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Everything posted by Debaroo

  1. Norme, I just wanted to tell you that you and your Buddy are quite amazing folks. I am so glad that you are a part of our family-and am always glad when people decide to stay on, even after the passing of a loved one. Thats what family does, isn't it? We stick around for eachother, and not only reap the benefits of the support and caring we get-but also get to be on the giving end as well...its a great balance. I know that knowing you guys have 'got my back', it makes getting not so good news bearable. Knowing that you are here is of such a comfort to me. I just wanted to let you know that, to let EVERYONE know that. I'm glad that your doctors have decided to act right away, and that Buddy is coming out swinging!!! Let us know how things go, and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Take care, Deb
  2. Man, that would entitle the wife to a good swack on her husbands head!!!! Good one, very good (I'm gonna print that and put it on my HUGE REFRIGERATOR) -just kidding. My husband will get a kick out of this one when I tell him about it. Thanks for the laugh, Deb
  3. Man, Dave, I would LOVE it if my dad got news like that. Stable disease is good. Stable disease means no spread and no spread is very good news. I know you would rather hear of shrinkage, but this is good. Maybe next scan will show that there is shrinkage! Until then, take care-been thinking about you ALOT and saying lots of prayers for you. Deb
  4. Well said-hope keeps us going. I shudder at the thought of what it would be like to live in a world without hope. And am sad for those that exist without it. take care, Deb
  5. Debaroo


    Truer words were never spoken...Gotta make the most of that dash-it is so fleeting. Thank you for sharing such a thought provoking poem. I will print it out and it will now be displayed on my fridge. Take care, Deb
  6. Snowflake, thank you for posting the correct quote, I knew I had it wrong...but I guess the message is the same. I LOVE that quote!!! Its so cool that you have it on a magnet on your fridge!!! Thanks again, Deb
  7. David, almost two years ago when my dad was Dx with lung cancer he, also felt "too good to be this sick"...and you know what-he and we-RAN with that!!! He did very well on two very strong chemo cocktails and lived his life pretty much as he did before his dx...the fact that you feel so good will work VERY well in conjunction with your chemo, and it will also be of help in that you may not experience the side effects as badly. So, enjoy feeling good!!! It will serve you well. Take care and welcome to the boards, its a great place to be...keep us posted. Deb
  8. Happy Birthday Marlon!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope that you are doing well. How is your mom holding up? Have you made any decisions regarding your living arrangements? I didn't notice any updates, so I was just wondering. Hope that all is well, and that you had a GREAT BIRTHDAY, AND A GREAT YEAR!!! Deb
  9. Stephanie, your mom has GOT to hear that one-Judy always comes back with the best responses to the blonde jokes... Blow in that blondes ear, she needs a refill!!! Deb
  10. Debaroo

