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Lisa O

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Everything posted by Lisa O

  1. I'm so sorry you had to join us. I hope your husband's chemo works very well. I do agree with Mo.... Find out about the need for transfusions - and ignore the timelines. Goodluck. Lisa
  2. Welcome Bruce! It sounds like you have a lot of experience.... more than any of us would want. I look forward to getting to know you. Lisa
  3. Welcome Beverly, People beat the odds every day in many ways! The trick is to keep living while we're fighting. Lisa
  4. I am wishing you the very best!
  5. Mo, I am so glad that such a kind person is getting some of that kindness back. Enjoy the spring and summer... It'll seem like a blink before it's over!
  6. Shelly, I am adding my prayers for things to get easier. I hope all gets well very quickly. Lisa
  7. Denise, I am sorry about your mom's complications. I don't know much about the chemo options so I will leave the answers to those more experienced. Wishing you the best, Lisa
  8. Lisa O

    10, 9, 8, ....

    Ry, I hope there are no more disappointments and you are rid of your IV for good!!!! Then we can have a cyber celebration.
  9. Lisa O


    I saw that you posted under TBones Test Result Post. I wanted to say a hello to you. I was sorry to hear that your docs don't seem to be helping much but it sounds like you have a handle on pain and attitude. I think of you often and Elaine posted for you under the path less travelled forum. It was nice to see you posting.
  10. Lisa O


    Welcome back Becky! We missed you.
  11. Welcome Glenda (and of course Wayne), As you can probably already tell, if you have to be in this boat, you couldn't be with a better crew. When John posts, he has researched well and it is worthy of a great deal of consideration. I don't know where he gets the time or inclination to help so many of us but you will find him to be a wealth of information. I am also optimistic that new things come out every day... and like Carleen (who cracked me up today ) I would go for any chance I could to increase the effectiveness of chemo if it were available to me. I wish you and Wayne the best.
  12. Geri, We understand. Don't be so hard on yourself. It is perfectly normal to look over your shoulder after what you have been through. Just remember to keep looking forward too.
  13. I'll join in that toast. May we forever remember those who have touched our souls.
  14. Lisa O


    um.... David.... aren't we all afraid of Snowflake?? Have you read her post about the primal therapies? I'm not quite sure what she is screaming at but maybe its Ry?
  15. Lisa O


    David, From what I understand, Ry was so mistrusting of you, she took her little IV pole and everything and went in search of you -- all the way to Ann Arbor Michigan just to verify you weren't off playing hookey!!! You know, Becky is her favorite, so she gives HER special privileges. You, on the other hand, were not trusted without verification.
  16. Lisa O

    A quick Hello

    Mo, I am so glad you are getting recharged because I always look forward to your inspiration and truly enjoy reading your faith filled messages! Enjoy.
  17. Dear Carleen, We have certainly missed you. It sounds like you have certainly filled your time. I do not have the answers to what is going on with Keith's newer issues. It seems we are all so different. Those personal time sundays sound like such a wonderful respite from the rest of the world. How wonderful for the two of you to celebrate your love every week. I think of you both and include you in my prayers often.
  18. Hello. I am back. I don't have a lot of answers but at this point that is reassuring. John, are you sure you're not a doctor??? You had me well prepared for a lot of the discussion. Essentially, it is most likely cysts but not certain enough to put me in the "low risk" category. I may, like Fay, have an elevated CA-125 test because of my lung cancer. It is possible that a beneign tumor could also be causing it. He said we could do serial testing, ultrasounds and CA-125 to see if it stays stable. If it grows I will have the surgery. Stability or downward trend will indicate that I can move to the low risk category. Thanks again for the support.
  19. but we miss you sooooo much when you're not here. hope you get some bites!
  20. Fay, That is interesting. This was my first CA125 so I don't know if it has gone up or down with my cancer. I wonder if they will follow it now. Ry, Thanks. I am hoping for the cyst too! I wonder if they can do the laparoscopy with a local if one is necessary. Phyllis, The xeloda sounds like a great alternative although the Iressa has held me stable for quite a while. I hope it still is. Thanks for the suggestions Thanks everyone for the idesas and support. I am going to the gynecologic oncologist soon and will take it all with me.
  21. I hope your husband recovers quickly. I'm so sorry you are under so much stress. You will be in my prayers.
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