautiful poem-it is so true that parents want their kids to be happy in life. I, too, believe she led you to the poem. Thank you both for sharing such beautiful words and memories. Linda
  4. Debz-my most sincere condolences on the loss of your father. You have had much sadness to experience and I am so sorry that you suffered yet another loss. May you find some peace in the difficult days ahead. Linda
  5. Thank you for all your kind replies. I know how fortunate I am and I am truly thankful for my good results. Gail, I always think of you as my BAC sister as we share alot of the same things. I would like to do without the foray into BC though if you don't mind . You give me hope as you continue to do well year after year - I would like to model that behavior (I kind of pick and choose what I think is good to model and what isn't-I'm sure you understand ). I don't tend to post often about my fears, etc. as I feel guilty that I should complain or express my fears when so many, many others are dealing with so much worse. I have come to realize that even though it was an early catch I still live with uncertainty and fear of the other shoe dropping and that affects my life. So, next year, pre-scan you can expect to hear from me! Have a good weekend everyone! Linda
  6. Always LOVE to read these stories - thanks for sharing! Linda
  7. Hi Kelly - another fellow Canadian here. It seems that you have received a good deal of pre-testing and that is good. You should get information from all those tests at your meeting with the surgeon and from there a more definitive plan will be put in motion. Some advice for that meeting would be to take someone with you to jot down notes or take a tape recorder as trust me, you will forget 80% of what is said (I know I sure did). Also, I wrote down questions as they popped into my head before the appointment and asked him then. I remember all too well the anxiety of waiting for treatment to start and I am sorry you have to go through that. As to your family - I don't know the entire situation, but I hope they were just trying to lighten your load emotionally while you are going through this. I am a total control freak so I totally understand you being upset about them going behind your back and making decisions without your input. Hopefully you can all discuss this and come to a decision that feels right for everyone. Having said all that - there is absolutely no reason that any decisions need to be made right this minute so perhaps they can ease off until you have more information about what your treatment plan will be. Take care and keep us posted o.k. Linda
  8. Congratulations on the upcoming arrival of your baby girl Dana! Linda
  9. Gail - how wonderful that you and Hank can relax at home while he continues to recover from his pneumonia - stubborn pneumonia! I'll be keeping you both in my thoughts that he feels better with each passing hour (I think getting out of the hospital will help somewhat!). Keep us posted. Linda
  10. Shannon - what great news for you, your mom, and the entire family! It is wonderful that she is able to be there to see her 3rd grand baby born - congratulations on all the good news and keep it coming! Linda
  11. I just got the results of my CT scan and they are GOOD! I was shaking in my boots and I just want to say a huge thanks to Debi for knowing just what to say and for propping me up. It is appreciated more than you will ever know and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything. Linda
  12. Jen - I was so happy to read this update when I came to visit the site. Congratulations to your dad and your entire family! Linda
  13. LovesLife

    Good Report!

    Cindy - what fantastic news! Congratulations on 5 years!!! Linda
  14. Such wonderful news!!! I can't wait to tell my doc I want a back rub and a hug from now on Linda
  15. Oh Sandra - I am so terribly sorry for the loss of your friend Jennifer. I am sending prayers for her family and for you during this difficult time. As she was a role model that you looked up to, I believe you are a role model for many others who are inspired by your strength, courage and love for your family...me included. Praying for you always, Warm hugs, Linda
  16. Christine - I will be praying for your stepfather and your entire family. The waiting is so hard and I hope the end result is good. Take care and keep us posted. Linda
  17. What a great article and what a great lady - she is amazing and very strong and she should be so proud of herself. Thanks for sharing a great read! Linda
  18. Gail - what great news! Linda
  19. Sending out my prayers for Vivian and all her loved ones for better days ahead. What a good friend you are. Blessings, Linda
  20. If anyone has some spare prayers for my mother-in-law it would be appreciated. We know she has cancer; however, at this point the type is unknown. We have been in limbo for over a month awaiting test results that never seem to produce anything. As rotten as it sounds we are starting to believe they are in no great rush due to her age. It is a sad thing when a persons age dictates treatment and aggressiveness. She has more spunk and zest for life than I possess most days! She is absolutely amazing and it is breaking my heart that we are fighting for her life in a system that believes she is not worth fighting for. Forgive me for the rant. Thanks, Linda
  21. LovesLife


    Mitch - thinking of you and sending prayers your way. If anyone says you took the easy way out I believe you cannot be held criminally responsible for your actions!!!! Take care and keep us posted. Linda
  22. Sorry I missed this earlier - CONGRATULATIONS! Hope you enjoyed your trip to Greece - how could one not though? Linda
  23. WHOO-HOO! Congratulations Muriel! Linda
  24. LovesLife

    My scan results

    Alisa - WOW, 8 years! Congratulations!!!! I can't wait to see the difference in your twins...from diapers to grad gowns and caps-amazing! What a great job you did with them too - wanting to stay close to mom in case you need them - I would say they need you just as much. Thank you for continuing to inspire everyone that has had lung cancer invade their lives -you are amazing!!! Linda
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