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Posts posted by lilyjohn

  1. You mention that the medication caused her personality to change. Medications can cause many different side effects. One is Myoclonus. Myoclonus is when there is something like a short circut and it causes the limbs to jerk, sometimes violently. You might want to check with her doctor about that. Just a thought but I do know how frightening that can be. In itself it could cause some personality changes.

  2. I dealt with oxygen with Johnny. Once his cancer started to shrink his breathing improved. He used the oxygen less and less. I will tell you that anxiety will also effect the oxygen level because anxiety causes a person to breathe differently. I was able to prove that to Johnny. When he would see that his O2 was registering too low I would talk to him while he watched the monitor. I would tell him that he was in control and coach him in the pursed lip breathing. When he would calm down and breathe slowly and relax he could watch his numbers climb.

    Her problem could be a combination of things. The area where the tumor is, her red cell count and anxiety. With lung cancer and a huricane I would say she has good reason to have anxiety.

  3. Your question really brought a lot of thoughts and memories to me. My parents were raised as Christians. They didn't go to church much after they were married. Most of their time was spent raising us kids especially my mom's time. My dad was an alcoholic. I attended many churches as a child. When I married a Catholic I attended the Catholic church. I could never tell you what religion I am now or ever was. All I can say is that I have a lot of faith. Faith that was not easily come by.

    Johnny had a very storng faith. Still he was afraid of death. The reason for that is quite simple. He was raised in Oklahoma during the dust bowl days. The sermons he heard were those about hell and damnation. He believed in Jesus but when he faced death what he had been taught as a child caused him fear. It seemed that there was nothing a person could do to save themselves from Hell. Later he read in the Bible that we are to love God and our neighbors and that scripture gave him hope. Still the last months of his life he was afraid.

    Sense his death I have learned a lot about Faith and God. I learned it thorough prayer and meditation. I learned it though heartbreak and self doubts. I learned it because the connection between me and Johnny was so stong that he made sure that I did.

    From the first day after his death I experienced many strange things. I had never had those experiences after my parents or brothers died. Johnny had told me that he would never leave me. I truly believe that he has kept that promise.

    It doesn't matter what you call God. All that matters is that you believe that there is a higher being. That He will see you through. Talk to your mom and like the others have said take someone to see her who can talk to her about God or just listen to what she has to say. Don't be surprised if you don't learn some things from her. She has probably already had some experiences that she doesn't understand and has not felt sure enough to tell anyone. If you watch and listen you might see something.

    I can not believe that life ends when our body dies. To what purpose would life be? Each day I struggle with questions about life and death. I am so sure one day that Johnny is with me and then I start to doubt what I know in my heart. Yet when I ask God to give me what I need to get through each day He finds a way to do that. Ways that I would never have dreamed of and those strange things still happen to me. Maybe not as often but when ever I doubt I start to have the experiences again.

    You and your mom and your whole family will be in my prayers. The God I believe in understands even those who have trouble always believing. So I will say God Bless you. Lillian

  4. I warn you before you start to read that this it is going to be long and intense. I learned a few things this week. I think they will help me and I am hoping that if I can put them into words that maybe they will help someone else. Save someone from going through some of the anguish that I have. Anguish and self doubts.

    I had a special job assignment this week. I took the job because I needed the money. Now that it is over I think I got that job because I needed it for another reason as well. I have tormented myself sense Johnny's death because I know that I made mistakes. There are just so many things that I wish I could do over again. I have had a very hard time. I know that Johnny understood and forgave me. I believe that God understands and forgives me but I have never been able to forgive myself. Things that I learned on this job have helped me to put things into perspective. Maybe now I can start to forgive myself.

    I started this job last Tuesday. It was to be a 7 day 24 hour a day job. As it turned out I left a day early because I have developed first a sinus problem and now a cold. I couldn't stay because that lady has enough problems. The last thing she needs is to catch a cold from me. I will tell you a little about the job then explain why and how it may help me. Why what I learned may help others.

    This lady is 81 years old. She spent the last 10 weeks in first a hospital then rehab. Actually she spent time in both places twice. When first released to rehab they didn't have the safty stap on her wheel chair secured. She stood up, fell and broke her hip a second time.

