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Larry's Wife

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Everything posted by Larry's Wife

  1. Sandra, if you keep those thoughts to yourself, we will all be very, very disappointed. This is good conversation! Lynn
  2. In PE class, we were instructed in several sports for a few weeks each. One such sport was bowling. Well, bowling and I didn't agree. I just couldn't get it. Of course, it didn't help that we were bowling in the gym. But anyway, I talked my dad into taking me bowling so I could practice. He was quite good and actually bowled 300 a couple of times in his life. Imagine his embarrassment when I made every single mistake you can make. gutterballs balls that didn't make it down to the pins dropped the ball on the backswing dropped the ball into the next lane when retrieving it from the ball return not letting go in time and hurtling myself down the lane And all that happened on the very first game! Well, he worked with me until I had the basics down. It was a really long day for him. But I passed the class (barely) And I do enjoy bowling, but it still doesn't agree with me. I feel like I've had a really good game if I break 80.
  3. (((Kelly))) Praying that all goes well for you tomorrow. We'll be here when you want to talk. Lynn
  4. Maryanne, I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved Kelsey. Freeing her of her pain is truly an act of love. It's a very selfless act. Many people cannot bear to do it, even when they know it is the right thing. When my Quincy died, I didn't get another pet right away. I didn't want to replace him. It's wierd, though. I saw him dead every single time I closed my eyes for a whole year (he died in my arms). But after that year, I got a new pet. Starting that very night, I didn't have that vision anymore. My advice to you is to not think about getting a new pet right away. You will know when you are ready. And, who knows, your next pet might just adopt YOU. That has happened to several people I know who have lost their beloved pets. (((Hugs))) Lynn
  5. Dar, I hear you about meds/disease. I have those same questions, too. I don't know that anyone can answer that for us, unfortunately. Lynn
  6. Denise, how awful! Makes me want to go over there and smack that woman upside her pointy little head! I know exactly what you are talking about with the absence seizures. That is what I saw with Larry. It's very frightening. I'm praying that you will get a handle on this situation real soon. And prayers for health for Jayla and Tom, too. Lynn
  7. Dar, you don't have to wait until their next scheduled visit. Give them a call and see what they have to say. Larry does seem to be slowing down, but he isn't in any pain right now. His long-acting pain med seem to be doing the job right now. He is on methadone. You might ask them about it. Our doc said that it is very good for pain relief, but doesn't give that "high" feeling like many other drugs. Lynn
  8. Happy Birthday, Kristi! How awesome is that, that your birthday is on Father's Day! Hope you and your dad both enjoy your day!! Lynn
  9. I've heard of this error message before. Geek-speak for folks like me. LOL
  10. Excellent, Kristi! So glad everyone enjoyed themselves. Lynn
  11. He had another massage yesterday. (His Father's Day gift). It does make him feel much better. Lynn
  12. Great news, Kristi! Have a great time. Lynn
  13. Marianne, that is terrific news! I'm so happy for you. Lynn
  14. Hugs and prayers for your daughter, Denise. I know what she is going through. I had a hysterectomy last July for cervical cancer. They didn't give me the cryosurgery option, so it sounds like they caught hers early.
  15. Larry has chronic sinusitis. He went to the doctor several times. He was prescribed antibiotics and antihistamines. Several times over several months. He never got any better. I kept asking him to go back to the doctor, but he resisted. " They are just going to prescribe the same stuff and it doesn't help!" One day, when he told me that he wasn't going into work again (unusual for him to miss work), it was like I really looked at him for the first time in a long time. I almost screamed at him. Look at yourself! You are deteriorating before my very eyes! You need to go to the doctor! And I left for work. When I got home, he wasn't there. Hmm. Several hours later, he came home with the news that the chest x-ray showed something suspicious. And that was the beginning of our walk with lung cancer.
  16. Larry's Wife

    Scan Results

    Congratulations, Bruce!!
  17. Larry's Wife

    My Dad

    My deepest condolences to you and your family. Lynn
  18. Larry's Wife

    Scan time

    Excellent news, Jamie! I'm so happy for you. Lynn
  19. Cathy, that's great news. I'm so glad it's not 2B!
  20. Connie, as a caretaker, your post really spoke to me. I try really hard to not be offended if Larry lashes out at me, really I do. You have given me a shield to deflect those arrows. It's not me, it's the disease. Thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Lynn
  21. Rochelle, I think your doctor hit the nail on the head. How astute of him to ask if it would make John happy. Whatever it is that makes the survivor happy is therapeutic.
  22. Larry has been through 3 different kinds of cancer. He chose to work through all of them. Even with the lung cancer, he worked right up until he had his seizures in late January. He ran out of paid time and officially retired on May 1. Even at that, he still had about 20 hours of accumulated time that they paid him, which we weren't expecting. He really misses work. He enjoyed his job, and I think it gave him purpose and something else to think about besides his health. I'm pretty sure that he would choose to go back to work if he physically could.
  23. Dar, I second what Carole said. My husband has been on hospice care for 5 months now. Hugs and prayers. Lynn
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