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Everything posted by LovesLife

  1. Amanda ... I am so sad to read the news of your dad . I only "knew" him through this board, but what a wonderful man he was. I said once that I felt like he was Superman because of the determination and dignity he displayed each and every step of the way. I greatly admired your dad and am so deeply sorry for your loss. May the many wonderful memories you hold help you in the difficult days ahead. Hugs, Linda
  2. Kasey - you are one classy lady and well loved by everyone. As a relative newbie I want to tell you that your posts always lifted my spirits and you have a special place in my heart. Your generous and giving spirit are so appreciated. Today I celebrate with you the joy that you are still watching the flowers bloom. I'll wait until it's at least after 12 until I order a glass of wine at the pub (I don't want to get a bad reputation ). Hugs, Linda
  3. (((Chris))) you all are in my prayers. Hope this is over for everyone soon. Many hugs, Linda
  4. I know I'm late to chime in but we had a balmy minus 42 with the windchill today. Vehicle got me to work and back - thankful for that! I think my fingers finally thawed out enough that I can now clutch (although clumsily) a wine glass filled with my favorite red beverage. Temps tomorrow are supposed to be much nicer - only minus 18 (including the windchill) ... that, I can handle no problem. Hope everyone is warm and cozy in their homes right now and hoping Chris gets some power in her neck of the woods soon. Night all, Linda BTW - it is not so nice to rub the leaves and shrimp on the barbie in people's faces Randy!
  5. Well Carole - howdy my friend! Thank $## you didn't lose your humor 'cause you are one funny lady. BTW, what is proper posting (just so I don't make a fool of myself by not understanding the rules!) Seriously, I am really glad that you are still dancin' in the streets (albeit a waltz thrown in every now and then due to fatigue). Pain free and quality of life - how fantastic is that!?!? I wish you that always. Also, as to your hospice doctor - she sounds somewhat like you - a smart cookie who wasn't letting it go (like a dog with a bone they say). Glad she was right and that the relief from the fatigue was easy to fix. Take care and know that I think of you often, Hugs, Linda
  6. Hi Blueangel, I was diagnosed with a solitary non-mucinous pure bronchioalveolar carcinoma in May 2006. It showed suspicious for cancer on CT scan (due to slight growth on x-rays over 3 months), but was negative on PET scan; however, due to concern that it was either a BAC tumor or a carcinoid tumour my surgeon elected to do the VATS procedure in June 2006 (it was in my left lower lobe 1.8 cm). After pathological dissection he decided to remove my left lower lobe. I have had good check ups to date. There is very little known about this subset of lung cancer, and there can be drastic differences in the path it takes. The fact that your mom was diagnosed almost 4 years ago speaks volumes I would say. Dr. West (www.cancergrace.org) is an oncologist in Seattle who is quite interested in BAC and has written some very good articles on it. He also answers questions (in a more general way) and is a most helpful and valued friend to all. There is also a lady who lives close to Washington who has Stage IV BAC (diagnosed about 2 years ago) who has a daily blog - very interesting reading. Her name is Doreen and the website is www.cancersurvivor2006.blogspot.com and writes under the heading Life is Good: Hosted by Rick and Doreen. If you don't feel hopeful after reading her journey I would be surprised. There is also a gentleman (just remember his blog was named Bo versus BAC) who ended up having a lung transplant. Sorry I don't have the web site handy but it should be easy to find if you type in the above. Anyhow, I likely don't have the exact same variant of BAC as your mom, but we are out here. Your mom sounds like she has a great attitude and good support - very important things. Take care, Linda
  7. Thinking of you and yours Chris and continue to send prayers to keep all safe and sound. Hugs, Linda
  8. Denise - fantastic news that Tom is home! Linda
  9. Randy - that is such great news about Carleen - she and Keith were the "real deal" and I am so happy that she was able to find happiness again (although I'm not surprised because she is such a great lady)! Best wishes to her always. Randy - glad to hear you are on the way out of the hole - almost to the top my friend. Linda
  10. Sandra - that is so funny! Not the way the pet store employee reacted, but how you found out. Good thing the dog didn't surprise you with a litter of 10!!! Can't wait to see pictures of your girl Rocky! Linda
  11. Congratulations Geri - seven years and many more to come ... just watch out for that darn beer truck though!!! Linda
  12. Sandra - from the 4 pet household (2 cats/2 dogs) I know you will have many funny stories to share in the days ahead! Has the cat shown it's face again yet? If it is anything like our cats they are now best friends with the dogs - the four of them are like their own little neighborhood "crew" ... all the other dogs in the neighborhood know that these two cats are off limits when they are out playing as they have a big brother (who just happens to be a German Shepherd!). I know you gave this as a gift to your son, but I am pretty sure he will be a gift to all of you. Enjoy your newest family member Sandra. Linda
  13. Max and Inez ... CONGRATULATIONS! I am so happy for you both and your family. I have always admired your attitude - Merry Christmas to you and yours. Hugs, Linda
  14. Debi - once again you keep me spell bound with your words - you never fail to amaze me how you can express your thoughts and feelings so eloquently. Honestly, I think "That's exactly how I feel/think/react"; however, I struggle to take it from my heart and put it into words. Thank you once again for sharing your innermost thoughts - it is a privilege to read. Merry Christmas Debi...good luck with the photography - I have a feeling you will see things that so many others miss...the simple, yet extraordinary things that so many take for granted. Take care, Linda
  15. LovesLife

