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Connie B

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Everything posted by Connie B

  1. Hey Janet W. Not to worry my friend, I covered your _ _ _ _ for not sending Peter a Welcome, before you shared with him you thought he was nuts!!! Now all I can hope for is that Peter has a sense of humor!!! If I remember right, I think he does!!!! Warm and Gentle Hugs,
  2. Dear Tammy. I'm sorry to have to welcome you to this wonderful board, but I'm also happy that you found us. Tammy, I'm with you on the "Confused Part"! Oh this disease is and can be so very "Confusing". All I know, is for me, I was dx.d in 1995 at the age of 43 with Stage IIIA (Adeno). On July 25, 1995 I went into surgery to have my right lung removed. My surgeon said, "When you come to after surgery, and I tell you I took your entire lung, that's a GOOD THING"! (easy for him to say)! Anyway, I came out of surgery, and was told he had taken my left lung, along with several lymph nodes, because 2 of the lymph nodes were positive for cancer. When my surgery was all over they Re-staged me a IIIB. 8 Weeks later, I was doing chemo and radiation treatments and now am soon to be 8 year lung cancer SURVIVOR. Now, what is SO confusing to me is, They did surgery on me and (lucked out) why not TRY it on others that are Stage IIIB? I do know that a LOT depends on where the tumor IS, and what lymph nodes are involved, etc........ But, I have to say, that TODAY, all my doctor's tell me I am a MIRACLE!!! I have also heard stories of people that are Stage IIIB undergoing Chemo FIRST, and then being Re-staged and doing Surgery. SOOOOOOO!!!! My wish would be if we on this board could get a Surgeon, or Onc. Doc, or WHOEVER, that could better Explain this to all of us, in LAYMENS Terms!! But, I know I have asked time and time again, of my doctor friends why this and why that, and they always say, "It all depends on THIS THAT AND THE OTHER THING"! My Pulm. Doctor has also said, Staging is and can be VERY tricky at time, as well as CONFUSING!! So I'm afraid I am no help to you. However, I do wish you all the best with your mom and I hope and pray she too can be a long term lung cancer survivor just as I am. Warm and Gentle Hugs,
  3. Hi Peter R!! Welcome to the board no one wants to be a part of, yet we are all very happy to have one another!! I just wanted to say, (jokingly) Don't you love the way we welcome you here by saying, :Five days you went back to work after surgery, "WHAT ARE YOU NUTS?" Gotta tell you when Janet W wrote that I just craked up laughing!!!! But I also have to say, she took the words right out of my mouth!!! You are by far one of the VERY LUCKY ones!! HOORAY FOR YOU!!! I have a friend who had his entire Right lung removed 9+ years ago at the age of 58 and he went back to work 16 days after his surgery! I gotta tell you, I thought he was NUTS TOO!!! But, he is still here and right now today, he called and told me he has pneumonia. BIG BUMMER!!! Well, I just wanted to WELCOME you, and also wanted to share I tend to agree with our Janet W., but I'm SO VERY HAPPY your doing so well! Warm and Gentle Hugs,
  4. Hi Karma, I was thinking this morning that maybe we should all drop an email message to all the Morning Talk Shows, Good Morning America, the Todays Show, etc... and let them know what Revlon has done to us lung cancer survivors. Can't hurt to give it a try. Just a suggestion. Warm and Gentle Hugs,
  5. Hey Cathy, I was just sitting here reading your message about being tired of cancer?! WOW, you took the words right out of my mouth. Sometimes I know for me, I need to walk away from some of the cancer issues. Although at times that's hard to do, being I facilitate a Lung Cancer Support Group, plus I am a Phone Buddy for ALCASE, etc..... Plus my own issues of being a cancer survivor. It's funny, sometimes I even forget I am a Lung Cancer Survivor!! When I listen to others and get so involved with everyone else's issues, I then totally forget all about mine!! Not that I have any major ones at this time, but there are times, even I need to vent or unload, or walk away from lung cancer issues, and I find I don't do that as often as I should. Do you do that????? It's okay to feel sorry for yourself every now and then, as long as you know enough to snap out of it!! We have all earned the (POOR ME'S) every now and then. Well anyway, it's okay in my book that you walk away now and then. To much of anything isn't healthy!!! hhehehe! Wishing good things for you. Warm and Gentle Hugs,
  6. Connie B