    She also suffers from Parkinson's disease and severe dementia tho I storngly suspect that she has Alzhiemers. Not only does she have short term memory loss but also she is very confused. She can't get any thoughts straight and says some very strange things. Her husband is devoted to her. This is a second marriage for both of them. They married when he was 60 and she was in her late 50s. They married on Valentine's day 24 years ago. When I learned that it was like a stab in my heart. Johnny and I would have been married on Valentines Day had he lived until then.

    He is very good with her physical problems and is willing to do or have anything that she needs. Yet he does not know how to cope with the mental problems. He would not allow me to help with any of the housework or cooking. He saves that for himself. I know the reason because I recognized it. He can control those things. He can not control what is happening to the woman he loves. When she asks him to do something that doesn't make sense or to help her do something that she can't he runs to the chores and tells her he is too busy instead of trying to explain to her. He can't help this. It is the only way he knows how to cope. When I saw that I began to realize that I was not the only one who reacted badly to a problem like that. I am beginning to think that there are many others who have done the same.

    I was very patient with this lady. I could talk to her and explain to her some things. I could comfort her when she got frustrated because her mind wouldn't work right. I could even tease a smile out of her. At first that made my guilt about Johnny even worse. You see my problem with Johnny was that once the anxiety attacks started I lost patience with him at times. I could have so much patience with this lady and my other clients but I lost patience with Johnny when I loved him more than life. How could that be?

    Johnny's problem was different from this lady. He had his full mental capacity. When he was not having the anxiety attacks he was very strong. Probably one of the strongest people I have ever met. Yet those attacks made him so afraid that he just couldn't handle them. I learned to talk him down from those attacks. I could do that. The problem was I also knew why he was having them. He would tell me that he felt like he couldn't breathe but he would say the names of his 3 sons over and over like a mantra. When you can't breathe you can't talk. What I didn't understand was that it didn't matter if he could breathe. What mattered was that he felt like he couldn't. Some of the things that caused the attacks led me to believe that he could stop them if he wanted to. That is where my inpatience came in. Not always but sometimes and that was enough to make me torment myself for all of this time.

    Now I can see the truth of our situation. I had to handle everything alone. I had to care for both his physical and emotional needs with no help at all. I did that very well considering the circumstances. I doubt that anyone could have done as well as I did. I have known that in my mind all along but my heart has not been able to accept it. I just couldn't forgive myself for things that I said or for trying to get some help with him when he didn't want anyone but me.

    The truth is I went days with very little sleep. The anxiety attacks would come at all hours of the day and night. Sometimes 5 times a day and sometimes 20 or more. Every time I found a way to help him someone would come along and knock us backwords with a careless remark. Then I would have to start all over again. I stuck by him. I may have been impatient with him at times but I never left him. He always knew that I was there and that he could count on me no matter what. For so long I have felt like I let him down. Even in trying to get all of the things that happened to cause his death acknowledged I failed.

    I know now that everything was stacked against me. When Johnny really believed that he would get well he was. He improved daily. No one could believe how strong he was or the progress that he was making. Then one careless remark by a nurse ended all progress and lead to his death. You see one day that nurse told him that it didn't matter how good he was doing or how good he felt that he would never be well. That he would be on Chemo for the rest of his life. He said that he didn't want to get his hopes up :!: My God isn't that what you are supposed to do is give someone hope when they are doing so well when they need hope to continue?

    All during his illness I kept my own fears from getting the best of me. I watched him and he gave me hope but when his hope was taken away my fear took over. I had battled that attitude from the beginning but I just couldn't do it anymore. I never told him how afraid I was. I thought that I was protecting him but what I was really doing was protecting myself. I had had that attitude thrown at me so many times. His case manager asked me more than once what I was going to do when he died. She did that during the time that he was making the most progress. She was a cancer surviver and should have known better!

    I ran to work too because I could control that but not what was happening to Johnny. I still did everything for him but the one thing that he wanted me to do the most. Just set with him. Just be with him. I told myself that I was making the home for him that he had never had. I wanted to do that and he did need it but he needed me more. I had already given him what he needed the most. My unconditional love but I just couldn't see that so I kept doing instead of just being with him. I know now why.

    I could fight everything for him and with him. I could do everything for him as long as we both had hope. I just couldn't fight that deadly attitude without hope. I couldn't fight the ego of a doctor that mattered more to him than his patient's well being. I couldn't fight the brainwashing that his ex wife had done to his kids that kept them from giving what he needed from them. I couldn't fight it when they finally realized at the last minute how much he meant to them and let their guilty concious lead them to make a decision that they had no right to make without asking Johnny or me. He was awake and alert. He had already made the decision that he didn't want Morphine. He had told them that and he had told them exactly what he did want done but his wishes and mine were ignored. How could I fight all of those things alone? I know now that there was just no way.

