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Everything posted by Debaroo

  1. Dean, just wanted to welcome you here, and to say that mi amigos that posted ahead of me are very wise-so I'd listen to them. Hopefully the results will be negative (which is a positive thing) and you will be able to post here one more time to tell us that we're not needed... however, if the results come back positive than I hope you will stay on and let us be here for you to sound off at. Also, if the test results are positive for lung cancer, than after going throught the anger and sorrow, please do as DavidP said and be ready to FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!! Your attitude will greatly affect how your respond to any treatment or surgery that you may need. Please keep us posted, either way, take care-Deb
  2. Yours and Gails ideas are things that I know I would need help with, and would be appreciative of. Also, with Halloween creeping up, and with the holidays coming, maybe she could use some help with shopping-whether someone handles the shopping for her, or bring her some catalogs so that she could pick out what she will need for the family. And, as Gail said, if she is resistant at first-tell her she could "pay if forward" (like the movie said) and instead of feeling indebted to those that help her and as if she needs to 'pay it back', she could 'pay it forward' by helping someone else in need when she is up to it. Take care, and let us know how it goes. Deb
  3. Mony, just wanted to say that your parents must be very proud of you. You are also one heck of a good friend-to find your friends mothers diagnosis so interesting and to go and seek information to help, wow! Take care, let us know how your project goes...and also, if you don't mind, let us know how your friends mom does. Maybe you could let her know about this site, too. It might be something that she'd want to get involved in, too. Best wishes, Deb
  4. I look forward to your posts about the Duke, as well (and yep, Ry, the song always comes to mind). I love that the doc is looking for another 'reprieve'-see, hope floats! Take care, and looking forward to the further adventures of... Ginny and The Duke Take care, and I hope that you know that you and Earl are always in my thoughts and prayers-Deb
  5. I am also so very sorry for your loosing your husband-I hope that coming here is of some help, somehow. We are here. Deb
  6. Katie, and Candee-thank you for the supportive words...And John, thank you so much for the information-it was above and beyond-I really appreciate all of the time you took to relay the information that you have. You guys are all so amazing, the fact that you take the time to share information and support the way that you do-thats why I love it here. I just wanted you all to know how much it is appreciated. You're the best. Take care, and I go with Dad to the onc. tomorrow, so I'll let y'all know what happens. Thank you for EVERYTHING! Deb
  7. Debaroo