    For Sandy

    Dear Sandy, Sorry to hear about your CT scan, but it is good they are doing a PET scan. Good luck on Friday and know your in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us posted. Warm and Gentle Hugs,
  7. Hi Shannon and Mr Mike! What good news!!! Mike you must be part BULL??!!! hehehe!! Or maybe I'm thinking OX!!! hehehe! What ever, I sure am glad your one STRONG GUY!!! I will safe the CHAT for when I give you two a call. Just know that I am paying attention to how things are going with you two. Prayers, Prayers and More Prayers. And Shannon guess what? I am still doing that begging thing with Our Lord for a BIGGER Miracle!! Warm and Gentle Hugs,
  8. Connie B

    Great news

    Rosanne & Gianni; Way to go GIANNI!!! YOU GO MY FREIND!! YOU JUST KEEP BEATING THIS CRUD!!! WOW.... Good News!!! Rosanne, I can see your smiling face in Minnesota. (oh maybe that's my smile, because WE didn't get any of that snow!) Just missed us!!! YIPPIE!!! Good News for you BOTH! Thanks for sharing with us. I will continue with my prayers. Warm and Gentle Hugs,
  9. Dear Kelly, I am very sorry you may need to be a part of this board. I had a Dear Aunt with COPD and in my opinion, COPD isn't much better then Lung Cancer. However, my Aunt did have COPD for about 9 years before she passed away at the age of 74 just last year. My Aunt was on Oxygen 24/7 for her last 8 years. Is your mom on oxygen? We also learned with my Aunt that because of her COPD her heart was also working (overtime) so to speak, and the right side of her heart had become enlarged. I did have a very very dear friend (like a second father to me) who had COPD, and lung cancer. However, he also passed away 3 years ago at the age of 82. What are your mother's doctor's doing to determine if she has lung cancer? Please understand that COPD is also a very serious lung disease all by itself. Warm and Gentle Hugs,
  10. Connie B

    Letter to Revlon

    Hey Dave, WOW.......... Right between the eyes!!! WAY TO GO BUDDY!! AWESOME letter!! I'm going to send one pretty much just LIKE YOURS!!! DIRECT and TO THE POINT!! (right between the eyes)! Imagine that?! hehehehe! Warm and Gentle Hugs,
  11. Dear Renee, SOCIAL WORKERS!!! The hospital should have one, two or more Social Workers that can lend you a hand. There are programs that will pay for extended help, and the Social Workers should know how to get set up with them. Exactly what type of Specialised care are you thinking of? So much can depend on your mother's income, finances, etc.... But, you could check with Medical Assistance also, or the Social worker can tell you if she would qualify. To be very honest with you most people on Medical Assistance get very very good health care. God Bless and Good Luck, Warm and Gentle Hugs,
  12. Dear Libby, I totally agree with what Fay has said. I also do what Fay does as far as leting the doc's know ASAP about breathing problems. I know that Iressa for example a side effect is pneumonia. So, please have your hubby checked out ASAP. The minute you notice a difference, call the DOCTOR!! ESPECIALLY on TRIALS!!! And I am trying to SCAR YOU!! I'm not trying to be mean, just trying to help! I have had a couple of my Support Group members go through trials and they told me that there doctor's told them to call ASAP if they notice any changes in breathing, skin, coughing, headaches, etc..... Please keep us posted. Warm and Gentle Hugs,
  13. Hey John, Well, I third what Katie and Tiny have said about being "LUCKY TO HAVE YOU ON THIS BOARD"! I think I may have thanked you before, but It doesn't matter how many times I may have thanked you, More is BETTER!!! Your a Bless and such a wonderful asset to all of us that need some education on this subject. THANK YOU!! I'm with you, I sure would like to see this cancer (crap) long gone in a few years!!! You must have been a WONDERFUL help to your mom!! I can tell you were a wonderful son!! I'm sure she was and still is very proud of you. Warm and Gentle Hugs,
  14. Connie B