    I know that I did all that anyone could have done given the circumstances. Maybe now that I see I am not the only one who doesn't do all of the right things for the one I love I can forgive myself in time. I know I will always have regrets. I will always ache for the lost days, weeks and years but maybe now I just won't blame myself so much. Maybe that is what Johnny would want for me. Maybe somewhere is is smiling and saying again "Good job Mama."

    As for the lady I was taking care of I am very worried about her. I suspect that she is dehydrated from a week long case of diareha. I tried to tell her husband just how serious it could be but I think he is in denial. I tried to take a nap when I got home but I just couldn't sleep thinking about her and having all of these thoughts going through my head. I have a call into my boss hoping she will get back to me and let me know how this dear lady is. My heart truly goes out to both her and her husband.

    I am sorry that this is so long but I just had to put these things into words to see if they make any sense. I want to tell everyone one that when you love someone it is impossible to always do the right thing. You have to have help. You have to care for yourself and you have to find a way to deal with what life is throwing at you. If you lose the person you love just always remember that you did the very best that you could. Don't ever torment yourselves with the kind of guilt that I have without understanding all of the circumstances and that you are not the only one who may not have always made the right choices.. Life is not always fair and sometimes we really don't have any choices even tho we think that we do.

  5. I think it is time for me to check in again. I think I should have titled this You won't believe the weeks I've had.

    Last month I changed my schedule so I get off early. I don't drive when it gets too close to dark. I was also looking forward to having more time at home. I was almost caught up finally after months of working very long hours.

    Well first of all I knew that I needed two new tires and an alignment on my car. Well I had the money for it I thought. I would have too if they only charged for the tires and alignment. I just didn't count on things like disposal of the old tires(seperate charge) valve stems (seperate charge) and several other things that were seperate charges. Well all of those charges added up to me having to borrow money to buy gas when gas went up fifty cents a gallon the same week.

    Easy answer. My boss knows I need the work so she calls me first. She is very good to all of her employees. She also says that she knows that she can depend on me. It seems too that my clients and their families have been saying some nice things about me. So I got the extra work. Extra overnights and Saturdays. Once again I thought that I would finally be even. Yea Right :!:

    I was so worried about my kids during the huricanes that I was constantly trying to call them. It was very hard to get in touch with them. Home phones and cell phones were just not working right. I just didn't realize how often we did conect until I got my cell phone bill. I had gone more than 100 minutes over my allowed minutes. So I'm in the hole again. No problem just work more.

    I knew that I had a problem with my car. I was waiting until I got the money to get it checked out. It didn't seem like a major problem so I held off as long as I could. I still need my propane so I can have hot showers this winter. My last check was supposed to buy my propane and pay to get my car checked. After all I was working all of those extra hours. My check was due Friday. Well you guessed it. My car had other ideas :!:

    Last Friday was a very long day. I had worked all day Thursday then did an overnight job. This is a lady who is 97 years old. Usually she is very easy not this time. She had a very sever pain that made her want to walk a lot but the pain made it hard for her to walk. She would walk a while with me right beside her then she would want to lay down. She couldn't get into her bed alone. I would help her to bed by putting my right arm under her shoulders and my left under her knees and turning her up onto the bed from a sitting position. No sooner would she be down than she was up again. That went on until 9 that night. I must have helped her into her bed 10 or 12 times. I really slept well that night or as well as I can when I know I have to keep one ear open in case she has a problem. At 5 the next morning she was up.

    My relief got there at 8. I left there and drove to an extra job before my regular job started at 10. I worked there for an hour and a half then on to my other job. Worked there for 3 hours then had to drive to the next town from here and work another. This time giving my client her shower(the one who hadn't showered for months when I first went to her). After her shower I changed her bed and cooked for her. Two hours there then stop at the extra place I went that morning for another hour. Then drop my time sheets off at the office and go home.