    New Pic

    Sandy, "you look mahhhvalous" as Billy Crystal would say. I really like the new 'do-its very flattering. Very sassy!!! I love short hair for that exact reason, I think it is so sassy and fun. Enjoy the new look, Deb
  8. Mary, Don and Laura, thank you so much for the support, and for the information. My dad has been getting Zomita to help strengthen his bones-I think he gets it once every 2 weeks. I will certainly ask the Onc. about the Strontium 89-I've never heard of it before, thank you for the input. It really helps so much to get information from other peoples experiences, otherwise we might never know about these other options that are out there-which is not a good thing. Information is so important when you are dealing with something like lung cancer. I thank you all for your input and insight. I'll let you know how it goes. Take care, Deb
  9. Cheryl and Jack, I am so sorry for you loss of your horse. As a child, I'd always wanted a horse. Every star I'd wish on, every time I'd blow out my birthday candles, on every Christmas list to Santa, all I wanted was a horse. Apache sounded very special, and like an important member of the family. I am so sorry for his death. You are in my prayers, Deb
  10. Hey guys. I havn't been around much lately. Dad had to have a port inserted on Friday, which knocked the He** out of him. He finished with Radiation the friday before-now for my question. The radiation/onc. said that it may be 2-3 weeks AFTER RADIATION IS FINISHED before Daddy's pain is gone...assuming the radiation worked (please, God, let it work). He is still in pain, it will be two weeks on Friday since his last session. We thought that he was feeling some relief earlier on, when we went upstate, but it seems to not be much better. If anyone out there could give me some idea as to how the radiation thing works, I'd sure appreciate it. Dad is getting discouraged, again. He just wants his back to feel better. He really wants to get back on his feet, and feels that once the pain is gone, he'll feel so much better. I just feel so useless. When we visit, Dad stays in the 'little room', on his recliner, or on the living room couch. He is always glad to see the kids (we go a few times a week), and they absolutly adore him...but he is tired and either is sleeping on the couch or he is resting and watching tv, with the door closed. My daughters will peek in on him, especially the younger one-Julia-Julia goes in the room over and over to 'check in on Poppy' and tell her that she loves him. So, if anyone can give me some insight as to whether it may really take longer to feel relief from radiation, I'd appreciate it. I trust you all so much more than the doctors-because you speak from experience-and I really respect you all so much. I just feel like the doctors can give you a bit of an idea of what to expect, but it is better to get the information from someone whos 'been there/done that' or has had a loved one that has. Thank you all in advance for your help. And for being here. I know I havn't been around much, but you all are in my thoughts and prayers all of the time. Take care, guys. Deb
  11. Oh, Alyse, I am so sorry about your husband. It's strange, on Sat. I was online and going to post a private message to you. I have been wondering how you and your husband were doing. I wish I knew what to say. I am just so sorry. Please know that you and your daughter are in my thoughts and prayers. Deb
  12. Hello! I feel the same exact way!! In the news here all I keep seeing are "The Dennison Building (a huge court/federal building on long island) has been lit up in PINK for Breast cancer awareness...officials attended the 'lighting ceremony' (are you kidding?) and others are following suit to bring awareness to the problem of breast cancer-a disease that kills..blah blah). So now all of these buildings are joining in and lighting up PINK. Now, I have nothing but the greatest respect for those that have battled, will battle and have lost the battle to breast cancer. But I am sick of hearing that they need more awareness about it!!! There seems to be CONSTANTLY some type of donation from one major company or another (ie. 'a portion of the proceeds will go to the fight against breast cancer') and articles in magazines, and 'walk-a-thons' and fundrasing benefits in the people/entertainment section of the newspaper with celebrities "fighting for the cause"....and in the next breath they are saying how people need to be made AWARE of breast cancer! What gives? I always thought that you need to be made aware about things that you never hear about, about things that are NOT GIVEN THE ATTENTION THEY DESERVE! About things that are swept under the rug; expounged from the consiousness of society...I always thought that you needed to be made aware about INJUSTICES AND TRADGIDIES THAT NOONE TALKS ABOUT, ABOUT SUFFERING THAT IS IGNORED!!! Sorry to go off on a rant, but it is very frustrating. Its time to get organized. I'm game. Deb
  13. Ginny, prayers are being said for Earl-please let us know if they get any conclusive findings. I thought that a CT scan could give a difinitive answer as to whether the cancer has spread. According to my dads latest ct-the cancer had spread to his liver. We were never told how many lesions there were-honestly we were trying to get a grip on the fluid buildup in his lungs-so that was of the foremost concern at the time. And now with the radiation on his spine/shoulderblade-I feel stupid and guilty for not making a bigger deal about the liver mets. I did bring up RFA, and asked if it was a possibility, the onc. said he would keep it in mind, but we had to deal with the mets that were causing Daddy pain, and the fluid in his lungs. At any rate, you and Earl are in my thoughts and prayers-I have read posts here about suspicious lesions on the liver that were not mets-just cysts. Hopefully that is what Earl has. I know the posts were recent, I believe they were from Norme-as her Buddy has had, I believe, similar findings on his CT. We are here for you. Keep us posted-Deb
  14. Just wanted to let you guys laugh with me AT me...I recently saw a post by a woman that uses the name DianeP...and, now I feel really dumb for thinking this...I swear, I thought to myself "Oh, wow, DavidP's wife is posting!!! Cool!" DUUHHHH! As my hero, Bugs Bunny would say "what a maroon" I am... Be gentle....Deb
  15. Norme, Man-all of the confusion and the worry-I mean, is it SO much to ask for -to know what you're dealing with? I don't understand it. We have enough going on in our heads, what we need are answers-it is tooo easy to "go there" and think the worst, and it is unbearibly sad when we think we're on the safer side and then have the wind knocked out of us by the truth. The guessing and wondering are absolutly maddening. I hope that you get some definate answers here, and that they are the 'good news' types of answers at that! Please keep us informed of how you and your best Buddy are doing. take care, Deb
  16. Debaroo

