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Lisa O

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Everything posted by Lisa O

  1. I have added my prayers.
  2. Thanks Ry.... I can use all the help I can get! (And thanks again for a wonderful day )
  3. I am on 250. I pm'd you about the side affects.
  5. Ry, John and David A know how to throw a party and the Michigan Bash was awesome. I have some pictures to post but don't know how to get them online. I had a great time and it was fantastic to meet everyone in person!
  6. Sharon, The Daves have a JOKING war going on.... most of it has to do with sports. Don't sweat it.
  7. Cheryl, I am so happy the fluid was not cancerous. I am praying for your success with the trial. Lisa
  8. Cheryl, We sure missed all of you too. It was a great party. I think we sent enough bills to David though (I brought a lot of dessert eaters )! It sure would be nice to meet EVERYONE on the board but for now I guess we have to settle for one state at a time. Its great to see your sense of humor is alive and kicking!
  9. Lisa O

    Keith is home

    I am so sorry about all the pain. I just don't know what to say except that you are both in my heart and prayers.
  10. Lisa O

    The Michigan Bash!

    Oh NO David.... I am wishing you luck with everything I've got! Please feel better. I know how much you have been looking forward to this and I can't wait to meet you.
  11. Lisa O

    Resuming chemo

    David, I was wondering how your appointment went. I am so glad you are happy with your choices and feel in control. I'll see you Saturday. Lisa
  12. Welcome, I think you will find all of the support you need here.
  13. I am wishing Bob relief! Keep us posted.
  14. I sure hope all continues smoothly for Lucie!
  15. Lisa O

    Post Surgery

    Welcome home! I would love to see a pic of you with that brace... Just kidding! Mend quickly and keep posting.
  16. I will keep T Bone and his family in my prayers.
  17. Lisa O

    Please let me know

    I had trouble getting in until just now.
  18. Hurray for Hope!!! You certainly are in my prayers!
  19. The nicest gift I have ever seen is a scrap book of pictures along with a personal note written by old friends, family members, anyone close...
  20. I am so sorry for the problems. I hope the docs work fast and and the Iressa works even faster.
  21. Welcome. I'm sorry about your diagnosis but I am sure you will find hope and comfort here. It is great that you found us so quickly!
  22. You certainly have my prayers!!
  23. Well I can certainly understand why you might feel emotionally fragile... you have been through so much. I am glad for the update. Thank goodness you have a clean brain and better pain control. Now you can move on with the fight.
  24. Lisa O

    apb for phyllis

    Has anyone heard from Phyllis? I sent her an IM 7/11/04 and it remains unopened. She was having such a rough time and I am truly concerned. Lisa
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