    Good Scan

    Hey Tiny, That is GREAT NEWS!!! Did you ever in your life think we would be cheering someone on with scarring??? GREAT NEWS!!! The other day in my Support Group one of my members found out he has Radiation pneumonitis and again, we all cheered!!! At least it wasn't a tumor!! My how life changes in a heart beat when living with cancer. Enjoy the ICE CREAM, I think I'll join you! Sounds pretty darn good to me! I go this Friday for my CT scan. Haven't had one in over a year. I saw my Pulm. Doc today and I told him I would really like one. I also told him my Onc. Doc said I only needed Chest X-rays from here on. Well, my Pulm Doc is on the same page as I am when it comes to CT scans, so off I go for my CT Scan on Friday. Yippeeee!! Warm and Gentle Celebration Hugs,
  15. Hi, Well, I can say that I am a soon to be 8 year Lung Cancer Survivor of Adeno, Stage IIIB (WITH) surgery! As for without, I honestly don't know. Yet, I do know of those with Stage IV that are survivors of 3+ years. As for the doctor not giving you an answer I say: "GOOD FOR HIM/HER" Smart move on the Doctor's part! I say that because I'm guessing they don't honestly know anymore then we do as who will survive and who won't!! Anything is Possible, however, I HONESTLY DON'T think this is something that is BLACK AND WHITE! Only because everyone is different. So, as for answers to your questions regarding survival, I say, only the man up-stairs has your answers. There is NO time frame on how long any of us has or IF the cancer will return. God only knows! I know in my case, I'm pretty sure I shouldn't be here today, but I am!!! And will my cancer come back? WHO KNOWS!! I have NO idea if it will come back!! And I don't think my doctor's know the answer to that either. Nor would I expect them to give me an answer to that question. They are doctor's not GOD! So, from my humble opinion, there is NO STRAIGHT POOP ANSWER for your questions!! But, I sure would get a second, or third opinion if I wasn't comfortable with what I was hearing from my Doc's. So, this one is up to you my friend. Good Luck. Warm and Gentle Hugs,
  16. CONGRATULATIONS HOPEFUL2!!! What WONDERFUL NEWS for YOU and for us!!! Have fun celebrating your REMISSION!!! I sure love hearing this kind of news!! Way to go my friend!!! Warm and Gentle Hugs,
  17. Hi Diana, Well, you have had some warm welcomes to our family already, however, I to wish to say WELCOME! Your in a very safe place here. I also had my left lung removed along with chemo and radiation treatments after my surgery. I was a Stage IIIA-B, Adenocarcinoma. I was 43 years old at the time I started my journey, and the depression was very overwhelming. However, I toughed it out on my own like a dummy!! (and I don't mind saying I wouldn't do that ever again!) Drugs are a GOOD THING!!! But, I would like to add that Chemo DOES add to the tears we tend to shed. When I went through chemo I would cry at the drop of a pin. And I have heard others express that same problem with the chemo. But, like Bobmc Says: This to shall pass! And it does. As for recovery, I was pretty much up and going very normal about 12 months after I completed all my treatments and surgery. The chemo and radiation can be a slow down on our recovery, but it's only temporary! I was back to cutting grass, doing yard work, and pretty much everything else 12 to 14 months after I completed everything. The one thing I DIDN'T do very much is exersise. Shame on me! I bought a Treadmill after 2 years and boy did that make the difference. So trust me when people say excersise, by all means do it the best you can. I hope you will find as much comfort and support here as I have and please feel free to ask anything you feel is important to you on this journey. We're here to help, and support one another. Oh, My hubby was at his wits ends with me too, but, just assure him this will get better. Your husband may even have some questions he might want to ask of the Caregivers on this board. This is a family disease and he needs just as much support on this journey as you do my dear. So, maybe you would like to get him involved here. Can't hurt! Take care, and stay with us. We'll walk the walk with you and in time you'll be offering a new member the same support and love we are offering to you. Warm and Gentle Hugs,
  18. HOGWASH!!! This is 2003. They said those things when my dad had his surgery in 1970, however, my poor wonderful dad was full of cancer when they opened him up. But, I have to say, I haven't heard that one for a very long time now! We didn't have the information back in the 70's that we patients have at hand today. Mary, I am a soon to be 8 year lung cancer survivor of Stage IIIB Adeno, with two cancerous lymph nodes. I underwent surgery, chemo and radiation and here I am TODAY and DOING WELL I might add! You can read my story all over this board, so I won't bore everyone with it again. Best of luck to you and your family. You might also want to read Judy's stories as well on the board. Warm and Gentle Hugs,
  19. Connie B