    I lost my Dad

    Kris, I am so sorry for your loss. Please accept my condolences. Deb
  17. Ginny, so glad to see your post about "the Duke" in the good news forum, and it certainly belongs here!!! Just wanted to say that I'm glad for the good report-and hope to see you post here again after you get the CT results-until then "a toast-to a clear head and a happy anniversary- (CLINK) CHEERS!!!" Take care, Deb
  18. I pm'd you, but I might as well post here, too. I agree that waiting on a second opinion in no way does a disservice to your mom. It is good to start treatment right away. But make sure that you have the communication that you need with the doctors, so that you can ask questions and request treatment options. I was told by my dads onc. that rfa (radiofrequency abation)would be an option to dads liver, but seeing as how the cancer is on his spine-he needed radiation to help with the pain first. He said that RFA may be possible in the future-but we had to handle the pain first. In my opinion, a second opinion can never hurt. I also feel that you must feel good about your moms treatment and doctors, follow your gut. There are many mixed reviews about every doctor out there...everyone speaks from their own experiences-and everyone looks for different things in a doctor. Some don't care about a doctors bedside manner, as long as he "knows his stuff", others find it as important, if not more... do what feels right for your mom. Unfortunatly, we must keep on top of the doctors, it isn't right that we have to, but it is the right thing to do. You must speak up if you are unhappy with her care, or with the treatment plan. I began by actually apologizing to the doctor for my questions and for my need to be very involved in my dads care and treatment, "You have treated many patients, but he is my ONLY DAD...I want to do right by him, as he has always done right by me...I hope you understand." and do you know what, he did. Take care, denise. Keep us posted. Ps..Ry, I love the picture! Its nice to finally see the face behind the wit!
  19. Carleen, I was so glad to see your post. I am glad that Keith is doing well-and sounds as if you made his birthday a pretty special and memorable one! Also, Happy Anniversary to you both. Now, about your asking for our forgiveness for your absence, There is NOTHING for you to be forgiven for!!! We just like to know that things are ok now and again, and if you need-we are here for you. But it is completely understandable that there are times that life gets hectic and the days seem to go by as quick as the time it takes for cotton candy to melt in your mouth. Don't worry about it. Hope to see you around a bit more, but if you don't get to it-don't let it stress you out. We're here, waiting. Take care, Deb
  20. Well, looks like I'll have to go to Sears and get another refrigerator for all of the beautiful poems and quotes that have been being posted here . I'll be know in the neighborhood as "the refrigerator lady" -on Halloween all the neighborhood children will dare one another to knock on my door- " I heard she has all those refregerators to keep her collection of body parts of different poets! Ewwwweee!" Most neighborhoods only have 'the cat lady'. Keep them coming, though. Even if I don't have room on the fridge, it will be nice to come back and read things that make you see the big picture...especially when there is a rough patch in the road. Thank you dadstimeon and snowflake. Take care, Deb
  21. The other day my 2 year old daughter, Julia, wanted to try on her Tinkerbell Halloween costume. So, we put it on her, wings and all. She was so excited, and looked absolutly adorable (but I am partial). Once the costume was on-wings in place, she tilted her head, looked at my husband and said (with the innocence of an angel) "Daddy, can me fly?" Ok, I'm a little farklemped, Rob and I looked at eachother, a bit sad-neither of us wanting to burst her bubble, and then Rob said "Here, Daddy will help you fly" and picked her up and sailed her through the air. She yelled "WHEEE, ME FLYING!!!" Then proceded to flutter around the house like a fairy, continuing to exclaim "WHEEEE, me flying!" Julia will be three on Halloween, and we will be celebrating her birthday in Disney, which will be so great. On another note, my 5 year old continues to keep me on my toes and never ceases to amaze me at how much of my wise-a** qualities she has inherated. The other day, I was calling her over and over "Gwyneth...Gwyneth...Gwyneth...,GWYNETH GWYNETH!!!" at this point I am about a foot away from her. She looks at me, completely unimpressed with my vocal range..."Didn't you HEAR me? Are you having trouble with your ears?" She said, with that sort of 'how droll' look on her face and said "Maybe I was ignoring you." Me: , only purple not yellow. To which she quickly defended herself and said "Oh, no, I wouldn't ignore you, I was just concentrating really HARD." Me: What do you say? Man am I in trouble. Take care, guys Deb
  22. Hey guys, thanks for all the well-wishes. Dad just called me to see when we can go back upstate for another visit, he is all GUNG HO and I am so happy to hear him actually excited about something. Although we are scheduled to go to Disney on Oct. 24th-I told Daddy that we will go whenever he wants to, he figured we'd rather wait until after the trip- but I don't want to have any regrets for putting it off. I told him to let me know and we can go at any time-as long as we can board Farley (our dog). He had his last round of radiation yesterday, he is VERY TIRED, but believing more that the exaustion is due to the radiation after the Dr. gave him a firm talking to and some literature. Dad was getting a bit discouraged and thinking he was just sicker. But now that he knows that the effects of the chemo and radiation are pretty much guaranteed to cause extreme fatigue, he is more upbeat. So, hopefully we make it again real soon. And hopfully Daddy has a break for a little bit in terms of something else springing up. Thank you, again, for all the encouragement. Take care, guys. Deb
  23. Dyan and Dawn, I am so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine how difficult that it must be, expecially since your mothers passing was so quick and unexpected. I hope that you will both stay on here, there is so much support for you-and when you are up to it, maybe you could share a bit more about your mom. I am sorry that I havent gotten to know you all, and hope to see more posts in the future. Take care, deb
  24. Debaroo

    The new me.

    Hey David, I had hair like that in high school back in '84-'86!!! My punk phase- Glad to see you catching up with the times! You look great! Not many men could carry off the multi colored hair thing, but you wear it well! You are doing one hell of a great job, not only in fundraising, but in AWARENESS raising. It is so great that your students are being offered the opportunity to get involved in doing something about a disease that affects so many people on a daily basis...cancer...They sound like a great bunch of kids, and this journey that you've taken them on, with the fund raising and the hair dying/shaving thing-you are creating memories that they will, someday, share with their own children. And maybe even create some future fund raisers. By making the support they are giving fun as well as eye opening-they are a bunch of lucky kids. Keep us posted as to how the "Tour de Rock" goes. Oh, and Dave, I forgot to tell you "YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Take care, dude, Deb
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