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Lisa O

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Everything posted by Lisa O

  1. another little boot....
  2. Thank you TeeTaa, I know that you understand just how much she needs support right now. Thank you so very much for reaching out to her. You have one huge heart. You remain in my prayers as well. Lisa
  3. Welcome Mandy, We have a wonderful group here, many of which are comprised of the children of those who have the lung cancer. Please also remember that while you may hear of many statistics and hear many stories, LOTS of people do survive lung cancer. What the actual statistic is doesn't matter if your mom is one of them. Help her to keep hope. We are here for you and for your family if you need us.
  4. Welcome Cathy, A fighting attitutde is healthy. This is a great place to come for information and support. I hope we can help.
  5. (((Dede)))) You are so welcome here. I hope we are able to provide some comfort. We have met and I can say that the warmth and compassion we came to know and love in David is a family trait. Again, I am so very sorry for all of the pain and loss suffered by your family. I know your family still has a very tough road ahead and I hope we are able to ease some of the difficulty by sharing some of our memories of your wonderful brother. Lisa
  6. Thanks Elaine, I just did a search and found a post on the 10th.
  7. I have been poking around trying to find him or his posts.... anyone hear from him??? Dean???
  8. Katie, The flowers were beautiful and the note was so touching. David's sisters pointed the beautiful arrangement out to me and commented on the note. I wanted to thank you for sending the flowers from our community.
  9. Lisa O

    Missing Them

    Gosh Fay, me too.
  10. Sorry Cat, I did smoke a day in my life - in college... not enough to constitute a "significant smoking history" (ie. nonsmoking room mate nonsmoking classrooms, nonsmoking dormhalls...) but I can't claim that I never smoked "a day in my life". Although my BAC is not related to my smoking history, I am still uncomfortable with the assumption that tobacco related cancers are somehow less entitled to research money and cure. Therefore, you should probably use Heather and Becky for that story line.
  11. Well said. I totally agree.
  12. Lisa O

    Fun in Heaven

    It's certainly a great thought.
  13. Hebbie, My 8 year old has been crying a lot and having separation anxiety too. She doesn't act out but I am sure worried about the separation anxiety. I do want to be careful also about not contributing to the stigma against smokers who get lung cancer. We just lost two young fathers who were once smokers and they certainly didn't deserve this disease. I agree that we should make it clear that lung cancer can hit all of us - young or old, smokers or nonsmokers .... but the fact that smoking may not have caused my lung cancer or yours doesn't mean that we deserve a cure more or less than any other lung cancer patient. The disease sucks for all of us. I don't mean this to be argumentative but I want to make sure that in our efforts to rid our disease of the stigma, we don't actually divide ourselves and stigmatize or blame some lung cancer patients even more - the implication being that "some of us" don't deserve lung cancer. I am not saying that this is your message - I am cautioning that we have to be careful about how we broadcast our real message.
  14. I would be will to speak to the issue as a mother of young children as well. I do think it affects men too though and older age groups as much as any. I guess the point is that lung cancer does not have any SINGLE face.
  15. I understand Ry. Many many hugs.
  16. Lisa O

    David A

    I have no words to express the sadness I feel at this news. This is truly a very sad day.
  17. Lisa O

    David A

    I am so very sad. David was a very special man with a very special family. He touched the lives of so many people here in such a positive way. I will miss him very much. My deepest condolences go out to his family.
  18. Lisa O

    David A

    Thanks Ry! *&^%$# I sure hope he gets out of there soon!
  19. Lisa O

    hard to breathe

    David, How are you now?
  20. Gail, You should be very proud of yourself for reaching out. That takes a lot of courage. It is also very smart that you are recognizing all of the stressors in your life besides the cancer. It sounds like you have so much going on right now. I hope the vacations, massages and therapy help to take the edge off. Don't forget that we are here too.
  21. Cat, We would be worried about you. We are thinking of you and pulling for you. I am so sorry for all you are going through. Lisa
  22. I am so sorry David. Losing a beloved pet can be devastating.
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