    I was so tired and just wanted to get home. I was worried about my car too hoping it would hold out until my check the following Friday. Well on the way home it started missing and the service engine light came on. I was on the small climb coming home. Still had the big one ahead of me. My nerves were really shot by then. Then the car made the big climb like there was nothing wrong. No light came on and no missing. I got home and just about colapsed. I waited two hours before I even felt like eating. Spent part of Saturday on house work and the rest of the time trying to rest but I just couldn't because I was so worried about my car and that drive to town Monday.

    I decided that I just couldn't wait. My nerves were just too messed up worrying about that drive everyday. This is just not the kind of road that you want to stall on. I made it to town fine Monday and I had my normal Monday and Monday night client. Tuesday I asked for the day off so I could get my car fixed. I had to go to a cash advance place and borrow the money against my check. They would only let me get $255 and they charged $38. I had no choice.

    The put the machine on my car and couldn't find anything. The service engine light wouldn't come on again. Finally after changing one small part that was bad they checked for a code from the computer that it had saved from when the light had come on. That gave them an idea of what the problem might be but the light never would come back on. They drove it and it still gave that little bump feeling that I had been feeling but they couldn't get the light to come back on. I was told that it might be the sensor that the code had indicated but it is a $200 part and it still might not be that. I should drive it and wait for the service engine light to come on and stay on. Then they would know for sure. I was a wreck driving home and wouldn't you know on that same climb it did it again :!:

    When I got home I was so upset. I was disillusioned and worried and afraid to drive it again but I had no choice. I have to drive to work and I drive from job to job. I wasn't sure if I could get the money to fix it either. When I called the shop the man told me that I should bring in back in and if it had the same code stored they would change the part. He said that is what he would do if it was his. So I called my bank and got a loan against my check. Another $30 fee. Dropped the car off Wednesday and they took me to my job and then changed the part. It was done by the time I got off of that job and they picked me up. I got my car and paid another $255. I went on to my other job and had no problems with my car. On the way home that evening I was still worried that it would do it again. That maybe it was not what they changed that was wrong with it. I had myself in a real state. I made it home fine with no problems. I drove it Thursday and Friday and all seems well. I am so thankful. My whole check went to pay back what I had borrowed but I was so relieved to have my car back working right. To buy gas I got another advance from the bank.

    Once again enter my boss to the picture. She called me with a weeks job that will pay $825. That will make up for what I spent and the day of work that I lost. I will lose some of what I would have earned with my other jobs but still make up for what the car cost me. I should have known. Everytime things seem so bad and I don't know what to do or how to figure them out God finds a way that I would never have dreamed of.

    Sorry. Seems I have written a book here but I think I just needed to vent. I was really feeling overwhelmed for awhile.

  6. Well at one time we may have been close to being neighbors. I lived in Houma for 32 years.

    You really do have a lot on your plate. I know how bad the storms were. My children still live in Houma and my son works out by the airport. I know that what we see on television does not tell the whole story. You are very fortunate that your house was not destroyed. Sounds like a lot of your good fortune ended with that!

    I know that you want to give all you can to the people you love. I also know how it feels to think that no one else can do it the way you do. Been there and done that. I learned the hard way that I needed help but by the time I learned Johnny didn't want anyone but me. It was hard.

    Your situation is made worse by the drinking. You do have to take care of yourself. Your husband needs to know that you can not help him if your health fails. I really don't think he is trying to hurt you. He is just trying to handle a lot of things himself. On top of Vietnam and the problems left from that he now has another demon to fight. Maybe he is just in denial. Has anyone explained to him that the drinking might keep the chemo from working? I know what some of the pills can cause on their own, add a few drinks his mind must be scrambled.

    Stay strong for yourself first. Demand that he show you respect. Let him know that you love him and want to do all you can to help but that you just can't do it if he is going to undermine everything that you do for him. Maybe that is what he is waiting for.

    You will certainly be in my thoughts and prayers. Lillian

  7. Hi Pat. I would put money on her problem being a UTI. The confusion is the key. When I was working in assisted living anytime a person became confused or their behavior made a drastic change we would get a urine sample. Almost 100% of the time there would be a UTI. If a person has any dementia it can really be serios. Add your mother in law's pain and I would say that is certainly an emergency situation.

    I agree that most people treat the elderly very badly. It is just so wrong. They have a whole lifes worth of experience and so much that we could all learn from them. I love working with elderly people. After all we will be old someday. Some people just don't want to be around older people because it is a constant reminder of that :!:

  8. Just remember that a positive attitude is very important. No one knows how long anyone will live. Cancer is not always a death sentence. As you can see here there are many long term survivers.

