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Lisa O

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Everything posted by Lisa O

  1. Hey.... me too!!!! and we still need to meet for lunch!
  2. I am so sorry that you have to gear up for battle again. You know you have my prayers.
  3. Happy Happy anniversary! It sounds like it has been a journey meant to be and I hope you continue to enjoy yourselves and your celebration.
  4. Lisa O

    Another resource

    Thanks John. You are such a wonderful source of information.
  5. Please let him know we miss him. He is such a supportive member of the board. Thanks so much for letting us know all is well. Lisa
  6. May all your birthday wishes come true.
  7. Mark, What a beautiful and inspiratonal story. It sounds like you brought your mother a great deal of happiness! Thank you so much for sharing your story. I wish you and your new wife all the best.
  8. TBone, Enjoy that deep sea fishing. I look forward to those fish tales! Lisa
  9. Lisa O

    My friend Gerry

    Norme, You are so compassionate and caring. I will add your friends in my prayers. I hope they do come here for support. Lisa
  10. Lisa O

    My Immortal

    Curtis, You have a beautiful way of expressing yourself. I have a feeling Becky's words are still with you and that you will still raise your daugther as a team in some ways. All those years together formed quite a foundation.
  11. Ginny, I am so sorry. I wish I could stop the pain.
  12. I am so sorry about your aunt. Your family, especially your mom, will be in my prayers. Lisa
  13. I am so happy things are looking up!
  14. Pat, I have my fingers crossed for you. Any news?
  15. Good luck Marie. Knock that beast to the ground.
  16. I don't know if this helps, but when my nodules appeared they were guessing that it was a metastasis from a prior melanoma. Instead it was a new lung cancer. I wish you and your family all the best.
  17. I have no answers -- but wish you luck on your journey.
  18. I am so happy for you Arline. Thank you for sharing. I hope we can all share your good news in another five years.
  19. Hi Don.... Wow, You will sure be able to give the docs a great history. Welcome to the group. I know its hard to imagine, but you will come to get a handle on this diagnosis and deal with it in your own way. Your mom is very lucky to have you on her team. There are so many factors that play into what type of treatment we all receive. So many of us have had different combinations so it is hard to say which is in her future. I wish you both the best.
  20. Hi Amy, I am on Iressa. It has worked well for me for quite a while so far - and I hope it works well for your mom. Welcome to the group. Lisa
  21. Karen, I am adding my prayers and thoughts to those of the others. I am so sorry for all you and your husband are enduring.
  22. Lisa O


    I am so very sorry.
  23. I am praying for Mo and her family. I agree with David. Cancer Sucks.
  24. I'm sorry you are still having the pain David. It's good that the tumor hasn't changed much but it would be good if they could quantify that thickening so you could make a decision about the alimta. Keep us posted. You remain in my prayers.
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