    Ada Waddell

    I can't believe it... This is all too much. Deb
  11. Debi, I was thinking the exact same thing when I read all of the posts. I just feel that life is such a gift, and to night fight like hell for it is so sad. I can't imagine how it feels to be in Janets shoes, I know I'd be angry-he** I'm angry that Janet has to go through this, and my dad, and Debi, and hebbie, and becky and daveG and Jay and Katies dad had to go through it, and Shellies mom and Karmas dad-I could go on and on and on. I just know that my dad is up for the fight, he is undergoing chemo and radiation and he is getting THROUGH IT...I read a quote today, by Winston Churchill, I believe, to paraphrase it-I will post the exact quote tomorrow-he said "if you are in a living hell, keep going"-in other words there is only one way out of hell, to go through it and get to the other side. But whatever Janets decision is, we will all be here for her. Thats what we do. We share knowledge-offer support-no matter what. Janet, I can't pretend to know how you feel-I have two small children myself and, other than something happening to them-the worst thing I could think of is if something were to happen to me. I just hope that you don't give up. Put one of your kids in your position, what would you want them to do? Would you want them to fight, to try? I don't know. I just hope that you continue here, with us, no matter what. Please take care, and no matter what, we are here for you. Deb
  12. Hey guys, just wanted to let you all know that Daddy and the whole family made the 5hour trip to upstate New York to visit with Daddys brother (whom he has not seen in many, many years-and whom I have not seen in about 30 years). It was a truly amazing visit, alot of tears, alot of laughter-all the stuff that wonderful memories are made of. I got to meet my cousins for the first time and saw my Godfather (another cousin that I havn't seen since I was 6 years old-but whom I did remember) and met my cousins and their spouses and children...it was SOOOO great!!! What a bunch of wonderful people. My uncle and his oldest son surprised us at the motel soon after we called to tell them that we made it ok (Dad wanted to rest a bit before we went to Uncle Coppy's house)...when he and Dad saw eachother they hugged and cried- it was beautiful. Dad felt great, we were at the house until about midnight, we heard alot of funny stories about Daddy as a kid in the Bronx-what a real juvenial delinquent he was!! On the way home on Sunday (Mom and Dad drove with my husband and our kids so that Dad could sit comfortably in the front passenger seat of the mini-van) Dad kept reminicing about old times, and Dad said that his back is feeling better (the radiation is doing its thing-Thank you God) that he would feel "like a million bucks" if it weren't for the back pain, and that he wants to start (little by little) taking his walks around Belmont Lake again, with my Mom of course. He's eating more, has a decent apetite, and his spirit is soaring. My cousins are going to let us know when they can make the trip here to Long Island-we don't want to wait any longer than we have to. Uncle Coppy is recovering from hip replacement surgery, and is on the mend, slow, but mending. Road trips are hard right now. One of my cousins said that he's afraid this will be the last time his dad and my dad get to see eachother...I am too, but I am also SOOOO GRATEFUL that we got to make the trip and have such a wonderful visit. My other cousin, he's 18, started crying SO HARD when my dad said goodbye to him, he grabbed my dad and then my uncle and said to me, "can you please take a picture of the three of us" and he's crying so hard and all red, he was so sweet... and I'm like "Somebody get me a camera! (trying sooo hard not to cry myself)." Then each of us took an individual picture standing between my dad and my uncle. We also got a group picture (there were about 30 of us-not an easy task-but we did it!. Anyway, we had a great visit and today Daddy went to the onc. today and Dr.L told him that he wants Dad to get out a bit and get his mind to thinking well, because being stuck inside affects your mind (you get depressed) and that dosn't help fight the cancer cells. He said that if he feels pain, he should take the pain killers, they will help until the radiation takes its full effect, and that they will make him feel more able to get up and about. After the visit, mom and dad went to dunkin donuts and sat and had coffee and donuts! Anyway, thank you all for all of your prayer and kind and encouraging words. Right now we've hit a smooth patch, and I am enjoying it to the fullest-that way, there are no regrets when we get to another ditch in the road-and we'll, hopefully, have the energy to deal with whatever lies ahead....but, inside I keep thinking that I really hope this smooth patch lasts a while...just want to make as many happy memories as possible. Sorry for the long post. I havn't been around much, but you are all ALWAYS in my thoughts and prayers!!! Love ya, and take care, Deb
  13. Kathy, I just wanted to let you know that you and Tim are included in my prayers. I hope that you both create some more beautiful memories together. I am so sorry that the disease has progressed. Your doctor sounds so nice, it is great that you have such a wonderful rapport with her. Please keep us posted and let us know if you need ANYTHING. Take care, deb
  14. Kitty, I think that it is great that you approached your Dad with the idea of a family talk, and that he was open to the idea is even better. Honestly, I think that you kind of answered your own question with regard to how to start the conversation, you said "I am scared to death of this conversation, because our M.O. as a family has never been to emotionally open up, but at this point that's just not going to work anymore..." That, in a nutshell, I believe is a great way to start the conversation. Then, letting your Dad voice how he feels about what is happening-just as Don said. Sometimes we find that the fear of opeining up is actually much worse than doing it...we tend to build things up and think to much about the "what ifs", what if the conversation goes this way, or what if the person responds that way...it can drive you crazy and keep you all from letting one another know how much you care about eachother. I hope this was of some help. I hope that it all goes well, I think that you are doing the right thing for your family and yourself. Good luck, and please let us know how it goes. Try not to be so scared, follow your heart... Take care, Deb
  15. Debaroo