    As you go along it my be very difficult to keep a positive attitude because of the attitude of people you meet and even the medical staff. They all tend to treat lung cancer patients as "dead men walking". That can really make it hard but they don't know everything. Love, hope and faith can really go along way. Add that positive attitude and don't let anyone stop you from moving forward.

  9. It is the things that we still have to do that are the hardest. For months I would cry everytime I went to the grocery store, Everytime I got in the car and everytime I went to Wall Mart or I would avoid those places. I would not go to McDonalds because Johnny loved to go there for a Big and Tasty and a Senior coffee.

    When we lose someone we think it will be all of the big things in life that our loved one would have shared with us that will hurt the most. Then we learn in reality it is the everyday things that hold the most memories and are the hardest to deal with. It's been nearly 3 years for me and there are still times I cry doing those things. I can't see a full moon or listen to certain songs without the tears. Life does go on but it is not the life we knew or expected. Getting used to that is something that I wonder if we will ever really do.

    You are in my thoughs and prayers. This new way of life is very new to you. I know how much it hurts.

    I have been hearing a new song on the radio. I think it really says a lot. Part of it goes something like this "you were too young to die. It was like a story that was started and death ripped the pages away. I know no one can take your place and I can't tell you the hell that has put me through" Such truth in those words :(

  10. The hardest thing would be for someone to find me home :!: I used to really worry about things like having my house perfect. I would work from 5 in the morning until 11 at night cleaning, cooking and caring for my family. After 41 years of marriage I got the nerve to end it and when I did I found out that I don't need to have things perfect for people to like me.

    When I am off on Saturday I go through and clean my house. I do laundry and vacum as well as mop and make sure most things are picked up and put away. The rest of the time my house is alright. It is not perfect but it is lived in. It is my home and I am comfortable. If someone comes to see me they had better like the way my house looks and feels. If they don't they can go find a house that looks better. They are not interested in me anyway if that is what they see.

    Now I will say that I have seen some houses that are not just a little messy but filthy. When I say filthy you would not believe what I mean. I can't stand that and would die of shame if my home ever got even close to that. I think it shows a lack of self respect and respect for others.

    By the way I dress good for work. Fortunately with my work I don't have to be anything but casually dressed. When I am home I go for comfort. Like my house if anyone doesn't like let them look the other way. Johnny taught me what is really important in life. What a change from how I used to be :!:

  11. I never really dressed beyond the simple costumes you buy at the store but one year we fixed my mom up.

    Mama was always working. She never did anything for fun. One year my brother was having a Halloween party. My sister in law and I decided to fix Mama up.

    I had some red fabric with while poka dots. We made Mama a long skirt and a whilte apron with a shawl from the polka dots too. Then we used some to make a bandana. After we dressed her we painted her face black. She went as Aunt Jamima. She really looked good and caused a big stir at the party.

    We were playing a game where you passed a ring on a straw. The first team to get to the end would win a prize. If you dropped it you couldn't pick it up other than getting on your knees and picking it up with the straw. Well my brother had a friend that was about 6 foot 6 inches and weighed over 300 pounds. He was right behind Mama. Everytime she tried to pass the ring to him he would see her black face and blue eyes and burst out laughing. He spent most of the night on the floor trying to get that straw. Everyone laughed so much at him that we played the game several times just to see him react to Mama and get down on his knees trying to get that ring.

  12. She does't do my dishes nor does she make my bed

    Often times she plays with my head

    She sleeps a lot and is picky about what she will eat

    But when I set or stand she is always at my feet

    She doesn't talk and often flirts with men

    But I know she is my best friend

    I didn't go out to find her she came to me through grief

    But she has been beside me to bolster my belief

    She looks unkept a little less than shaggy

    And she knows it's time for a walk when she sees the baggie

    She isn't Beauty or Fritzy

    She is just my old dog Misty

  13. Johnny was my all time best friend. He loved me for who I am and never found fault with me. I could tell him anything and never feel that he was judging me. He also felt free to tell me things he would never tell anyone else and know that I would never judge him or find fault with him.

    To me a best friend is someone who accepts you as you are and knows that you will do the same for them. A best friend is like I once said about love. They pick you up when you are down and lift you higher when you are high.

    I have made several good friends in the past few years. One is right here giving us all of these things to get us thinking all of the time. Thanks Ann. Having you as a friend is very special.