    results are in

    Wow, what wonderful news. I am so happy for you! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Linda
  16. Sue - sorry I am late as well. I just wanted to say "whew" what a relief and what good news! Glad your mom is at home, resting and regaining her strength. What an ordeal! I am so happy to read this news. Best wishes, Linda
  17. Donna - CONGRATULATIONS! I pray many of us will follow in your footsteps ... hope you don't mind being the pied piper! Eleven years - I am so-o-o happy for you Donna! Warm wishes, Linda
  18. LovesLife

    Scan Result

    As usual I am late to the party, sorry I was tardy! CONGRATULATIONS Bruce - you know I am so darn happy for the great results. As to the feeling guilty thing - I can totally relate. I know it is difficult to feel totally carefree and happy with good results when so many others struggle and receive bad news after bad news. You and I were so fortunate to have this wretched cancer discovered early - accident's happen and in our case it was to our benefit. I too, felt huge survivor's guilt and didn't really enjoy posting my good results here. After a great deal of soul searching though, I believe that if I am ever in the situation of the shoe being on the other foot (and there are no guarantees of continued good news when it comes to this disease) I would rejoice that there can be positive outcomes for some. So, I have let go of the guilt and replaced it with "sorrow" that not every one receives good news...I will be right there crying with the bad news and jumping for joy with the good news. Right now, I am jumping and I thank you for sharing your excellent news. Take care my Northern buddy, Linda
  19. Congratulations Joe (aka Rocky!) ... your journey has had it's ups and downs and you inspire so many with your strength and spirit. God Bless, Linda
  20. A big CONGRATULATIONS on such wonderful news! You rock BAC sister! Love, Linda
  21. (((Sandra))) - my thoughts, prayers and love are with you. I wish I had the right words to say to make it right ... I am at a loss. You know how much we all care and it is so hard to hear about all you are dealing with and not be able to help. I hope you find that safe place to cry, scream and let it out - it just ain't fair. Love, Linda
  22. Mitch - all I can say is "Yee Haw" to all the good news you posted. I am over the moon happy for both you and your mom - give her a big hug from me! Congratulations on all your hard work and kudos for not smoking during the rough times - that is a feat in and of itself. Take care! Hugs, Linda
  23. LovesLife


    Whoo Hoo Nonni - CONGRATULATIONS on 4 years!!!! You give me hope that I am following in your footsteps my friend. Hugs, Linda
  24. Hey Sandra - I was going to send you a PM today; however, after seeing your name and your message I figured I will respond here. As you know I have taken a break from posting and visiting here - the reasons were numerous for doing so, and while I have certainly missed the daily contact and keeping in touch with you and everyone else that posts here, I have discovered that I didn't "think about cancer" as much as I did when I was on here. That is not to say that it doesn't still invade my thoughts ... I just don't have it in my head 24/7. Now, I am not in treatment and I see my surgeon every 3 months, so I have some space in between the medical visits. I have just found that it is healthier for me not to visit here as often...although I do feel guilty as I feel like I am abandoning everyone here. I hope you know I miss you and I wish I was stronger to be able to continue to support everyone here as they have supported me. I realize that the day may come again when I will need this place again-I live with that fear; however, since taking this break over the summer I felt less steeped in that fear. It is a comfort to me to know that I will have a soft place to land in this forum should the need resurface. Will I ever NOT think of cancer - no way. It has changed who I am at the core. Now though, while I am not in the midst of the battle I am forging ahead with my life. I start a new part-time job at a local bank in a couple of weeks and feel excitement for what is to come. It has been awhile since I have looked to the future and made plans and I feel so fortunate to be able to be in that place. So, that has been what has helped me. I hope I didn't offend anyone by what I said. This forum is so full of the most wonderful, brave and caring people I have ever met and I do not mean to diminish any of that by my post. Katie and Rick have done a wonderful thing here and I will always be grateful. I still welcome PM's from anyone who has a question or just wants to say hi! I'm sorry for not staying in touch with you over the summer Sandra and I will strive to do better in the coming months. You are thought of often my friend. Linda
  25. Since a diagnosis of Stage IV lung cancer in late May my sister-in-law maintained her spunky personality and retained her mental acuity until the very end for which we were grateful. She passed away this past Tuesday and while the loss is devastating for all of us who loved her, we are so thankful that she is no longer in pain. I wish her passing had been more peaceful and sadly her loved ones hold pictures in their minds that shouldn't be. I know there was a party in heaven at the moment of her arrival and that is the way I choose to remember her. Take care everyone, I think of you all and pray for you every day. Hugs, Linda
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