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Everything posted by J.C.

  1. Wednesday already, weeks are shorter or fuller. Grateful that my eyesight test, (after the bout of allergies all in the head) still shows *Excellent vision*. This way I will see where I am even if I don't know where I'm going. --------- Of all the things God created, I am often most grateful He created laughter. (Charles Swindoll) -------------- Have a good day. Jackie
  2. So sorry to see both sides of the family fighting hard. Prayers for all. Jackie
  3. Don, Wishing you well on the test. Yes, the radiation could have side effects on the heart also the lungs. Always remind me of an old car, you fix one part and the next one soon needs to be fixed till in the end the car is nearly all new parts. Jackie
  4. Grateful for the mild weather we are having, the snow banks are all melting fast. More warmer days will leave us ready to face more winter weather next week. --------- God's heart is the most sensitive and tender of all. No act goes unnoticed, no matter how insignificant or small. (Richard J. Foster) ---------- Have a good day. Jackie
  5. Good Monday morning, Back to work day. Grateful for the nice day I had with Lucile, nothing like laughter to brighten a day and life. Grateful for this forum, ----------- The capacity to care is the thing that gives life its deepest meaning and significance. (Pablo Casals) ---------------- Have a good Monday Jackie
  6. Philadelphia....... and I'm French from Canada. Jackie
  7. Welcome back Ann, Employment outlook should wake up for March, at least here in Quebec (Canada) the past looney uprise sent people to the unemployment line very fast but with the period of holidays to finish the year all stayed on the back burner, now the wake up call is loud and results should follow. A bit the same for the real estate situation. Good luck to all. Jackie
  8. Suzy, Glad for your sister, it looks as if 2008 will be a good year all around. Good start for it. Jackie
  9. Aaron, Thank you for letting us know how you are feeling, better days will come with all the prayers and good wishes we are all sending. Hugs to you and Julia. Jackie
  10. J.C.

    One Step at a Time

    Teri, Thank you for sharing, all will be done when it gets done but in time. Have a good year 2008. Jackie
  11. Good Sunday morning to all, We are getting milder weather for a few days, so grateful for that to start and today will see my friend Lucile for a good chat, meal and plenty of laughter as usual, grateful for that friendship. ---------- The greatest joy of life is the conviction that someone loves us because of ourselves, or rather, loves us in spite of ourselves. (Victor Hugo) --------------- Have a good day Jackie
  12. Sending prayers to your mother. Statex was the interdose medication my husband had with the Fentanyl patch, it did not affect his mind just took the pain away till the next patch. Hugs Jackie
  13. J.C.

    Need info

    Robin, Do you still live in Arkansas???? that is the only place you mentioned a while back.???? Prayers that you find the help needed and prayers that you start to fell better. Hugs Jackie
  14. J.C.

    Making a Baby

    No wonder......... Jackie
  15. J.C.


    Freckles An elderly woman and her little grandson, whose face was sprinkled with bright freckles, spent the day at the zoo. Lots of children were waiting in line to get their cheeks painted by a local artist who was decorating them with tiger paws. "You've got so many freckles, there's no place to paint!" a girl in the line said to the little fella. Embarrassed, the little boy dropped his head. His grandmother knelt down next to him. "I love your freckles. When I was a little girl I always wanted freckles," she said, while tracing her finger across the child's cheek. "Freckles are beautiful." The boy looked up, "Really?" "Of course," said the grandmother. "Why, just name me one thing that's prettier than freckles." The little boy thought for a moment, peered intensely into his grandma's face, and softly whispered, "Wrinkles." Jackie
  16. J.C.

    2007 Calender

    Still have so many things, but no day is right to get rid of them......... One day........ but not mow. Jackie
  17. Good day all, Grateful for friendship found in life. --------------- So long as we are loved by others I would almost say we are indispensable; and no man is useless while he has a friend. (Robert Louis Stevenson) ------------- Hugs to all Jackie
  18. Cori, I think with the posts you had in answer you already feel a bit better. Just wanted to welcome you to this forum for the help you need, sorry you had to find it, but it is the best you can have access to. Hugs Jackie
  19. Marci, Prayers for good results. Jackie
  20. Thank you Linda for your post, some of your words really help. A good year 2008 for you Hugs Jackie
  21. Good morning all, Weekend coming to those that had to work this week. Grateful for yesterday, was able to do volunteer work for the first time since November. More volunteer hours today to round up the week. ----------- Kind words are jewels that live in the heart and soul and remain as blessed memories years after they have been spoken. (Marvea Johnson) ------------- Have a good day. Jackie
  22. A radiant smile, Happy Birthday, Kennedy Hugs Jackie
  23. Prayers for both. Asking news. If we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. (I John 5:14) Jackie
  24. Welcome Linda, sorry you have to join but you have reached the best place for information and support. Was a lurker also when my husband had lc, that was 2003 and I'm still here, so for me and so many the best place for everybody that are touched by lc. Congratulations for those eighteen months, wishing you years to go with them. You will be able to help people in Canada specially on the West coast with the health system, hospital care, and the tests so different than in the States. Will be nice to see more posts from you. Wishing you a good year 2008. Jackie
  25. Good Thrusday mornig all, Snow all taken care of, grateful I still can dig and showel snow at my age and if not in a hurry enjoy it. In thirty days 6 feet 8 inches of snow was the total we got..... Grateful the absentee owner was present yesterday morning (rent collecting)and had to help cleaning the parking lot, a neighbor was doing the talking about the misssing services that we pay for, and found out that only 10 units are rented out of 28....and the money they are losing each month prevent them giving us the services that are charged in the rent. Grateful that I'm free and once more able to move to a better place where I will get the services I'll be paying for. Could say the resolution I was thinking about for 2008 was to find a place where I could live the few years I may left and get all the services I would be paying for, not a beautiful lease with promises and nothing after. Have a good day. Jackie
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