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Larry's Wife

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Everything posted by Larry's Wife

  1. Teres, prayers coming your way! Lynn
  2. Hope, I really can't answer your question. My husband never had surgery. But I just wondered what your mom's doctors have to say about it. You might also ask Dr. West on cancergrace.org. Praying for a resolution to your mom's problem. Lynn
  3. Shrimp, my prayers are with you and your family. Lynn
  4. Mary Anne, I am so sorry you lost your beloved Dennis. My heart goes out to you.
  5. Coke or Pepsi? coke Tea or coffee? mostly coffee, but I like both Wine or Beer? Wine Chinese or Indian? Chinese Sweet or Savoury? both
  6. OK. For the record, it's "y'all". As in You All. As in plural You. That concludes your lesson in "Suthun Speak" for today.
  7. (((Shrimp))) I am so sorry to hear this news. I am praying for you, your father and your family. Lynn
  8. Denise, I am so sorry. Please extend my condolences to Natalie's family. And a big hug for you, too. (((((((((Sis)))))))))) Lynn
  9. Christy, my condolences to your and your family. Lynn
  10. Sandra, I've got my dancing shoes on!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lynn
  11. Coni, my husband was on decadron for 7 months. I didn't notice a change in his personality, but it is a steroid, so it's certainly possible. I have heard of people who had bad reactions with it, but I can't quite remember what those reactions were. One other thing to note is that my husband was critically ill when he started on it. So his body certainly could have been eating it up. I guess what I am trying to say is, I'm glad he gets to taper off. You'll get your answer soon. Lynn
  12. Bug, I'm sorry for your recent diagnosis. Yes, it is very scary and overwhelming. But you have come to the right place for information and hope. Others will be answering you soon. We have several members who have adenocarcinoma and are doing quite well. The wondering and the waiting is very stressful. You will feel better after you talk to your oncologist and have a treatment plan in place, I promise you. ((((Hugs)))) to you. Lynn
  13. I'm so sorry to hear that your beloved Nanny passed. My deepest condolences to you and your family. Lynn
  14. you should never look a gift horse in the mouth. I left the office and as I was...
  15. I am not sorry for my tears. I welcome them. I pray that I will shed many more. Because it has been weighing on me heavily that I haven't cried. I was beginning to think that I was dead inside. And I didn't want that. That doesn't honor Larry or God. I WANT TO LIVE!! I want to live as a whole, vital person. I want to be a good mother. I want to be a woman of God. I WANT TO LIVE!! I want to laugh and to cry. I want to dance and to be still. I want to experience joy and sorrow. I WANT TO LIVE!!
  16. Larry's Wife


    I’ve been so emotional these last couple of days. Mind you, I haven’t yet lost myself in those wrenching tears that I feel I should be crying for Larry, my dear husband and soul mate who I have loved for lo, these many years. But I have cried because I haven’t cried. And I have cried for dear friends who are hurting. And I have cried with joy as I see God working in my life and in the lives of those who I hold dear. And I am crying as I write this because I am just so darn proud of our son, Nick, who is turning into a man before my very eyes. He has grown so much in these last couple of months. We just passed one month since Larry died. And Nick is doing so well in school. He is showing leadership and is standing up for a couple of classmates who are being picked on. He has plans to talk to the principal of our school tomorrow to let him know what is going on. Because he understands it is the right thing to do. I am so very grateful that Larry lived long enough to see the first seeds of this transformation in our son. And I know in my heart that he sees how Nick is progressing and is bursting with the same pride I am. And I am crying because, by golly, I do have emotions. I’m not the cold fish I was beginning to think I was.
  17. Patti, I am so very happy for you. Congratulations!! Lynn
  18. Caren, I know what you mean. I think I was (and still am, if I am completely honest) mildly depressed. And I also feel that I am not at a point where medical intervention is required. But I certainly will be willing to go that route if I get more symptoms than just being tired.
  19. (((Caren))) I, too, was very tired when we were on our cancer journey. Yes, the tiredness is probably emotional. Who wouldn't be emotional and stressed from this? Physical symptoms of stress are as individual as we are. Recognizing it is probably half the battle. The other half is doing what you can to alleviate it. Ry has given you some excellent suggestions. I would also add that coming here to vent can be very cathartic. Lynn
  20. Marci, I don't think you are wrong. Your brother is old enough to help. My son is 14. Although I didn't want him to take care of Larry's more personal needs, he did tons of stuff to help out. He did his own laundry, took care of the dogs, took care of certain household chores, etc. He even cooked dinner occasionally. And he still had enough time for some fun and relaxation!! Even though Larry has passed away, he still does his chores. Your mom is doing your brother no favors by robbing him from the opportunity of being a responsible member of the household. What in the world is he going to do when he is forced to "man up" and take care of himself some day?
  21. Larry's Wife

    All in All

    Sis, happy for your good news!!
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