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Everything posted by Debaroo

  1. Debaroo

    Just a hello

    Janine, I am so glad to see you posting again-and that picture of you and your sisters with your dad is GREAT! I have to post a picture, too. I guess it would be a good idea to figure out how to use the scanner first, though. Any info. on how to post a picture or two (I'd like to include myself, my dad and mom and my children and husband.-I have two photos in mind that would accomplish this). Keep in touch, Karma, we've missed you....and I have missed your sense of humor and your excellent advice. Take care, Deb
  2. I can see clearly now!!!!!!!!!!! It all makes SENSE!!! Thank you for the laugh-Deb
  3. Debaroo

    Good luck Jay !

    Jay, been thinking about you. Let us know how things go-the Gamma Knife will work-I just know it will. Keep us informed as to how you are, when you can. Deb
  4. Debaroo

    My dad has passed

    Donnie, I am sorry for your loss of your father. Deb
  5. Susan, I am so sorry for your loss. We are here for you-I am so sorry. Deb
  6. WELCOME BACK ESTELLE!!! Its so good to see your lovely picture again! Deb
  7. Well, we leave for Disney World tomorrow. So, I won't be onboard until Sunday Nov 2-I think this will drive me crazy...If I don't check the boards at least twice a day, I go bonkers! Just wanted to let you all know that I'll be thinking of you, and you'll continue to be in my prayers. My husband is going to put my dads computer into the "little room" for him-its in their finished basement, but Dad can't go up and down the stairs. I wish he'd come to this site, but he prefers for me to relay things to him from the board. Anyhow, when I come back the first thing I intend on doing, after seeing Mom and Dad, is to check this board. Take care, guys, "talk" to you soon. Deb
  8. Ray, this might seem weird, but when my 2 year old was in the hospital with a kidney infection, they could not get a vein in either of her arms-as she was so small. Now, bear with me here, the doctor ended up putting the iv into a vein in her foot. It didn't hurt her, and it was very easy for them to access it. Maybe you could ask about that, just for the tests. Just for the peace of mind in knowing that you were able to get the scan with contrast-which, as I understand-is a higher definition picture, but I'm not sure as to HOW MUCH HIGHER. (maybe just a bit-I'm not sure). My dad had his port put in two weeks ago, and he is kicking himself for not having done it sooner (even though finding a vein on him wasn't difficult,) He said that the port is much more comfortable. I think that your veins are collapsing mostly because of how much they need to be poked and prodded. I think the nurse also mentioned that the chemo itself, after a while, makes the veins collapse when being used. She may have mentioned dehydration, as well, although I can't remember. Also, with regard to the brain mets, when my dad was diagnosed with them last December, he asked the doctor why he didn't have a headache from them-you would think that would be a sure symptom. The doctor said that headaches are really rare with brain mets. But, if you are dehydrated, that can ABSOLUTLY cause headaches-it happens to me ALL THE TIME. It also makes you tired. Not to mention the nerves thing. Well, I hope this was of some help to you, Ray. I would ask the onc. regarding the w/o contrast thing. Take care, Ray, and I'm putting in some prayers for good results of the CT and MRI. Deb
  9. Cathy, It is good that your mom will be going to Florida-it will be difficult for you both, but it is also good that she has such wonderful friends waiting for her in Fla with open arms and hearts. I am sorry that you are so nervous about entering the house without your Dad being there. There are no real answers, I guess, as to how to grieve. Just let your feelings happen as they do, let yourself feel whatever feelings come-let yourself cry, or smile, or laugh, or just be sad. Give yourself time. Don't be afraid of how you will feel. Give youself a chance. If you cry with your parents' friends, let them help you. You just might be surprised. Don't stress yourself out as to "when" you will be able to think of your Dad and smile...it will happen when you least expect it. I wish I could be there with you. Just remember that you've also got a group of friends here, that are ready to catch you if you need to be caught. And that we are ready to smile with you, when you find yourself remembering something about your Dad that makes you smile. Take care of yourself, Cathy. Love, Deb
  10. Cheryl, you and Dick are both in my thoughts and prayers. I am so sorry that you are having to go through this. We are here. Deb
  11. Debaroo

