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Lisa O

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Everything posted by Lisa O

  1. Carlton, I will certainly say some prayers for you.
  2. Becky, I have had timing problems since the Iressa too. My paps have been normal... just not the ovary. I agree with you about anesthesia though. It seems too risky after those lung surgeries - unless it was absolutely necessary. Thanks for the support. I really appreciate it. John, Thanks for the articles. I am guessing the gynecologic oncologist will take a conservative approach in light of this. He is in the same cancer center as my thoracic oncologist so perhaps they can put their heads together. We know I have active lung tumors, so if that is causing the high levels than perhaps a cyst is a cyst.... Thanks for taking the time to do the research. Lisa
  3. We have been following a "cyst" on my ovary since last July or August. It has gotten smaller which was reassuring but it should have gone away by now. It hasn't. I finally decided to do a CA-125 cancer marker which, of course, was elevated. My regular gynecologist said the only way to rule out ovarian cancer or a met of lung cancer was surgery even though there is a very strong likelihood that it is a cyst. I cannot believe I would have a FOURTH primary. I keep wanting to blame the Iressa. I don't even know why I want to do that. Lung cancer was my third primary after melanoma and basal cell (with an aggressive reoccurrence). He referred me to a gynecologic oncologist who is willing to see me tomorrow. I have no idea what to think. I don't even know how to prepare for this appointment tomorrow. Has anyone had a similar experience?
  4. I'll have the chocolate monkey....with plenty of rum!!!! That has chocolate ice cream, bananas and booze, all blended together! Who said we can't have it all?
  5. Lisa O

    Bob MC

    Hi. It was a slow weekend. David A spoke with Bob and found out he is starting chemo on Thursday. He has been through a lot and I am sure he would appreciate continued prayers. I am sorry about your Dad. The updates are now posted in the general forum. Lisa
  6. I'm so sorry Mo. Prayers coming your way.
  7. Lisa O


    Prayers have been said and will keep coming. Thanks so much for the update.
  8. Lisa O

    Back from Florida

    Welcome back T-Bone!! It must have been awesome fishing with your boys!! I really hope they get that leg pain under control - AND FAST for you. I can't answer personally about the port, but I have heard very good things about it. I am sure many experienced people will be mosying along.
  9. Stability is a very good thing David and I pray it lasts for a very very long time!!! I have been checking this board off and on hoping for this update as I knew you were going to the doc on Friday. I am so happy that you spring/summer is off to a feeling good kind of start.
  10. Wow.... It took me so long to post this and now I am so glad I did. Gail, thanks for the perspective. My daughter's school has been great. My oldest daugther is the one about to boil over... but she won't talk. That is another issue. Rochelle, the place you describe sounds wonderful. Fllint is not far from me and it puts my mind at ease at least knowing it exists. My whole family is very close to I-75 and flint and Frankenmuth are very frequent stops, so I would imagine if that ends up being the closest NICE facility, they will be okay with it. I will look into the inpatient hospice places NOW though. Thank you all so much.
  11. Thanks Dean, That does help. Thank you. I will look into whether there is an inpatient Hospice in my area available to me. So far my family remains in complete denial as my side affects are minimal and other than the surgeries they have had very little to deal with. It is helpful to know that the brain mets don't normally cause personality changes. I was concerned with that... .... (even thought I don't have them). I appreciate your response Dean ... and I appreciate you.
  12. I am happy to hear he is out of surgery and wish him a speedy recovery. It sounds like he has been through an awful lot. I'm glad the onc isn't too concerned with the films. Keep the faith.
  13. Lisa O

    5 Finger Prayer

    As always, I look forward to your posts. That was a great one. I am going to print it and teach it to my daughters.
  14. Hi everyone. I have been following the hospice stories with some interest as I am in quite a state of confusion about my own wishes right now. I am currently on Iressa and Celebrex which have held my cancer stable and don't majorly impact my quality of life. I have been told that -of course - any stability is temporary. We know the story. The problem I have is that I appreciate some of the concepts of hospice - but not all of them. I do not, in any way, want my family to have to be involved in personal care if it comes to that. I have children at home (the youngest is only eight) and cannot have them witness that kind of loss of dignity. With Hospice, It seems there is no choice. With modern medicine, I am wondering if there is a choice. I also cannot believe that I would want to be dehydrated at the end. I read final gifts and understand that the hospice nurses say that that we dont need water at the end. I can't imagine that. I am afraid of what I would say or do around my children that may affect them for the rest of their lives. I am afraid of being different than I am. I am afraid of a loss of dignity. Is all of this ok to say here? If not I will delete this.
  15. Oh my!!! That could have put a damper on next easter!!! Good thing you rescued the bunny!
  16. That was very beautiful. Thank you for sharing that beautiful tribute.
  17. How do you get them to the right size.... my program doesn't let me make them small enough???
  18. Mo.... I so agree. I just got back from a carnival. I took my youngest and her friend. They were so cute. Ferris Wheels and spider rides are the scariest things in thier worlds right now.... and as long as I hold their hands, they are ok. Thanks for the post. Enjoy tomorrow. (And of course as Bob likes to say... "always enjoy today")
  19. Lisa O

    Iressa & Indigestion

    Kelly, I do know others who have had this complication. Please make sure his oncologist knows which antacids he is taking and when as certain meds do not agree with Iressa. Good luck.
  20. Hurray! That is a huge accomplishment! It amazes me that my close family members still smoke (not around me of course). I'm proud of you! Lisa
  21. Lisa O

    Iressa & Cytoxan

    Chrissy, I am so sorry about your husbands horrible affects from the Iressa and Cytoxan. It was so unselfish of you to post this to warn others. Your family will be in my prayers. There are others who have had the lung complication from the Iressa. The more warnings to take breathing complications seriously, the better. Thank you and good luck. Lisa
  22. Welcome Char, We met in chat last night. Your husband sounds like a fighter. I wish you both the very best.
  23. Lisa O

    Half Way!!

    Hopefully by the time we get some good weather you will be able to enjoy it. I hope you get some energy soon too!!!
  24. Lisa O

    Home now

    Welcome back!!
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