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Lisa O

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Everything posted by Lisa O

  1. Sorry, I am climbing in with Fay. There are very few posts that have bothered me enough that I will just click off without even responding. This was one of them. It is hard enough to battle this beast without worrying about the agenda of each and every person around us. If she is afraid she should seek counseling instead of taking it out on her mother. I would also like to add that we all have free will. Just my opinion.
  2. enjoy your vacation. I will be crossing my fingers for the August scan.
  3. *&@# I am so sorry it has returned. I am glad you are getting on track right away toward chasing it away pronto!!! Lisa
  4. Lisa O

    Our Anniversary

    Congratulations!!! and many many many more happy years together!
  5. Phyllis, This is beyond my comprehension. I am so sorry. I can't imagine the violations of oath going on in your area. There truly are better doctors who will advise you and fight while your choice is to fight. I HATE your doctors. I don't know where you live but if you PM me with your phone number I might have some suggestions. In the mean time you are in my prayers. Lisa
  6. I was given Iressa as first line therapy. I have been very happy with that decision so far.
  7. I can see why Jane. That was quite a smile.
  8. I am certainly keeping you and Cheryl on my prayer list. Thanks for the update!
  9. Welcome back Fay! We missed you too!
  10. Welcome Valerie! Good luck with your new chemo. I am glad you decided to speak up and join us.
  11. Welcome. Tell us all about it! Lisa
  12. Cathy, It is great to hear from you. Thank you for checking in. I hope your scans show good news and that you have a wonderful trip in October.
  13. I am still pulling here....
  14. (((Ginny))) I am sending prayers for both of you. Lisa
  15. I am sending many prayers!!!!!!!!!!
  16. I am so sorry. I understand your anger and am sending prayers for you and your sister.
  17. David S is currently undergoing some new testing and is having a bit of a rough time. I am sure he would appreciate some positive thoughts and prayers right now.
  18. Hi Shiva, Iressa has done well for me. I hope it does well for your mom. Keep us posted.
  19. You are more than welcome to seek support here yourself! Welcome.
  20. Welcome Joyce! It sounds like you guys are really entrenched in the fight! We will be here cheering you on!
  21. Lisa O

    An Update

    Dean, I have missed you but it makes hearing from you even more of a gift. I wish you many happy moments with nature, sunshine and love.
  22. Happy anniversary! I have said some prayers for good test results. I will check the board for progress! Lisa
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