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Everything posted by LovesLife

  1. My prayers are continuing for Sandra and her family. Linda
  2. Barb - CONGRATULATIONS!!! Nine years - that is so awesome! You are an inspiration to so many of us Barb. Hugs, Linda
  3. Patti - thank you SO much for the update. I have been checking in several times a day to see if there is any word on dear Sandra. I know that in Alberta they do have the option of temporary hospice care for pain management and I am guessing that it is the same in BC. I am happy that the pain will be relieved for her - it has been going on far too long. Sandra - many prayers for you and your family. You have been missed here - one of the brightest stars in my eyes. ((((Sandra)))) Warm hugs, Linda
  4. I sent her an e-mail earlier this week and haven't heard from her either. I am very worried about her as well. Prayers continuing. Thanks for keeping us in the loop Patti. Linda
  5. LovesLife

    5 years tomorrow

    Whoo-hoo! I am so darn happy for you - CONGRATULATIONS!!! Hugs, Linda
  6. I am so very sorry to read this. Wendy had such a warmth about her and she never failed to comfort others, even with all she was dealing with. I never met her, but I sure liked her. I am deeply sorry for the loss that her family and many friends are experiencing. ((((Connie)))) my sincere condolences. Linda
  7. LovesLife


    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your great news Lilly! I bet you are still walking on air - congratulations...I am so happy for you. Linda
  8. This topic has been discussed over at Dr. West's site as well as I had posed the same question regarding DCA as there was much excitement locally due to the fact that this was discovered at the University of Alberta. I can't remember the exact response he gave; however, if interested you can do a search there as well. Linda
  9. Jen - adding my prayers as well. Linda
  10. (((Denise))) ... somewhere along the way I missed the October update. I am so sorry to hear that she is still dealing with this. Thank goodness it is precancerous though - hoping and praying this procedure will fix it once and for all and you can all relax. Take care, Linda
  11. cott01 - I am so sorry to read about your mom and I am sorry you have to be here; however, I am so glad you found us. You and your mom have had much to absorb in such a short period of time - crying and feeling overwhelmed is completely normal. Like you said, it is helpful once there is a plan of action. Do NOT read the statistics on the sites you are visiting. The statistics are outdated and as many here can attest to - they do not pertain solely to an individual - it is based on a big group of people. Your mom is an individual and she has got a chance to beat this. It is said often on here that no-one comes with an expiration date stamped on them! Others will be along to share their stories and you will gain strength from them. In the meantime, know we are here to listen and help you through. Hope the radiation appointment went well today. Please keep us posted. Linda
  12. LovesLife


    Hey Dave - enjoy your trip down memory lane - sounds like a blast! Linda
  13. Katy - I'm sorry to hear that Gene is having a rough time of it. Hopefully his appetite will increase, his pneumonia will get cleared up completely and the Lexapro will make him feel better. I agree with everyone else that you should not feel at all guilty - I am sure Gene would feel even worse if he thought you and Cassie stayed home because of him. Enjoy the sand and surf and replenish your spirit. With any luck, on your return, all the above will have occurred and you will all be ready for continuation of chemo. Sending you many hugs, Linda
  14. Hi Cynthia and welcome. I had surgery done 3 years ago for Stage 1A and I was ecstatic that I was able to be offered surgery. Mine was done by a qualified thoracic surgeon (very important to get someone who does a great deal of lung cancer surgeries) and due to my small size and location was able to have a VATS (which is a less invasive procedure than the thoracotomy). I was told prior to surgery though that if he needed to move to a thoracotomy for any reason he would do so. Mine was a left lower lobectomy and honestly I can't tell the difference in lung capacity and most probably don't with one lobe removed unless you are a competitive athlete or have compromised lungs to begin with. I know that surgery sounds scary, but oh my goodness, what a wonderful opportunity when it is offered. I had someone on hand to help with things that needed doing at home, friends and family brought meals (I also froze meals in advance just in case) and the pain pills helped. It wasn't a walk in the park, but it was so worth the good outcome - 3 years and NED - and I wish the same and many more for you. Please don't let your fear stop you. Meet with the surgeon and let him know your concerns - hopefully he can set your mind at ease. Congrats to your husband on 13 years! Sorry your birthday was spent in the hospital - next year you will have to celebrate in style - at least not in a hospital! I'm sorry you have to be here, but sure glad you found us. BTW, congratulations on quitting smoking - it's hard to to and you should be so proud of yourself. Keep us posted, Linda
  15. My name is Linda and I am a 3 year survivor. I am 48 and happily married to my best friend and the love of my life, Travis. We have two children - Brad, 14 and Stephanie 13, along with two dogs and two cats. We live on an acreage in a small Alberta town. I do accounting for our business, work part-time at a bank and volunteer at my kids school (summer holidays yeah!) We LOVE to camp - in fact, we just bought a toyhauler and are headed away for two glorious weeks vacation. Sun, sand, quadding, wine - what could be better (not neccesarily in that order!). I also love to read and attend my kids activities - whatever they may be. Oh yes, and love to sleep - although I don't get much of it!!! Linda
  16. I am with Carleen - definitely "Sleepy"; however, "Grumpy" does come a close second! Linda
  17. Welcome Nicole. I am so sorry to hear about your dad. I can't imagine how difficult it is for you to be so far away from home and not knowing exactly what is going on. Carleen has given you some very excellent advice from the best perspective - herself as the caregiver and her husband as the patient. Communication is the absolute key and while not always easy to do, it certainly takes the guess work out of a situation. I hope your dad's chemo is going well - please keep us posted. Linda
  18. Welcome Mary. I am sorry to hear of your dad's recent diagnosis. My MIL had chemo last year at the age of 87 (they gave 1/2 strength chemo) and she did quite well throughout. She also had radiation which she found the more difficult of the two to handle. Everyone is different in how they react; however, the doctors should keep on top of whatever issues crop up for your dad. I hope he is tolerating chemo okay - please keep us posted. I will be praying for good results. Linda
  19. Lisa - sorry for the late welcome. I am so sorry for your dad's recent diagnosis. He certainly sounds like a fighter! It is so much to absorb in such a short period of time and it sounds as though you are all working well together under a huge amount of stress. You will find a great deal of experience, hope and love from this "family" - I am so sorry you had to be here, but very glad you found us. Please keep us posted. Linda
  20. Maddie - sorry I am so late on welcoming you to the group. I have a friend who has Stage IV BAC who was on Tarceva for a couple of years - she had fairly minimal side effects and it worked wonderfully for her. She is now on chemo and doing a clinical trial. She has a blog which she has been keeping since the beginning of her journey and if you want the address just PM me and I will send it to you. She is an amazing lady and will lift your spirits. Please know there is definitely hope (just read Rich's story!!!) and you are not alone. Please keep us posted. Linda
  21. Denise - I am so sorry to hear about Bob. My condolences to you, Tom and his family. Linda
  22. Fantastic news - CONGRATULATIONS!!! Happy dancing with you! Linda
  23. Annette - such wonderful news!!! Hope the surgery goes smooth and you are back to feeling good quickly. Take care, Linda
  24. Tammy - sending you hugs and prayers for good results. Linda
  25. I am so sorry that you and your mom are having to go through this - you are a wonderful daughter to be by her side during this. I haven't anything to offer regarding treatment; however, I just wanted to welcome you here and wish your mom the best in her upcoming treatments. Linda
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