    Dear Ralph, I'm sorry, but I am STILL confused (although that's no big shock) on what it is they are TRYING to say your mom has! Of course I am NOT a doctor and I don't know all the doctor garble! However, I mentioned in another message to you, have you considered taking your mom to MAYO Clinic? If that report you just wrote to us was MY report, I would be asking my Doctor to EXPLAIN in LAYMENS terms, ENGLISH or just what ever it takes to make me understand. But, from what you wrote, I understand them to read (THEY ARE NOT SURE)?! You might want to ask Sam on the board here if maybe just maybe he can explain this to you. He's got the MD behind his name! Or like I said, I would sure ask her doctor's to explain this. Or I would go to Mayo for a SECOND opinion! Might be worth the ride. Oh one more thing, my Pulm. Doc told me a long time about that Staging can be VERY CONFUSING at times even to doctor's. Soooooooo...... Good Luck, Warm And Gentle Hugs,
  20. Dear Ralph and John. First I want to say, Ralph have you looked into Mayo?? I have a dear friend from Iowa who goes to Mayo because she wasn't happy with the care & treatments she got in Iowa when she was going through her lung cancer journey. (everyone has an opinon)! By the way, she has been VERY PLEASED with the care she has gotten at Mayo Clinic. Also, I was a stage IIIA-B and I am here 7+ years later!! Second, John BLESS YOUR HUGE HEART for all the wonderful information you share with all of us. Your right on the ball my friend!! THANK YOU!! Warm and Gentle Hugs,
  21. Connie B

    Great News!

    Hi Estelle, WOW, what AWESOME NEWS!! Way to go!!! HOORAY!!! Will continue to say a prayer that you continue to beat this crud!!! GREAT NEWS!!! Warm and Gentle Hugs,
  22. Dear Gail, I think you are doing a wonderful job with your kids. I think teaching them to be good citizens, to respect & encourage each other, etc. is very important in life. Gail, I THINK YOU DID GOOD!!! I would be GRATEFUL to have had you teach my kids!! Hang in there! Warm and Gentle Hugs,
  23. Dear Faylene, Oh Sweet Friend, I am sooo sorry to hear your mom isn't doing well yet. I will say louder prayers and maybe that will help. I know this has to be very hard on all your family. Take Care. Warm and Gentle Hugs,
  24. Connie B


    Dear Ralph, Regional Lymph nodes (N) NX N) N1 N2 Metastasis to ipsilateral mediastinal and/or subcarinal lymph node(s) N3 Distant metastasis (M) MX M) M1 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Primary Tumor (T) TX TO Tis T1 T2 T3 T4 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Stage Grouping - TNM Subsets Stage IIIA T3N1M0 T1N2M0 T2N2M0 T3N2M0 Stage IIIB T4N0M0 T4N1M0 T4N2M0 T1N3M0 T2N3M0 T3N3M0 T4N3M0 Stage IV Any T Any N M1 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If I were you, I would get a LOT more information from the doctor's then what you have at this point. I can understand why your confused, so am I! There has to be a lot more to your mom's records then what you have relayed here, (I hope)! Check it out and let us know how it goes. This is a very confusing disease and very baffling. Also, what kind of Lung cancer does your mom have? Small Cell or Nonsmall Cell or Large Cell? Good Luck to you and your mom. Warm and Gentle Hugs,
  25. Connie B

    My mother-in-law

    Dear Jean, I am so very sorry to hear of the loss of your dear mother-in-law. Please know your family will be in my prayers. Warm and Gentle Hugs,
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