    My Dad is Gone

    Joe, I am so sorry for your loss of your dear father. Please know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Deb
  12. Thank you ALL so much for your suggestions...I feel stupid that I didn't think of them myself. I am going to get mom out with a friend of hers and get some alone time with my dad. I really appreciate all of your support. Just posting here made me feel better and then when I read all of your replies, I felt like I could breathe again. I will let you all know how things go. I will be on as much as I can before we leave for Florida on Sat.. It is going to drive me crazy that I won't be able to check in here for a week! But, I still have the rest of the week before the trip, and I will of course be back after Nov 1st. Thank you all again for taking the time to reply. I love you all. Take care, Deb
  13. Ginny, boy your Earl is one hell of a spunky guy!!! I felt so badly when you spoke of his fall-but please don't feel guilty-have you guys thought of getting one of those Nextel-type two way radios? I'm not sure of how expensive they are, as there is going to be some compitition now that other companies can come out with the same type of phone/walkie talkie. My parents actually got a cordless phone for the house that came with 2 handsets and it has an intercom so that if Dad needs Mom all he has to do is beep her and they can talk. It has come in very handy. Anyway-it gives my mom some peace of mind that if she can't hear Dad call her, he can call her on the intercom. I am glad that you guys had a good visit with your friends, and of course you both are in my thoughts and prayers all the time. Continue to take care-by the way, how does Earl like the port? My dad LOVES his, it has made his chemo session so much easier and more comfortable for him. Deb
  14. Veronica, my dad was on decadron, and he had the same thing happen after he came off of it. It "reaked havoc" on his system. He wasn't nauseas, but his appetite took a major dive (especially since it was SO STRONG while he was on it) so he lost alot of weight. He tried megace, and was short of breath, which they thought was a side effect from coming off the decadron, but that ended up being from complications unrelated to the steroids, so it didnt' work. He was also tired and weak. It, unfortunatly, is normal. I hope you will be feeling better soon, and that this was of some help. Take care, Deb
  15. I cried in front of my dad today...something I swore I wouldn't do-because I didn't want to upset him or make him think that I thought he was a hopeless case. He brought up that we leave for Disney on Sat (a trip that he and my Mom were to take with us-but now they can't). He said that he wishes they could come and he looked so sad. So I went over and sat next to him and hugged him and said that I wished they could, too. Then I started to tear up and cry, not sobbing, just tears. He bit his lip. Then, of course, my mom rushed off the phone to see what we were saying (which annoyed me because I wanted to be able to have a private conversation with my dad). So I went into the other room, "to get the kids"-for fear that I would break down. I feel so guilty. Guilty for leaving the room-for leaving him...and guilty for starting to cry in the first place. I feel like crap. I'm annoyed with my mom for several things that she has said to me and done lately (completely unrelated to my dad-she's been so judgemental lately about my husband not finishing the work that he's been doing on our house-which he has been working his a** off on). She even called me upset that my dad was having a hard time breathing-she said that when he gets "emotional and upset it makes it really hard for him to breathe", I asked her what he was upset about (figuring it was his condition and all the stress of it) and she said "because Rob hasn't finished the work on the house, and you don't have your pool covered yet" Gee, mom, thanks for the NEW guilt trip...I don't think she should have told me this, and I told her to lie, tell him its covered and so now he won't be upset and he'll be able to breathe. She keeps saying things like that, and what happened today just made me more aggravated and made me more upset. I just want some time alone with my dad, and she will not give it to me. She's always had to be in the center of everything, and if I asked her, kindly, if my dad and I coudl have some alone time she would get all passive-aggressive on me and put a guilt trip on me (I know, because I've tried). I don't know what to do. I'm not getting angry at her, at least, I'm not showing it because I don't want to upset my dad, and I know that she is going through alot, too. So I have been able to keep my fuse from reaching the blowing point (NOT EASY, seeing as how I am the type of person that tends to tell it like it is-so having to sugar coat everything is really hard, but I have to. It would not be right to blow up-I know that.) So, here I am, crying at my computer...crying to you guys. I've said it before, and I'll say it now "Thank God for this message board, and for the people that make it the safe haven that it is." Take care, everybody...I need a cup of coffee. Deb
  16. Hi, I'm 'dumpy applebuns' -OK, now I have to increase my gym attendance from 4 times a week to, like, 6-and buy the "Buns of Steel video"... I need a hug. Deb
  17. I LOVE THE BLUES!!! But, my name is Debi and i have a computer, so I guess I can't sing them. Hopefully I will never be in the need to shoot a man in Memphis-if I do, I guess I'll just have to change my name so that I CAN sing the blues (what do you think about 'short toursoed Dee'? I have always hated that feature about myself. Oh, well... In the meantime, I guess I'll have to settle for listening to the blues. Take care, Deb
  18. Dear Janet, just wanted to let you know that many prayers are being said for you. I am looking forward to your coming back as soon as you can and letting us know how you are doing. In the meantime, thank you Fay for the heads up-and for being the messenger for us and Janet. Janet, take care of yourself-Deb
  19. Debaroo