    Stephanie, thank you so much for the update on your mom. I am so glad that the surgery went well, and will continue to pray for Judy to have a complete recovery...tell her that we will be patiently awaiting her return; to take her time and know that we will be here-we'll "keep the porch light on". Until she is back, we will be waiting and holding warm thoughts for her. Take care, Deb
  16. Donna, I have always liked George Carlin, but you have to be able to get past the profanity to get to the wisdom. He always seems to make point that make you go "so true, why didn't I see that." I loved this message, and plan on sharing it with others...I am also going to print it and post it on my fridge. Thank you for taking time to share this message. Its message is too important to delete. Deb
  17. Norme, I am sorry I'm posting so late...I hope that Buddy is feeling better, and if not yet, than I hope that he will real soon. Its so frustrating how someone could be doing so well, and then the chemo kicks in and reaks havoc. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Take care, Deb
  18. I agree that you should look into getting another opinion. It is probably some type of infection (regarding the fact that you are actually coughing something up), the pain could be from the pregnancy itself-how far along are you? And, congratulations-by the way . It is very good that you quit smoking, not only for yourself, but for your future son or daughter. You probably know that smoking can cause severe problems for the baby, including premature birth, severe asthma, low birthweight, etc.. My sister in law never quit during her pregnancy and developed a bad cough that broke her water prematurely, her son was born THREE MONTHS premature!! The little fellow had to fight like hell to live, but he did it...he is actually a mischevious 9 year old now. But the affects of her smoking did their job. He is asthmatic and develops bronchitis quite often. Unfortuanatly she never made "the connection" between the smoking and his health problems...and if I say anything IT WILL BE TOO MUCH !!! The sister-in-law thing makes it even harder . Anyway, my point-and I do have one-is that you have done the right thing by quitting and taking care of yourself. Get a second opinion. I don't know what types of tests can be done, seeing as how you are pregnant, but it is well worth looking into. Knowledge is power, and when you find out officially that it is "nothing", knowledge is also comforting and way the He** less stressful!! Take care, and good luck. Keep us posted, Deb
  19. Connie, I was so glad to see your post...sorry about the re-play on the surgery that is needed...but it gives you a chance to build up your strength in the meantime. You have been in my thoughts and prayers. You have been missed! Take care, Deb
  20. Mary, thank you for sharing your story-I needed it...just was feeling down today, but your story really helped. Prepare for battle...ENGAGE!!! GO! Take care, deb
  21. Debaroo


    I am praying hard for Judy to get through this and get better. She is one H-E-double hockey sticks of a lady. Deb
  22. Cris, please tell your mom Hello from Deb (debaroo). She is a fantastic lady, but your probably already know that, she is well loved here. Hopefully this will turn out to be something like arthritis. Prayers and positive thoughts being sent Judys' way. I'll be keeping an eye out for any updates. Until then, please take care-Deb
  23. Tonya, please accept my condolences for the passing of your dear father. It is so wonderful that your family was with him when he left the physical world. I can't imagine how sad you are, but as you are proud of your father, I am sure that he was of you, too. I hope that, in time, your memories are of comfort to you. I hope that you stay on here, as Don said, you are part of our family now, and we would like to hear more from you. Deb
  24. Shordy, I am so, so sorry for your loss. Deb
  25. Gloria, I am so sorry for your loss of your dear life partner and husband. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Deb
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