  14. I have never wanted to cruise to some tropical paradise. I really don't like water but I have always dreamed of taking a cruise up the Inside Passage to Alaska. Once there I would want to take all of the Ferries and go from town to town and spend a few days in each place soaking up all of the local history and enjoying nature in it's purest form.

  15. I stay because we are like one big family. There are just not many people who are willing to talk about Lung Cancer. People act like they are afraid to get envolved. It is almost as if they are afraid that if they get too close it may strike them or one of their loved ones. Everyone here is already personaly aquainted with the monster. There is always at least one person who understands what I have been through or am still going through.

    Like with any real family I want to give as well as take. Sometimes I feel like I can give others I feel like the best thing I can do is just set back and let someone else do the giving. I think that is in a large part because I still have some of that anger I spoke about and I know that most of the people here don't need to hear that.

    I also still want to learn all I can about lung Cancer. I lost two of the most important people in my life to that monster. When the day comes that it is defeated I want to be here with my "family" to cheer with all of you :!:

  16. I came here for different reasons than all of you. I ended up staying for all of the same reasons you have.

    I didn't come here until nearly a year after my Johnny died. I was still very angry. I knew how badly he had been treated and I wanted to get the word out that things like that do happen. I was just so angry.

    After I was here for a while I had to face the aniversary of the weeks leading up to Johnny's death and all of the painfull memories that went with them. By being able to come here when I felt like I just couldn't face another day I was able to hold on. I got thorough those days and the first aniversary of his death. It was the wonderful people here who gave me the strength and courage to face each day. When I needed to cry someone was there with a long distance hug. There was always someone willing to encourage me. Reading about everyone elses pain and problems somehow made mine easier to live with.

    I have days still that are bad. On some of those days I come here for comfort. Others I can't come here because I can't face anyone elses pain. I do try to come often. My work keeps me away a lot of the time but I have a little more free time now that the days are getting shorter. It is my hope that in some small way I can repay the kindness and help that I recieved when I was so desperate.

  17. Hi Nikki

    I am so sorry. I know how shocked and frightened you are. Just know that there are a lot of caring and knowledgeable people here to help you. Like Don said no one knows for sure how long anyone has to live no matter how bleak the prognosis is.

    We had a very special man here. He too chose to have no treatment. He outlived his prognosis by a very long time. His name was Dean Carl. We lost Dean a month ago but his knowledge is still there for you to read. Go to The Path Less Traveled. You may find some peace of mind there reading some of Dean's posts. You may also find more hope than you think there is.

    You and your family will all be in my prayers.

  18. Sorry that you have to be here Manda but you will learn a lot here. You will also find a lot of compasion and suport. Like Shelly said if your dad is not comfortable with his doctor look for another one as soon as you can. Find out how much your dad wants to know. Sometimes the patient doesn't really want to know everything but you should. Or at least whoever is his primary caregiver should. I just don't trust a doctor who will not answer questions. That is part of their job.

  19. Mandi I too want to welcome you. I hate it that you have a reason to be here but sense you do you have come to the right place. Not only will you find a lot of compasion here but a lot of knowledge as well.

    I don't know much about the tumor marker numbers only that they are not always acurate. I do want to second what Fay said about finding a cancer treatment center other than a small town clinic.

    Like you we felt very comfortable with Johnny's doctor. Too comfortable to make a change when we started having too many questions about his treatment. I just want you to know that sometimes change is good. Ask questions and get answers. If the answers aren't clear enough or you are not comfortable with them find another doctor at least for a second opinion. If that upsets her doctor then you will know that he is more interested in his ego than her care.

    Never forget that love, faith and hope can go a long way. Make sure she knows that she has all of those things. See too if she will talk about her feelings. That can be important and give you a clue of what you should be asking her doctor. My prayers are added to all of the others.

  20. Faye your Aunt and Uncle may have been evacuated to some other area. It seems that the Red Cross and others envolved were so overwhelmed that they didn't really take good records of those they were sending out. I know most people stayed close in Mississippi but I'm sure that some were sent elsewhere. Maybe they have no way to communicate. I know that in Louisiana there are still a lot of problems with phones both land based and cell. Keep heart and know that many prayers are being said for them.

    Have you tried posting on the internet? Maybe someone has seen them and will let you know. Just an idea. Things are still so crazy down there. There could be any number of reasons why you haven't heard from them.

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