    bad news

    Jay, I am so sorry for the news about the brain mets. There IS alot that can be done for brain mets, it just takes a game plan, as was mentioned several times above. My dad had a procedure called Gamma Knife for his three mets, and it worked in ONE session, it is a high dose of radiation that is aimed DIRECTLY at the tumors, leaving the healthy tissue untouched. PM me if you would like more information about it. Please take care, and we are here for you. Deb
  20. OK, thats it, now I DEFINATLY NEED A BIGGER REFRIGERATOR. In fact, I want to copy this story and send it in all of my Happy New Year cards! Thank you for sharing it with us, I needed it. Man, that was a great one! Take care, Deb
  21. Carleen, I must start by saying that I could not write down the names that come to mind when I think of that sorry excuse for a doctor...they are too offensive, and I would probably be booted off the site (and we cant have that, can we?) Now, I am going to tell you and you tell Keith this from me , please "Other than a cure for my dad, my second wish is for him to have STABLE DISEASE!!! Stable=no spread=GOOD NEWS!!! I would tell that doctor that you hope that, should he ever be in Keiths position, you hope that he has someone fighting FOR him-someone that will pull out all the stops-someone that will not let him "go gently into the night"- because if his doctor is as pathetic as him, he will need a fighter in his corner-or he is doomed. Now, you are Keiths champion-as he has been yours, I am certain. Keith must not allow this doctors "the glass is half empty" pessimistic attitude become his own...it is self defeating. Keith has been doing great!!! You BOTH have. It is hard, I know, but anything worth doing-worth having-is a struggle...and life is one hell of a trophy, don't you think? Proove this guy wrong, and in a year-or two-you and Keith can strut into his office (assuming he still has a practice) and kick his butt the same way you will kick this cancers butt. Maybe the guy is tired, maybe he is burnt out...but he does his patients and their loved ones a great disservice by remaning in practice and not seeing that stable disease IS a good thing. And that some type of treatment plan must be implemented, to further Keiths progress, or keep him in good standing-as he is now. Stable disease-man, right now that is my dream for my dad. Carleen, you and Keith deserve a doctor that is willing and able to fight as hard and as long as you and Keith have fought since his diagnosis. THERE IS NOT ONE MILITARY FORCE IN THE WORLD THAT CAN WIN A WAR BEING LED BY A GENERAL THAT SENDS THEM INTO BATTLE WITH EMPTY WEAPONS... NO RACE OR CHAMPIONSHIP GAME CAN BE WON WITH A COACH STANDING BEHIND THE TEAM YELLING "YOU CAN'T DO IT...ITS NO USE...GIVE UP"...AND NO DISEASE CAN BE FOUGHT-LET ALONE CONQUERED- WITH A DOCTOR THAT SAYS THAT HE IS NOT GIVING YOU THE MEDICINE THAT YOU NEED THAT WILL HELP YOU LIVE. Carleen, you guys can do this...with the right help...with the right doctors. Please let us know how it goes, we love you guys. Take care, Deb
  22. Ru, hi and welcome. It would be a good idea to find out exactly what kind of cancer your mother-in-law has, as each cancer has a different protocol for how it is treated. You mentioned that the main tumor was in her kidney and was removed with surgery-was that the primary tumor? because if it was, than that would mean that your mother-in-law has kidney cancer that may have metastisised to the lungs, so the treatment that she would need would be different than what we all have experience with. I don't want to offend you or dissuade you from coming here to post, just to let you know that each cancer has its own protocol for medication/chemo and its own options as far as clinical trials or "what to expect" from the disease. Good luck, and let us know how things go and what you find out...and if we could be of any further help to you. Take care, Deb
  23. Daddy just had a port put in two weeks ago, had been having LOTS of trouble finding a vein-and it is much better now. He is not on blood thinners, as he had gamma knife to the brain in Jan, so blood thinners are out (risk of stroke), however-since he has had blood clots in the legs-he has a filter that was put in to prevent the clot going to his lungs/heart. He takes baby asprin every day-and that has been enough to keep any other clots from developing so far. Hope this was of some help. Take care, Andrea. Deb
  24. Debaroo

    Missed you

    Jay, no need to apologize for not posting...just check in from time to time, when you can and when you're up to it. Sorry that you havn't been feeling well, and I hope that your test results are nothing serious. We're here for you; whether you are posting are not you are always on so many peoples minds. I feel that you all are my strength, too. And I'm glad that you came here with your worries. Let us know how things go. We love ya!!! Deb
  25. Kathy, I am so, so sorry for your loosing Tim. You have been here for me in the past, and for so many others. I hope that knowing we are here for you helps in some way, however small. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep in touch with us. We are here for you. Deb
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